Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Would Your Character Rather. . . in the forum Characters 2 years ago
@abigail-rebekah @dakota @urwen-starial @naiya-dyani @banana-peacock-warrior @kayla-skywriter @w-o-holmes @sam-m @esmeralda-gramilton @thewirelessblade
Hey anybody else want to help revive this thread?
Great answer btw
Would your character rather kiss a frog to break a curse, or have to become the frog to break the curse?…[Read more]
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Would Your Character Rather. . . in the forum Characters 2 years ago
OK I’ll post a question for anyone who cares to answer it.
Would your character rather die a peaceful death with the people they love, or be able to live but have to change their identity and never see their loved ones again?
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Would Your Character Rather. . . in the forum Characters 2 years ago
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Would Your Character Rather. . . in the forum Characters 2 years ago
Ahh yes. Who would have thought?
*gets up and opens a window to let light pour in*
Shall we revive this ancient game, or let it slip silently away in the past?
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Would Your Character Rather. . . in the forum Characters 2 years ago
*Looks skeptically at the thick layer of dust*
Uh. . . sure.
*sits down*
So, how’s life been down here with all this lovely dust?
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Would Your Character Rather. . . in the forum Characters 2 years ago
*gasps and jumps back*
Someone IS here!
*gasps again in recognition*
Well, hello old friend!
Handmaiden posted an update 2 years, 3 months ago
@mayacat HELLO
Grace Benham replied to the topic Character Playlists in the forum Characters 3 years, 2 months ago
@emily-waldorf That’s cool! And I love the Piano Guys! I’ll also check out that group you mentioned.
@mayacat yeah mine probably don’t make much sense either XD. I’ll try to listen to all your songs though. I’m happy someone else does it too!!
@emma-walker yeah I get distracted by music really easily too. Have you tried out mynoise.net? …[Read more]
Grace Benham started the topic Character Playlists in the forum Characters 3 years, 2 months ago
Hi everyone,
I don’t know if this has already been made as a topic, but I didn’t feel like searching that hard XD. Anyway, I’ve been doing this for some of my characters and I thought it was pretty fun. And since I really like hearing about other people’s characters, I’m making it a sort of game. What you do: Just post a list of songs that…[Read more]
solanelle replied to the topic Tell me 'bout ya OC'S! in the forum Characters 3 years, 2 months ago
@mayacat I do that a lot too, although I tend to borrow character traits more hehe. It’s really fun seeing someone else who likes Haikyuu! Kenma really is a pretty name, although I personally think Kiyoomi Sakusa is the prettiest (but I’m biased since he’s my favorite lol). Is Kenma your favorite character?
I would love to hear about your ocs!
solanelle replied to the topic Tell me 'bout ya OC'S! in the forum Characters 3 years, 2 months ago
@mayacat This is completely uncalled for, but…are you familiar with Haikyuu by any chance? I was stalking this thread and my heart just about skipped a beat after seeing this lol
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 3 years, 4 months ago
@urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat @naiya-dyani @dakota
If you all want to have a meeting and look at this thing and where we want it to go. I’m down. I think we really should all discuss it together. And any ideas you all want to put on the table are welcome.
As the instigator of this madness, I have to say that I’m…[Read more]
Kayla Skywriter replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 3 years, 4 months ago
@emberynus-the-dragonslayer @esmeralda-gramilton @urwen-starial @mayacat
Hi guys. Unfortunately I think I have to step out. I really enjoyed this and I’d love to continue, but I don’t have the time I wish I had to give to this. So I’m officially leaving this project.
@dakota I know we were in the middle of a collaboration, and if I could…[Read more]
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 3 years, 4 months ago
Hey Maya! It’s great to hear from you too.
And thanks for the congrats. He’s a cook at the restaurant I work for.
*moment of silence for those who are single for I was once one of them*
And I’m excited to hear about any ideas you might have. I’m working on a random part to hopefully get us all motivated. And I will be hopefully…[Read more]
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 3 years, 4 months ago
@urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat @kayla-skywriter @dakota @kayla-skywriter
Hey everybody. I know it’s been a really really long time and I apologize for that. Between getting a job, trying to finish my senior year of highschool and a adding a boyfriend to the mix, things have been pretty crazy for me. But I wanted to rally the troops…[Read more]
Esmeralda Gramilton replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 3 years, 10 months ago
@emberynus-the-dragonslayer @dakota @urwen-starial @mayacat @naiya-dyani
Hi everyone!
I finally finished a new part for my personal characters. I’m aware it’s been a while, and this part has been half-finished for quite some time, so I apologize. This takes place a day or so after the murder of Wes. (Italics also aren’t transferring via…[Read more]
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Character Story Photography Thread in the forum Characters 3 years, 11 months ago
@naiya-dyani @dakota @urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat
Redid Phoenix’ face. This is the new version 🙂 :
BTW this is not my art. I used ArtBreeder for this. 🙂
Naiya Dyani replied to the topic Character Story Photography Thread in the forum Characters 3 years, 11 months ago
@dakota @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat @kayla-skywriter
And here’s Kedori’s! Gosh I love these two cinnamon rolls
^the drawing’s one I made of him at 10 with his mom, btw
Naiya Dyani replied to the topic Character Story Photography Thread in the forum Characters 3 years, 11 months ago
Oh yeah, I might as well put up the collages I’ve made for Kiet and Kedori. They’re not nearly as awesome-looking as Dakota’s, but they do the trick lol. FYI, they’ll have some symbolism that has to do with my book, so. If you see something a bit odd, that’s why XD
This one’s Kiet’s:
^@chalice did the awesome portraiture in it a;sldgkh
Guess…[Read more]
Dakota replied to the topic Character Story Photography Thread in the forum Characters 3 years, 11 months ago
Okay, I just redid his collage. Now I think I’m done with collage-making for a while!! 🙂
@naiya-dyani @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat
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