

    • @this-is-not-an-alien Thanks!
      yeah, I just recently got onto Story Embers, but I met two great people that help me out sooooo much! (Reflecting how one does so well with putting up with my a-lot-less-than-perfect punctuation and grammar; shout out to you, Lydia.) And even though I’m so new, I almost cried when I saw the announcement. So long,…[Read more]

  • R.M. Archer posted a new activity comment 1 year, 4 months ago

    Could you email me a link to the chapters you have, if it’s in Google Docs, or email me a file if it’s not? I have some thoughts based on your description, but I’d like to read what’s actually been written before I jump to anything and I’d like to be able to send you direct broad-scale feedback. If that works for you, my email is…[Read more]

  • @rae

    Your dedication and your desire to dive right in remind me of myself at your age. I didn’t successfully publish until I was 15 (which was still too early), but I knew what I wanted to do and I did it. And I get the impression you could readily do the same thing.

    But since I have been there, I have some words of caution. Well, the first is…[Read more]

  • Abrielle posted a new activity comment 1 year, 5 months ago

    No problem! I took english 101 last year, and while it was boring in the extreme, hey! I kind of understand sentences better now!

  • @rae

    Clown? Court Jester? Some other kind of tradesmen that Igua regards as utterly useless? Merman? Bear? 🙃🤷‍♀️

  • @rae Hi, Ru!

    Your brother sounds awesome already haha! I haven’t heard of Petra but I’m going to go look them up right now!

    There’s not much of a story behind it, actually – I just saw it somewhere and really loved it. I like the imagery of life throwing something wacky at you that you don’t realize what it is at first, and then you take it and…[Read more]

  • @rae
    Basically, Lord Castle booms the ultimatum (give up your most prized possession or participate in the fashion show) so that Igua has a vague idea of what’s going on. Assuming he participates, you need to come up with something hilarious for him to wear. He must then go down the catwalk (whether he does that willingly or under Lord C…[Read more]

    • Now it makes sense…Lol! Igua would HAVE to be led down the catwalk. He’s got too much pride to walk down in something ridiculous! Early Igua’s most prized possession was his book of Wondian history from his father but later Igua’s would be his sister but she really isn’t a possession… So it goes back to his book but he gave it to his sister…[Read more]

  • @inkhorn

    That would do it! Are y’all moving, like, across the country, or are you staying in the area? Are you excited about it? I hope that goes smoothly for you!


    Welcome to the character castle! Igua must now either give up his most prized possession or take part in the fashion show. After which, Rhianna is trying to run a rebellion…[Read more]

  • @abrielle

    My family is moving this summer, which proves to always be a major upset to my schedule. 😅


    Welcome back!


    The worldbuilding you’ve done is quite interesting, especially concerning the shapeshifting metal aliens. You’re welcome to drop Igua Cloak (I keep wanting to add “na” to the end of his first name) into the…[Read more]

    • @inkhorn
      Dropping Igua (i-goo-uh) in a fashion show will be hard…He would basically wear his everyday stuff, leather belt, Mithweve tunic and pants along with, of course, his cloak and gloves. But the other problem is he doesn’t like fashion…I’ll try but thanks for the invitation!

  • Abrielle posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago

    Hi! I’ve finished what you’ve written so far, and it’s pretty good! It certainly doesn’t drag, which is great. I think the biggest thing I have is that you tend to be a little wordy. Particularly with trying to throw too much information into one sentence (totally understandable, it’s really hard not to when you’re trying to introduce…[Read more]

    • You’re not the first person to want to know what his father’s last words are! I purposefully omitted them from the text in that one spot since in a later scene that you will have to wait until Chapter 23 for, he tells someone those words and also mentions he has never told another person before. The funny thing for me is the use of the quote f…[Read more]

      • “You’re not the first person to want to know what his father’s last words are! I purposefully omitted them from the text in that one spot since in a later scene that you will have to wait until Chapter 23 for, he tells someone those words…”
        Figured. Nuts, what an evil author thing to do🙃. “Here’s an interesting tidbit . . . just kidding! Now…[Read more]

      • I mean I can hint to it… And I did actually already hint to something but it’s so secretive…I bet you’ll never figure it out until then. **Knowing smile creeping over face** Oh and it turns out alright in another book! At least completely alright. So if you stuck to your waiting you would be missing out on a wonderful part that I’ve got…[Read more]

  • Abrielle replied to the topic Hello. in the forum Introduce Yourself 1 year, 6 months ago


    Hullo Ru! Kudos on finishing your first draft of a story! I didn’t do that until just last year. How’s revision going? I probably ought to be revising, but I don’t really know where to start. I’m just so fond of the first draft, you see, despite it’s glaring problems.

    Do you enjoy reading? Ah, I just found your profile page. I highly…[Read more]

    • I do enjoy reading but only because of Tolkien. I hated reading until I read the Hobbit and then I realized books are interesting! I started the Silmarillion but about halfway I had to stop to read for school and cannot find my place. I remember quite a bit IF I jog my memory. I would like to emulate Tolkien but yet make my own style so I’m not…[Read more]

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