Rose replied to the topic Blogging Buddies Wanted in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 7 months ago
Also, this is somewhat random, but I was reading through some of your posts, and I stumbled across your posts on “The Dancer’s Handbook” and I just had to tell you how much I love it! Your other WIPs also look fabulous, this one just struck a chord with me.
I’m not much of a romance fan in general, but both Jordan and Eliza sound so…[Read more]
Rose replied to the topic Blogging Buddies Wanted in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 7 months ago
Your blog looks fabulous, I followed you!
I’m very excited for your disability representation series! I have many disabled characters, and the representation of it in fiction and issues with how it’s often written has become something of a fascination of mine! I can’t wait to read about it from you!
Also, a resource I recently…[Read more]
Rose replied to the topic Blogging Buddies Wanted in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 7 months ago
Hi Chelsea!
Well, I actually don’t run a blog, just a newsletter, but I’d still love to follow you! What’s your blog’s url?
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic Intertextuality and Disney in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 2 months ago
@josiah Thanks for looking, sorry to waste your time =P Must have been a connection error on my end.
@seekjustice Sorry for the delay. I think Cinderella’s weakness was the classy Shakespearian aspect of it. It just didn’t catch the general public’s interest in the same way that The Jungle Book did the next year with its cast of Hollywood…[Read more]
WisdomOfProse started the topic November Writing Group in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 3 months ago
@ashira @wisdomofprose @rochellaine @scarletimmortalized @eden-anderson @libby @seekjustice @selah-chelyah @samantha-pen @holly-anne @jenwriter17
This is Shira/ @WisedomOfProse! I’ve been fairly busy lately, (hence, my disappearance) my apologies. At any rate, a friend of mine opened a group on the Band app for NaNoWriMo/Writers recently!…[Read more]
Andrew Schmidt replied to the topic Animals for Nonfiction Enthusiasts in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 3 months ago
Hey, nice blog there! Also, very cool dogs!
In case you were curious, I’m still thinking about college. As I have researched more, I came to a realistic conclusion that animal photography better fit my natural strengths than, say, starting up a goldfish shop. However, in another sense, I would still have a business – it…[Read more]
Buddy J. replied to the topic Animals for Nonfiction Enthusiasts in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 4 months ago
@seekjustice – Your blog looks amazing! I also looked at your IG…and it too looks fabulous. I’m not on IG right now, so it’s hard for me to follow things there, but I did subscribe to your blog. Can’t wait to see things come it!
Andrew Schmidt replied to the topic Animals for Nonfiction Enthusiasts in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 4 months ago
Well, that’s still really cool! I would like to own goldfish, but I already have a couple aquariums and have no more room for more fish. However, I am considering working at a pet shop. There will be plenty of fish there (aka goldfish) and other animals, from tarantulas and bearded dragons to hermit crabs and guinea pigs – oh, not to…[Read more]
Buddy J. replied to the topic Animals for Nonfiction Enthusiasts in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 4 months ago
@andrew – Okay first off, taking the career path of an entrepreneur is awesome. College is cool, but what you’re talking about is an underrated way of going about life. In fact, that’s what I’m doing right now. Go for it, man. And yeah, martial arts is a lot of fun to write about. Probably harder to make a career out of than gold-fish, but my…[Read more]
Andrew Schmidt replied to the topic Animals for Nonfiction Enthusiasts in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 4 months ago
Nice! I was curious what Bull Arabs looked like, so I googled them on my phone. I notice they come in a lot of color patterns, which is neat.
Just wondering, what kind of goldfish do your siblings have? Are they fancy goldfish, like one of those really bizarre varieties, or just common or comet goldfish? I have tropical fish, but no…[Read more]
Andrew Schmidt replied to the topic Animals for Nonfiction Enthusiasts in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 4 months ago
Well, it is nice to meet you.
That’s really cool you are a dog trainer. Are you selective in the dog breeds you work with or do you have a love for all dogs in general? What sparked your interest in training dogs?
