Active 2 years, 11 months ago-
Zachary Holbrook commented on the post, Lifewarden 3 years, 3 months ago
This is beautiful, Khylie. I especially like the mystery introduced in the opening paragraphs.
Zachary Holbrook replied to the topic God in a fantasy universe in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 9 months ago
@mayajoelle The Lore of Yore is set in a pre-incarnation/redemption world that feels like a post-incarnation world (wide spread of churches, no ethnic people group chosen by God, no physical temple)
The one chaplain character feels like a Quaker more than anything else.
Zachary Holbrook replied to the topic Let's Share our Websites in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 9 months ago
https://authorzacharyholbrook.weebly.com/ is my home base from which I shall go forth and dominate the world through writing. On it I share my short story, The Besouler, with those who join my email list.
Zachary Holbrook replied to the topic God in a fantasy universe in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 9 months ago
@mayajoelle My dream is to bridge the gap between Christian and secular audiences. Ideally, a secular reader would see God acting in my story, but accept it as an organic part of the story-world rather than as deus ex machina or a shoehorned evangelism attempt.
The downside to a pre-Incarnation setting is that I think that would drive my stories…[Read more]
Zachary Holbrook replied to the topic God in a fantasy universe in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 9 months ago
@crazywriter @arindown I’m glad my question has sparked some important thoughts. As for me, Christ-figures in alternate universes pose no problem. While we ought to do our best to present truth in our stories, most readers will read fantasy novels as fantasy novels, and not interpret them as literally making claims about other gods in other…[Read more]
Zachary Holbrook replied to the topic Your Story's Big Questions in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 9 months ago
Some of my thematic questions are, How do I know what’s right? What if my most trusted companions tell me to do something, but I still feel guilty for doing it?
And then there are plot questions loaded with tension. <i>What does the talking sword really want? How far will Anya go to resurrect her husband? What will Keylori sacrifice in order t…[Read more]
Zachary Holbrook replied to the topic Muddling through the murky middle… in the forum Plotting 3 years, 9 months ago
@claire_tucker Pain. Find out what your protagonist wants most and take it from them. Then figure out how this will force them to change and move towards the end of their character arc.
K.M Weiland has some great articles on the midpoint at her website, Helping Writers Become Authors. One of the things she says is that the event right in the…[Read more]
Zachary Holbrook started the topic God in a fantasy universe in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 9 months ago
I’m writing this vast interconnected story universe, called the Domidium. Think of it as the Cosmere meets Tolkien’s worldbuilding, but undergirded by my own rapidly developing writing style that I haven’t quite figured out how to describe yet.
I began outlining for the Domidium four years ago, when I was a fairly clueless fourteen-year old. Now,…[Read more]
Zachary Holbrook commented on the post, Shoulders 3 years, 11 months ago
This poem stopped me in my absentminded article-browsing and forced me to give thanks to God– for the poem itself and for the message it contains. Both are beautiful.
Zachary Holbrook commented on the post, Train of Thought 4 years ago
Yeah… wow. This poem is really compelling.
Zachary Holbrook commented on the post, The Impossibility of Joy 4 years, 1 month ago
ALSO it makes me want to watch ‘Inside Out’ again, and write a story about the two girls in the picture.
Zachary Holbrook commented on the post, The Impossibility of Joy 4 years, 1 month ago
I’m having trouble expressing the emotions this poem stirred inside me. I really, really like it.
Zachary Holbrook started the topic Join a campaign to unite reader and writer in the priceless bond of fandom in the forum Fantasy Writers 4 years, 1 month ago
Today marks the start of two-week campaign to connect more readers with my writing. The campaign ends August 7th– the day I leave home for college across the country in Franklin, Tennessee.
Until then, I’m offering a challenge to my fans, with prizes if we reach 30, 50, 80 and 120 subscribers.
If you’re interested in finding a new source of fa…[Read more]
Zachary Holbrook posted an update in the group Fantasy Writers 4 years, 1 month ago
Today marks the start of two-week campaign to connect more readers with my writing. The campaign ends August 7th– the day I leave home for college across the country in Franklin, Tennessee.
Until then, I’m offering a challenge to my fans, with prizes if we reach 30, 50, 80 and 120 subscribers.
If you’re interested in finding a new source of…[Read more]
Zachary Holbrook started the topic Join a campaign to unite reader and writer in the priceless bond of fandom in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
Today marks the start of two-week campaign to connect more readers with my writing. The campaign ends August 7th– the day I leave home for college across the country in Franklin, Tennessee.
Until then, I’m offering a challenge to my fans, with prizes if we reach 30, 50, 80 and 120 subscribers.
If you’re interested in finding a new source of…[Read more]
Zachary Holbrook posted a new activity comment 4 years, 1 month ago
Huh, did I not reply to this? I meant to.
Well, Maddie just got your letter and told me that you messaged me on Story Embers. To answer your question: yes, I do like Story Embers. The staff members are all fantastic writers (especially Josiah deGraaf, who easily ranks among one of my favorite authors of all time. I got to beta read his novel……[Read more]
That’s awesome! I’ve actually yet to read any of Josiah’s work (despite the fact that I have a free copy of one or two of his stories *hides in a corner*) but I beta read for Daeus and his work is incredible too! The whole SE community/network is amazing.
Congratulations! When did you finish your novel? I’m still working on mine. What does the…[Read more]
Zachary Holbrook commented on the post, Why Triangles Are the Secret to Writing Killer Scenes Every Time 4 years, 2 months ago
For a moment I thought this was going to be a defense of love triangles. It turned out to be a brilliant explanation of a technique I’ve never head of before and am now eager to implement.
Zachary Holbrook commented on the post, Student 4 years, 2 months ago
This is good. I was especially struck by this imagery:
as long as I serve shiny grades on trays
made one hundred percent of gold,
and never let my smile fall beneath a ninety.Like– like the grade is just a product, the end result that is all that is considered meaningful, and the process behind it can just be forgotten.
Zachary Holbrook replied to the topic My last story (for a while) in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 2 months ago
@arindown I just finished the second draft of my WIP yesterday. It’s called The Lore of Yore, and weighs in at about 138k words.
If you want to polish your flash fiction, Havok is great help. Submit a piece and their editors will give you feedback even if you’re not chosen for publication.
Zachary Holbrook started the topic ‘The Future Tree’ releases today in the forum Fantasy Writers 4 years, 2 months ago
My flash fiction The Future Tree releases today through gohavok.com. It’s a story about sibling rivalry in the midst of a quest to harvest fruit that determines the future.
You can read it for free TODAY ONLY, after which it will vanish into the Havok archives, accessible only to Havok’s subscribers.
So, if you’d like a spend a few minutes swept…[Read more]
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