Joelle Stone replied to the topic Is anyone interested in collaborating on a story? in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 5 months ago
No problem! We’ve all kinda abandoned this one… *wince*
Brian Stansell started the topic Intriguing Opening Lines (Mystery/Thriller/Suspense) in the forum Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Writers 3 years, 6 months ago
I am curious, for all my fellow Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Writers out there, how do you begin your stories of this type? Are you willing to share some of your personal examples of your opening lines from a WIP that you use to grab a reader’s attention?
Here are a few that I have used in some stories:
1. Lost, alone, cold, wet, tired and no one…[Read more]
Mischievous Thwapling replied to the topic Is anyone interested in collaborating on a story? in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 8 months ago
Yeah, I’m good with whatever we do for the POVs–I honestly don’t care XD Though, yes, third POV would definitely be less confusing when/if we turn this story into a book.
*returns @joelle-stone‘s glance* *nods vigorously* YES. Turning RPs into manuscripts that even remotely resemble books is so messy and difficult, l…[Read more]
Joelle Stone replied to the topic Is anyone interested in collaborating on a story? in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 8 months ago
What Rose said. Although, if the only reason you’re writing from Ryumon’s POV is ’cause we need an inside slave-thing, I think Aleck and one of Wing or Thwapling’s characters was gonna lose too. 😉
Winter Rose replied to the topic Is anyone interested in collaborating on a story? in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 8 months ago
@melody-joy @joelle-stone
Third-person might be better just so things aren’t too confusing, but I was thinking of doing Sikya from 3rd and Osiris from 1st.
One thing I’m confused about: are the players selected by the government to compete, or was there a championship to determine who goes to the games? Or does it vary from country to…[Read more]
Joelle Stone replied to the topic Is anyone interested in collaborating on a story? in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 8 months ago
Hey, welcome back (and we’ll miss you)! Thx for letting us know. 😉
Yeah, that’s what I thought too, but I figured that we had decided to just write the RP first and after we’re finished see if we wanna pour the work in to make it into a book. Honestly, it’s a LOT of work to make it even remotely close to book-form. *glances at @misch…[Read more]
Mischievous Thwapling replied to the topic Is anyone interested in collaborating on a story? in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 9 months ago
Joelle Stone started the topic “The Cullings” RP-ing Thread in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 9 months ago
Aha! We have finally achieved RP-ing status! Tagging @melodyjoy @wingiby-iggiby @mischievous-thwapling and @winter_rose. Who shall begin?
Winter Rose replied to the topic Is anyone interested in collaborating on a story? in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 9 months ago
Ok, sorry I just wasn’t sure exactly how I would start something like that.
Okay. Are @wingiby-iggiby and @melodyjoy still with us?
Daeus Lamb started the topic Word War XXI in the forum Word Wars 3 years, 9 months ago
Great job, word warriors!
Group #3: 18,072
Group #2: 7,213
Group #1: 18.072
And the individual record for this month was 8,792, by @corkybookworm
@toklaham-veruzia @hope-ann @seekjustice @hope-mcclellan @r-m-archer @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @gabrielwoods @kari-karast @fairfay @the-golden-light @corkybookworm @abigail-rebekah @cassidy @millen…[Read more]
Whoa! Groups 1 and 3 both had the exact same word count?!
Good job, you guys!! 😀 And congrats, @corkybookworm. 🙂
Thank you so much!
Lona replied to the topic Introduce Your Story in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 10 months ago
The bad side is the Insurgents (I mentioned them earlier, they’re the large rebel group that overtook Erin’s country). The ‘good side’ would be the people fighting against them.
Ohhhhh I see. Sorry, I had the two sides mixed up. 🙂
Mischievous Thwapling replied to the topic Is anyone interested in collaborating on a story? in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 10 months ago
Erynne replied to the topic Introduce Your Story in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 10 months ago
Alrighty, I see there is only one way to settle this question of who is the more off. *pulls up Google*… Google! Are there kittens in Star of Light by Patricia St. John?
Google: no relevant result
Hmmmm. *clicks on images* Ah ha! So there’s a Star of Light book cover with a kitten on it. We are both half right. XD
Hey, tha…[Read more]
Lona replied to the topic Introduce Your Story in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 10 months ago
Cool! I like that you’re making it important that each of the family members play a part. It seems like the main character’s family often gets overlooked, when really when you think about it, the family has probably helped shaped the character to be who they are.
I want to make him more deeper involved in the country’s conflict. Li…
Erynne replied to the topic Introduce Your Story in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 10 months ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>@lonathecat</p>
Well then, whoops. I trust your memory better than mine. I must be thinking of something else.
I’m probably the one who’s off lol. I haven’t read in a while. I’ll have to read it again soon.
Now I feel like I have to reread it, because you love it, and I remember liking it, but I can’t remember wh…
Lona replied to the topic Introduce Your Story in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 10 months ago
Ooh! I like both your story ideas! Especially the rebel one with the Insurgents (I love that name choice, by the way). May I hear one of those plot twists or is it a surprise? 🙂
Mischievous Thwapling replied to the topic Is anyone interested in collaborating on a story? in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 10 months ago
Thx for doing that! Originally I think the plan was for Wren to lose…but since it seems we have plenty of other losers, she can win something 🙂
Joelle Stone replied to the topic Is anyone interested in collaborating on a story? in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 10 months ago
Thanks for the list! And yep, I had some plans. Aleck’s gonna lose to… IDK who. Maybe Sikya? Vika’s going to win TOU and stumble upon important info while she’s at it. Was Ember going to win a spot or was he going to get disqualified for something? ‘Cause he could win instead of Mar.
Mischievous Thwapling replied to the topic Is anyone interested in collaborating on a story? in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 10 months ago
Read this, will reply in a bit 🙂
Erynne replied to the topic Introduce Your Story in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 10 months ago
Both stories sound super neat! The first one is very intriguing! (Also, I love the MCs name 😛) And the second one is very cool too. Just curious, what does she feel guilty about?
I definitely struggle with the same problem and have the same goal for this summer. I feel like last summer I did pretty well with writing so hopefully this…[Read more]
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