Active 2 years, 3 months ago-
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Concerning Beta Readers and Editing (aka, I have QUESTIONS!) in the forum Fantasy Writers 2 years, 3 months ago
Looks like everyone had awesome answers, so I’m just popping in to recommend Abbie Emmons on YouTube for any writing/editing tips. She’s super helpful and straightforward and most (I’ll say most because she does use movie examples from films I would not watch XD) of her stuff is clean.
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic NaNoWriMo 2022 in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 3 months ago
I’m just throwing this out there because I really don’t support the real NaNo organization so this year I am joining a writing group called the Glory Writers for NaNo. I am pretty sure they have a website run by two really fun Christian girls (Victoria and Livy) where you can probably find a link to join their “Cabin”. They are also…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Villains in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 5 months ago
First off…wow. Just wow.
You pretty much just sold me on whatever books you are ever going to write. XD Like, the pain? Ahh. I do not regularly fall in love with other people’s characters but I NEED Sebastien and Dr. Corvo and Baassilll. *pleading face*
And then Kit and Val. *heart eyes* What even??? Kit seeing Alastor for who he…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie)'s profile was updated 2 years, 5 months ago
Arindown (Gracie) started the topic Villains in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 5 months ago
Hey ya’ll,
It’s been ages since I’ve been on SE, so there are a lot of new people to meet as well as old faces I’m so happy to see still around. 😉
Tell me about your villains! I’ve been working through arc/backstory/motivation for some of my antagonists lately, and I want to hear everything about yours.
Info dump away. XD
Gonna tag some…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) joined the group Sci-fi Writers 2 years, 5 months ago
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic non outliner seeking help and support in the forum Plotting 2 years, 5 months ago
Heeyyyloo! *waves!
I know I’m a little late to the conversation, but I just wanted to say hi anyway and tell you that you are not alone. XD
I am NOT an outliner at all. I prefer to just jump in and see where the story takes me. I have not officially finished a manuscript, but I have over 80k on one and I’m planning to finish it. I…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic No idea where else to post this, but I need help in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 5 months ago
Sorry I’m a little late to the discussion.
I wrote a short piece lately about a female sergeant and I ran into some of the same questions you are asking.
First, there is a Christian author, Ronnie Kendig, who writes action-packed military thriller type books. If you want a good read and want to see how another Christian handles…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Character help wanted!!! in the forum Fantasy Writers 2 years, 5 months ago
Hi. *waves*
Haha, I know exactly what you are talking about. XD Some side characters insist on stealing the spot-light and that makes it hard as an author.
Calidris had some great advice. One thing I thought maybe I should mention is you could always try 2 points of view instead of 1. If Payton wants to steal the show but for story…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Word Count Question in the forum Fantasy Writers 2 years, 5 months ago
I think Rose is right…probably between 75k and 100k. If it’s under that it’s always okay to classify it as a novella, and if it’s over it’s just a big book (yay!) or you can probably cut the length down in edits.
Personally I like aiming for 80k (which is usually too short for me XD).
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic HELP! Plot thoughts & Hard Topics in the forum Fantasy Writers 2 years, 5 months ago
Hey! *waves* I haven’t been on here for probably a year, so I don’t think we’ve met.
I think your story sounds really intriguing.
I am sure you have already thought of a few of these, but I will throw them out there anyway.
You could always show the loss of intimacy through Lydia’s emotions instead of actions. She could be heartbroken…[Read more]
Hi, yeah I am pretty new. Thanks for the input. Yeah, she does end up having to tell him at some point before the escape and Yona would really struggle with it because of the dishonor he feels. The problem I am having is really what kind of journey to take them on together after that point where said escape takes place. How is the pair going to…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Some of my art 🙂 in the forum Art Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
@calidris Ohh, I shall keep an eye out for Manwë when I get around to that book. I’m in the middle of a Lord of the Rings reread, so I’m not ready yet.
I got in digital art about a year ago, and I really like it. You probably saw some of it on my Instagram.😝 I also really love charcoals. What style do you like best?
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Learning by reading in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
@noah-cochran somehow it didn’t tag you.😄. Have you read any James Fenimore Cooper? I think you would really like his stuff.
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Learning by reading in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
@rose-colored-fancy I think this thread is a terrific idea!
I haven’t been reading too much lately, unless you count school textbooks. I’ve learned a ton from my Western Culture textbook so far (about how to world-build and stuff), but…😆
I’ve slowly been working through a re-read of Lord of the Rings. I’ll give them a 6/5 stars.🤩
One thing…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
I haven’t the time, nor the current mental capacity to actually duel you on this one, but my opinion is that writing is like life…you never stop growing, and you never stop learning from those greater than you.
As a writer, you can study writing theory all you want, but it’s reading that keeps your story-soul growing. I think it’d be a…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Wingfeather Saga/The Green Ember Series Fans! in the forum Introduce Yourself 3 years, 5 months ago
I’m not very active on SE right now, but I’m here to be supportive of this thread.😆
Here’s a few questions to start a discussion:
If you had to go on adventure with one character from each series, who would you bring?
I would probably bring Jo and Rudric. We’d be unstoppable.😂
Who cried at the end of both…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Some of my art 🙂 in the forum Art Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
*internally screaming* They are SOOO cute! And that lighting…😍
That was a terrible way to introduce myself, but I’m an artist and your drawings are gorgeous. I have not read the Silmarillion yet (my sister is hogging it), but you made Manwë so cute. Good job.
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic How Do You Organize Your Writing? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 6 months ago
I don’t really have much advice.😄. I’m a panster, so I have a lot of random stuff all over the place. I have a computer folder for each of my WIP’s, and ones for characters, author stuff and reference photos, but other than that, it’s usually all in my head.
One thing I’ve found is that if I don’t keep it, or I don’t remember it,…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Wingfeather Short-story Contest in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 6 months ago
@joelle-stone I’m am definitely hoping to. Still working through my millions of story ideas through.😂
Arindown (Gracie) started the topic Wingfeather Short-story Contest in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 6 months ago
Hey guys, just wanted to make sure that everyone knows that Andrew Peterson is having a Wingfeather themed short story contest. You can check it out on the Wingfeather website: https://www.wingfeathersaga.com/news1/writing-contest
Tagging some Wingfeather lovers:
@kylie-wingfeather @joelle-stone @mischievous-thwapling @backwardslivewriter @craz…[Read more]
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