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How to Write Emotion-Grabbing Romance without Sex Scenes

How to Write Emotion-Grabbing Romance without Sex Scenes

Have you ever read a book or watched a movie where the interaction between two lovers became graphic? Or been absorbed in an adventure story and suddenly had to skim unnecessarily steamy scenes? I have, and I hate it. Not only does the sensuality rip me out of the story and make me roll my eyes, it taints the characters (and prevents me from recommending an otherwise great novel).

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How to Triple Your Writing Speed in One Day

How to Triple Your Writing Speed in One Day

A few months ago, I maxed out my schedule. That may sound stressful, but it was actually a happy occasion. I began a new job I felt good about. The sad part? I lost writing time. Thankfully, I prepared for the shift in my routine months beforehand. If I could only work on projects during the evenings and Saturdays, I knew I’d slip into a pattern of releasing books three or more years apart—especially considering the complexity and monstrous size of my epic fantasy novels. I didn’t want to make readers (or myself!) wait that long.

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Podcast #79: Finale: Navigating Change as a Writer

Podcast #79: Finale: Navigating Change as a Writer

To celebrate the last five years of the podcast and to reflect on this big season of change for Story Embers, host James Noller sits down with Josiah DeGraaf, Mariposa Aristeo, and Daeus Lamb to discuss how to navigate seasons of change as a writer. They dig deep to share personal stories of change in their own writing journeys. They give heartfelt advice on what to do when your writing practice doesn’t look the same as it used to during big life transitions, as well as what to do when you are changing as a writer.

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Yes, Your Writing Really Is a Gift for Others

Yes, Your Writing Really Is a Gift for Others

When you think of Christmas shopping, visions of toys, jewelry, clothes, and candy probably dance in your head. That’s if you’re a normal human being. If you’re a little weird and a lot nerdy, you get starry-eyed over Lord of the Rings mugs, graphic T-shirts with famous literary quotes, and stacks of books as tall as skyscrapers. I’m guessing that everyone reading this falls into the latter category. Am I right?

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Podcast #77: How to Craft Impactful Themes (with Kerry Nietz, Laura VanArendonk Baugh, and Lori Z. Scott)

Podcast #77: How to Craft Impactful Themes (with Kerry Nietz, Laura VanArendonk Baugh, and Lori Z. Scott)

Listen to expert advice from Christian authors Kerry Nietz, Laura VanArendonk Baugh, and Lori Z. Scott as they show you how to discover the theme of your story, how to write about God authentically in fiction, how to know when you’re experienced enough to tackle a theme, how to create realistic and subtle character arcs that convey a theme, and much more!

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