GabrielWoods replied to the topic Character memes in the forum Characters 5 years ago
@naiya-dyani 不,但是我会说中文
GabrielWoods replied to the topic Character memes in the forum Characters 5 years ago
GabrielWoods replied to the topic Character memes in the forum Characters 5 years ago
Lol. Some of those were just great. Others were great because they were so bad!
GabrielWoods's profile was updated 5 years ago
GabrielWoods's profile was updated 5 years ago
GabrielWoods's profile was updated 5 years ago
GabrielWoods replied to the topic I need help! Coauthoring in the forum Fantasy Writers 5 years ago
@bigideaskc thank you! I think I need to find a time to just sit down and talk to him about it, maybe even talk for like, an hour each week at a specific time. And obviously keep in touch about it in between.
GabrielWoods replied to the topic I need help! Coauthoring in the forum Fantasy Writers 5 years ago
@taylorclogston thank you. I will try to keep him updated and tell him to keep me updated about ideas and stuff.
GabrielWoods replied to the topic “Which You Have Ordained” Critique in the forum Contemporary Fiction Writers 5 years ago
@taylorclogston I think that you should mention more of his surroundings, and maybe something about the service. Perhaps have him think that something the pastor said would contradict his secret.
but I think that you wouldn’t necessarily have to add anything. It’s up to you
GabrielWoods replied to the topic I need help! Coauthoring in the forum Fantasy Writers 5 years ago
@naiya-dyani thanks, I think he wouldn’t mind me writing the ruff draft, but I will check
GabrielWoods started the topic I need help! Coauthoring in the forum Fantasy Writers 5 years ago
I am coauthoring a book with somebody, and am wondering if anybody has any tips. It was his idea so I feel like I should let him write more of the story, but he is really busy right now. Should I just try to write it or should I wait for him to be ready to write again?
GabrielWoods changed their profile picture 5 years ago
GabrielWoods replied to the topic “Which You Have Ordained” Critique in the forum Contemporary Fiction Writers 5 years ago
I think your story was good, maybe you could add a little bit more to the scene at the funeral, it was really short but beside that, I thought it was pretty good. In a really sad way.
GabrielWoods joined the group Contemporary Fiction Writers 5 years ago
GabrielWoods posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
I think you should just try to write, whatever you write first is what you should stick with until you finished the first draft. You can go over it later and edit it. It’s the ruff draft, so it definitely doesn’t have to be perfect.
GabrielWoods joined the group Fantasy Writers 5 years ago