Ribbonash replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 3 years, 11 months ago
I’m glad you liked it. If you have any questions about it or requests for it, feel free to tell me!
Yeah, I understand not doing the mindset course (I started it but haven’t finished it, oops). I am not close to publishing either, but I figured that learning about publishing now doesn’t hurt.
I don’t know why, but I just assume “you” or…[Read more]
Ribbonash posted a new activity comment 3 years, 11 months ago
Thanks! ^_^
Ribbonash replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 3 years, 11 months ago
Haha, yep! My writing moods are like, “This is amazing. This will need very little fixing” and the other is “This is terrible, it needs a complete rewrite or simply deleted from existence”. But even the amazing scenes need a lot of work and terrible ones aren’t as bad as I thought.
Oh, thank you for the recommendations! I…[Read more]
Ribbonash replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 3 years, 12 months ago
I feel like all of us want that.
Here you go: https://ribbonash.blogspot.com/ Oh, yay, I hope you enjoy it. ^_^ Oh, really? That’s so cool! I would totally follow it if you do one! Yes, that is the reason why I started my own last year. And why I got Instagram a few days ago. Having a platform is very useful for publishing. I am alright…[Read more]
Ribbonash replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 3 years, 12 months ago
Oh, I understand that. I wouldn’t want to give him my name either. Wow, her powers are so cool! I am very much hoping over here that I can met them!
Yeah, the problem with having more than one POV. But if you do fall into that trap, there are many ways to fix it! Sometimes it takes revising and editing to make the POVs…[Read more]
Ribbonash replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 3 years, 12 months ago
Sorry for the late replies, everyone! The days have been escaping me so fast.
Yep, I believe if you cringe, then you have improved. XD I don’t know about you, but I think I write pretty good during the first draft and if I go, “oof, that’s bad”, it is like a sign of your growth, if that makes sense. Oh, this is your first…[Read more]
Ribbonash replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years ago
Oh, wow, I really love the sound of this sibling relationship! It sounds realistic and cool and something I could easily adore. <3 😀
That’s good! It is something to be proud of. 🙂 Oof, first drafts are fun, am I right? But the best thing is that you can fix it (why I love all of the drafts after the first draft X…[Read more]
Ribbonash replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years ago
Oh, I never thought about it before, but the inside jokes in the fandom are actually really fun! I do enjoy them too! It is great that you can say a random thing out of context and people get it!
Thank you! It is pretty great since it is such a personal thing to Smoke and for this book particularly I think it needs something…[Read more]
Ribbonash replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years ago
Ah, it might have been Alabama Rose’s blog cause I’ve never even heard of The Young Writers Worship. Okay, I might check out it, though I won’t join cause I really don’t have the money for it right now.
It does depends on the story! My other novel was easier to write. This current one is such a big mess and it is making the story hard to…[Read more]
Ribbonash replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years ago
YDubs doesn’t sound familiar to me. What is the link for it?
Thanks! Oh, cool! I certainly plan to do that some time in the future!
Thank you! ^_^ It has been a year now. I’m still in the first draft, at the beginning. -_- Something that I really hope that I can fix this year. 🙂
Fair enough. I only used my special sentence so I don’t…[Read more]
Ribbonash replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years ago
Me too! So far it has been lovely just chatting with people who share my passion! Good to know! Okay, I will!
Ribbonash replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years ago
Thank you! I certainly believe so!
Ooh, that’s sounds so cool and unique!
Aww, I’m so glad to hear that! I just love talking about my writing world and it’s so big because I have so many ideas running around. So I’m pretty sure that I will reveal many parts about it! Feel free to ask any questions about it at any time!
Ribbonash replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years ago
Hey! Nice to see you here too! I believe I will such I’ve been reading the blog posts, listening to the podcast and reading the newsletter for about a year I think. It has been quite a while of silently following!
Ribbonash replied to the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years ago
Hi! Thank you!
I had to look up cyborg myself when I started a book about one, so I totally understand that. Thank you! Haha, yeah, it is pretty bittersweet, isn’t it? No, I don’t, but I’ve heard/read/watched enough about soldiers having to live life after a war that it pulled my heartstrings so much so that I wanted to write about…[Read more]
Ribbonash started the topic Hello in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years ago
Hello, everyone! I’m new around here.
I write fantasy and some dystopian too. My current WIP is a dystopian about a young male cyborg who is struggling to live after the war.
What about your current WIP? I love to hear about them!
Ribbonash's profile was updated 4 years ago
Ribbonash joined the group Fantasy Writers 4 years ago