I have had an array of pets in my past, but I never owned a dog personally… although my house does have a family dog.…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Your Type of Fantasy in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 7 months ago
@esmeralda-gramilton Oh, wow, that is really sad. You’ve really developed this, though!
@lonathecat Awesome! I’ll add it to my list.
@seekjustice Oh, nice! What time periods do you usually set your historical fantasy stories to? And your other fantasy niche sounds quite intriguing! I’d love to hear more about it.
Brian Stansell replied to the topic Your Type of Fantasy in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 7 months ago
That is very interesting, Chelsea. I haven’t really thought of the term historical fantasy, but I guess that is also what some of mine are. It uses the biblical account of history and finds small niches within it, that might easily get overlooked and plants a mystery between those historical milestones.
For instance, I take the…[Read more]
Daeus Lamb started the topic Word War XXI in the forum Word Wars 3 years, 9 months ago
Great job, word warriors!
Group #3: 18,072
Group #2: 7,213
Group #1: 18.072
And the individual record for this month was 8,792, by @corkybookworm
@toklaham-veruzia @hope-ann @seekjustice @hope-mcclellan @r-m-archer @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @gabrielwoods @kari-karast @fairfay @the-golden-light @corkybookworm @abigail-rebekah @cassidy @millen…[Read more]
Whoa! Groups 1 and 3 both had the exact same word count?!
Good job, you guys!! 😀 And congrats, @corkybookworm. 🙂
Thank you so much!
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic Favorite Titles? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 10 months ago
@devastate-lasting I really like those choices! I love the drawn-out nature of a lot of those original Japanese titles. The Town Where Only I Am Missing is probably my favorite on that list. I also really like your I Hid Beneath My Umbrella So the Adults Wouldn’t See Me Cry.
@rose-colored-fancy I like The Rooftoppers title!
@seekjustice Howl’s Mo…[Read more]
Daeus Lamb started the topic Word War XX Winners! in the forum Word Wars 3 years, 11 months ago
Hi friends!
Our word war champions have emerged. In a stunning victory, word war group #3 takes the lead with 14,577 words, group 2 following with 7,358, and group 1 strangely no-show.
The individual with the highest wordcount was @joelle-stone with 6,841 words!
Great job everyone who participated.
Congratulations, @joelle-stone!
Thx Dakota!! 😀 I’ve gotta say that word wars make it much easier to be motivated, heh heh. 🙂 How many did you get?
@joelle-stone 6,511. Yep, they’re motivating. 😉
6511?!? Wow, good job!!! Which team are you on, if I may ask?
@joelle-stone Thanks! And it’s Word War Group 2.
Sad! We’re not on the same team. Oh, well, at least we can still compete!! 😀
@joelle-stone Yep! And the next one isn’t too far off. 😉
Ribbonash replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years ago
YDubs doesn’t sound familiar to me. What is the link for it?
Thanks! Oh, cool! I certainly plan to do that some time in the future!
Thank you! ^_^ It has been a year now. I’m still in the first draft, at the beginning. -_- Something that I really hope that I can fix this year. 🙂
Fair enough. I only used my special sentence so I don’t…[Read more]
CharityL replied to the topic An Introduction in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years ago
@seekjustice Favorite recent reads have been Return of the Thief and Out of the Silent Planet.
Danielle Ansiel replied to the topic Hello everyone! 🙂 in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 1 month ago
Yes! I have done ballet since I was 2. That’s so cool that you are taking an adult ballet class! Ballet is so fun. What is Highland dancing? I have never heard of that before. 🙂
My favorite authors are L.M. Montgomery and Carol Kinsey. My favorite books are the Anne of Green Gables series, Narnia, and Until Proven Innocent. 🙂 What…[Read more]
EpicAddie2 replied to the topic I've Returned! (yet again) in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 1 month ago
@seekjustice Yep! I think I need to read more books that focus a lot on theme/message. Lewis does it really well XD
I’m trying to read all of his books! But so far I’ve only read his fiction. I think my mom has a couple of his theological ones though.
Ohh that’s so interesting! Is it a hard language to learn? I’ve been casually learning French…[Read more]
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