Daeus Lamb replied to the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 3 months ago
@lrc and everyone else
I’m kicking myself I didn’t see this earlier. I read a lot of this discussion, but haven’t got the chance to read all of it. I want to come back and do that if I can.
I don’t see any point repeating what everyone has already said, but thanks @lrc for bringing this topic up! Even through I don’t agree, I love the out of the…[Read more]
Noah Cochran replied to the topic Fantasy Is NOT the Same Thing As Magic in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 4 months ago
Time to tag people…[Read more]
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 4 months ago
@lrc I feel a little bad piling another response on when it seems like you haven’t yet had a chance to reply to the excellent other discussion points people raised… but not that bad.
I agree with you that the “You must be always reading or your writing will be terrible!” we sometimes see needs qualification and suffers from returns that…[Read more]
Cathy replied to the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
*skids in chaotically!*
Oh thanks! Vivacious is a new one…I know I’m glad you have a forthright and upfront personality, (I really hate trying to figure out social cues, also if one more person tells me I’m flirty I’m gonna punch ‘em! XD) And being careful, yes, it’s much easier to do the splits than be careful XD.
Six sib…[
Noah Cochran replied to the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
Don’t worry about it Cathy. I personally enjoyed your vivacious spirit, but one always has to be careful. 🙂
I have six siblings (4 boys 2 girls) and I share a room with all four of my brothers. Me and my oldest brother often debate morality and theology late into the night for fun. Somehow we find infinite things to…[Read more]
Cathy replied to the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
*sheepish grin* You’re right I think I got a “little” (a lot) *ahem* carried away with arguing, I have a lot of siblings and close relatives who all enjoy bantering…intensely 😅. Thank you for correcting me, I need to very much rein in my tongue more. I’m sorry I grilled you @lrc and @shannon, it was an immature and unnecessary thing to do and yo…[Read more]
Noah Cochran replied to the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
Cathy my friend, you could cook a cow with that tongue of yours. 😅 🤭 Perhaps you could be a tad less…forceful next time. 😉
Don’t take any offence from this young lady’s rather…violent tongue @lrc and @shannon. I must admit though, the way you began your rant, Cathy, was quite amusing. 🙂
Okay, so I don’t know if you…[Read more]
Cathy replied to the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
@lrc @shannon
Hello pagan heathen! First of all, I like you; I like arguing, this is good arguing. Second of all
*Ahem* allow me to sweetly, happily mercilessly rip out the soul and ribcage and gizzard of this argument. First of all by breaking down each and every one of…[Read more] -
Josiah DeGraaf replied to the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
Thanks for starting this discussion @LRC and @Shannon! My sentiments align more with @noah-cochran on this one, though. While I do agree that it’s too much to say that your writing will “suffer” if you aren’t constantly reading books, I rarely hear even bestselling/award-winning authors suggest that they’ve “made it” and don’t need additional…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
I haven’t the time, nor the current mental capacity to actually duel you on this one, but my opinion is that writing is like life…you never stop growing, and you never stop learning from those greater than you.
As a writer, you can study writing theory all you want, but it’s reading that keeps your story-soul growing. I think it’d be a…[Read more]
Buddy J. replied to the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
You guys weren’t kidding about a controversial take. XD I approve. We need more of that iron sharpening iron.
Now… I don’t agree with it, but I also don’t agree with the perspective you’re arguing against.
“One piece of writing advice you hear a lot in the writing world is that in order to be a good writer, you must read as much…[Read more]
Rose replied to the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
OoOh, cool topic! I am here to both agree and disagree with everyone!
One piece of writing advice you hear a lot in the writing world is that in order to be a good writer, you must read as much as possible. If you aren’t reading one book after the other in a reasonable fashion, then your writing will majorly s…
Noah Cochran replied to the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
You two really just did that didn’t you. xD I wonder what put this topic on your mind…
Well, I’m always game for a good argument, let’s do this. 🙂
First off, just to clear a notion that you might think I hold, I do not ever recommend reading bad writing or badly written books as part of one’s research, I find it nearly…[Read more]
LRC started the topic Controversial Opinion: "Reading makes your writing better" is bad advice in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 5 months ago
Hello fellow writers. I appear to you out of the mist, a bringer of chaos—hence the provocative title. @Shannon and I have written this piece together (@Shannon: actually she did most of it), and we hold firmly to our opinions. (@Shannon: so good luck trying to un-convince us).
One piece of writing advice you hear a lot in the writing world is…[Read more]
Ally Renee replied to the topic HELP my Character Wakes Up with no memory in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
Hi there! Oh my, that sounds traumatic. But I’ve been there (for the most part, anyways). I have actually written a short story where one of my characters gets temporary-memory loss (so not exactly like yours, but still a sad situation for the characters LOL), but here are some things that I incorporated with that, if you’ll find this…[Read more]
Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic HELP my Character Wakes Up with no memory in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
@lrc Hey! I’ll brainstorm for a second with you.😄 Just random ideas in random orders, I guess.
– Make memory loss part of your characters arc. For example, if your character was an Enneagram 4 (Enneagram is just way to tell personifies), their self-identity might be really important to them. Which could be a huge factor for conflict.
– What if…[Read more]
Olivia Catherine replied to the topic HELP my Character Wakes Up with no memory in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
I haven’t read a ton of books where people lose their memory 😉 but here are some things I thought of when you asked how I would react. For one thing, since I’d still know some stuff about earth and how it works, I’d probably really wonder if I have a family and if they were worried about me. After all, if I did have one, they probably…[Read more]
Chelsea R.H. posted an update in the group Historical Fiction Writers 5 years ago
Where are all my his-fic people? Tagging as many as I can remember.
@ashira @selah-chelyah @rochellaine @michelle @valtmy @tinuviel @caseybold @lrc @wisdomofprose
Come and check out our historical fiction group! -
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Outlines! in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 1 month ago
That makes sense! Do you find that you usually already have the story mostly brainstormed out before you outline? Or do you use the outlining process as part of brainstorming?@lrc
See above question, Haha ^^
Thank’s so much! Just visually seeing your process is super interesting. I’d probably lean more toward detailed outlines…[Read more] -
Josiah DeGraaf replied to the topic The definition of "clean" fiction in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 5 months ago
@lrc So, I don’t think it’s practical for a couple people by themselves to realistically change how a culture tends to use a word–and I’m not terribly attached to the word itself to want to do it either. I’d rather talk about “virtuous” fiction or “moral” fiction as a Christian storyteller than “clean” fiction since I think both those words…[Read more]
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