Josiah DeGraaf commented on the post, The Secret to Developing Authentic Characters That Resonate with Readers 1 year, 5 months ago
Glad you’re enjoying them! 🙂
Josiah DeGraaf changed their profile picture 1 year, 5 months ago
Josiah DeGraaf replied to the topic New Phase of Life… Aka: Goodbye! in the forum Contemporary Fiction Writers 1 year, 11 months ago
@olivia Good question! I’ll let Daeus answer the forum question since he knows that better than I do. But the emails and forum access are not connected. You’ll need to manually unsubscribe your email at the bottom of the email to stop receiving those. (:
Glad to have been with you for this last part of your journey!
Josiah DeGraaf commented on the post, Taking Dominion with Your Stories Involves More Than Fighting Culture Wars 1 year, 12 months ago
It’s a real blessing to know we can rest in the Spirit instead of our own efforts. 🙂
Josiah DeGraaf commented on the post, Taking Dominion with Your Stories Involves More Than Fighting Culture Wars 1 year, 12 months ago
Thanks for reading and commenting, Katherine! Really glad you appreciated this article.
Josiah DeGraaf commented on the post, Taking Dominion with Your Stories Involves More Than Fighting Culture Wars 1 year, 12 months ago
While it’s possible to be cowardly, there is a profound difference between being tactful & prudent on the one hand, or shirking courage on the other hand. And in many ways, acting wisely with prudence does take a certain amount of courage itself to do well. 🙂
Josiah DeGraaf commented on the post, Taking Dominion with Your Stories Involves More Than Fighting Culture Wars 1 year, 12 months ago
You’re quite welcome, Benjamin. And yes, while what I’m getting at has a variety of different applications, it does share a lot of key similarities with the concept of showing instead of telling. 🙂
Josiah DeGraaf commented on the post, Taking Dominion with Your Stories Involves More Than Fighting Culture Wars 1 year, 12 months ago
Books give us such a great opportunity to gently mirror Christ’s truth to readers. Love the way you phrased that!
Josiah DeGraaf wrote a new post, Taking Dominion with Your Stories Involves More Than Fighting Culture Wars 2 years ago
Editor’s Note: This article is the second installment in our four-part series on pursuing the storyteller’s great commission. To learn why we’re running this series and how we’re approaching each topic, read ou […]
Absolutely!! I’ve never been the type to be all up in people’s faces about what I believe when I think they’re wrong, and some people in my life have interpreted that as cowardice. But the thing is, I’ve seen too much of this militant preachiness, both from my own “side” and from people not on my “side.” I don’t want to be like that. I want to be different. It’s encouraging to be reminded that sometimes a quieter way forward is the most effective way forward.
While it’s possible to be cowardly, there is a profound difference between being tactful & prudent on the one hand, or shirking courage on the other hand. And in many ways, acting wisely with prudence does take a certain amount of courage itself to do well. 🙂
Thanks for this article Josiah! I love it. It creates a beautiful picture, especially with the creation and garden imagery. A part of the purpose of story is awakening people to deeper truths.
I think what you’re talking also describes a greater level of the concept of ‘show’ don’t tell’ doesn’t it? In our writing and in our lives. Not that we shouldn’t tell the truth, but we should show it with it’s lifestyle, patterns, and themes more than we tell it, or the telling lacks impact.-
You’re quite welcome, Benjamin. And yes, while what I’m getting at has a variety of different applications, it does share a lot of key similarities with the concept of showing instead of telling. 🙂
Wonderful guidance on applying our craft to His glory, attracting readers His way. The brutal culture wars exhaust & frustrate me. You call us to act like Jesus, who used parables to reach the hearts of sinners. Which, of course, we all are. I love reading books that gently mirror what I most need to learn or be reminded to honor.
Books give us such a great opportunity to gently mirror Christ’s truth to readers. Love the way you phrased that!
Nothing speaks like a good garden metaphor! Loved what you said about the Spirit’s power being greater than our worries regarding subtlety. Wonderful article and a great reminder to crack open my Bible and read some Genesis.
It’s a real blessing to know we can rest in the Spirit instead of our own efforts. 🙂
Thanks for reading and commenting, Katherine! Really glad you appreciated this article.
Josiah DeGraaf replied to the topic Fantasy Writers/Character Castle Not Working? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 3 months ago
@e-n-leonard @lady-grace @this-is-not-an-alien @inkhorn @calidris @mamaauthoress Alright; how about now? I think I fixed it for real this time. 🙂
Josiah DeGraaf replied to the topic Fantasy Writers/Character Castle Not Working? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 3 months ago
@calidris @lady-grace @rose-colored-fancy @inkhorn @e-n-leonard My apologies for the errors! It looks like there was a software update that inadvertently broke those pages. I have undone that update, and the groups/profiles should be working now…let me know if it’s fixed for you or not!
Josiah DeGraaf commented on the post, Why Triangles Are the Secret to Writing Killer Scenes Every Time 2 years, 3 months ago
Glad you found it helpful, David! We have plenty other articles on the blog like this one that we’d love for you to learn from. 🙂
Josiah DeGraaf commented on the post, Frustrated Writers Don’t Need More Answers, They Need More Time with God 2 years, 5 months ago
Amen! Glad you were able to stumble upon this article yesterday. (:
Josiah DeGraaf commented on the post, The Real Reason People Read Fiction (and Why This Matters to Writers) 2 years, 5 months ago
Great point about Wodehouse vs. Tolkien. 🙂 While both offer great experiences, they are definitely quite distinct from each other! I certainly wholeheartedly agree as well with the notion that meaningful experiences also teach us how to live life well.
Josiah DeGraaf wrote a new post, The Real Reason People Read Fiction (and Why This Matters to Writers) 2 years, 6 months ago
At a conference I attended a few summers ago, a New York Times best-selling Christian author taught a session on why people read fiction. During it, the speaker made an interesting claim: while most Christian […]
Josiah DeGraaf commented on the post, The Secret to Writing Depressed (but Not Hopeless) Characters 2 years, 7 months ago
Thanks, Sereena. My heart goes out to those who struggle with depression and anxiety, and I’m grateful to God that he was able to use my words in this way.
Josiah DeGraaf commented on the post, The Secret to Writing Depressed (but Not Hopeless) Characters 2 years, 7 months ago
Glad you found this article helpful, Kristianne! I’m certainly glad that Sara Ella is addressing these topics too. 🙂
Josiah DeGraaf commented on the post, The Secret to Writing Depressed (but Not Hopeless) Characters 2 years, 7 months ago
Finding the right balance is hard. Spending a lot of time praying and thinking about these issues, though, alongside the advice of trusted mentors and beta readers often are able to help. Have you read either our Tricky Subjects series or Beyond the Brokenness series here at Story Embers? I think both of those series would be able to help you with…[Read more]
Josiah DeGraaf wrote a new post, The Secret to Writing Depressed (but Not Hopeless) Characters 2 years, 7 months ago
Editor’s Note: This is the second part of our series exploring the merits of Coral by Sara Ella. You can read the first installment here. Beware that this article and its companions will contain sp […]
What a great article! So thankful for these posts (and I order my copy of Coral because of it).
I’m glad Christian literature has been more open to tackle “grittier” content. This has been my main struggle with my WIP, I want it to be God-honoring, but I don’t want to whitewash the realities of life. I’ve been a Christian my entire life and have been in the depths of despair countless times myself (sometimes because of my own wrong choices, sometimes because tragedies, and sometimes because of things out of my control). I don’t know how to write anything else but what I see as the reality of (Christian) life here on Earth: broken people in a broken world looking for redemption. But I feel like walking a thin line when writing about hard and dark themes (my MC has premarital sex and ends up pregnant and later on deals with postpartum depression. She does find God by the end of the story, but her life isn’t magically resolved because of it). I don’t want to water down the message, but I also don’t want to pretend it doesn’t happen.
I haven’t been able to find the right balance just yet.-
Finding the right balance is hard. Spending a lot of time praying and thinking about these issues, though, alongside the advice of trusted mentors and beta readers often are able to help. Have you read either our Tricky Subjects series or Beyond the Brokenness series here at Story Embers? I think both of those series would be able to help you with this problem as well.
And here are the links to the series Josiah mentioned if you’re interested in reading them:
This is incredibly helpful and insightful! As someone who has gone through depression multiple times, I really appreciate books like Sara Ella’s that honestly yet hopefully portray mental illness. Thank you for addressing these important topics!
Glad you found this article helpful, Kristianne! I’m certainly glad that Sara Ella is addressing these topics too. 🙂
Thank you for this very real and relatable article. As a Christian who struggles with depression and anxiety, I have received some well-meaning but unhelpful comments when I do venture to share my struggles, and I just really appreciate the compassionate, multi-faceted approach you took to the whole topic.
Thanks, Sereena. My heart goes out to those who struggle with depression and anxiety, and I’m grateful to God that he was able to use my words in this way.
Josiah DeGraaf commented on the post, How the New Star Wars Trilogy Teaches Writers to Craft Compelling Symbols 2 years, 9 months ago
You’re welcome! I’m glad you found it helpful. 🙂
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