The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic looking for possible art mentee 🙂 in the forum Art Discussions 3 years, 12 months ago
@claire-h awesome! invitation has been sent 😀
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic looking for possible art mentee 🙂 in the forum Art Discussions 3 years, 12 months ago
Hey, @claire-h ! Thanks for reaching out! I’d love to do whatever I can to be as helpful to you as possible. 🙂 I guess before we get into anything else, I would like some feedback as to how you would be interested in keeping in touch.
Discord would be my personal first choice, but I know not everyone uses it, so email, google hangout, or whatever…[Read more] -
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Urwen's Art Gallery in the forum Art Discussions 3 years, 12 months ago
It looks great! If you’re really wanting feedback, just going off this latest drawing, it seems like the feet and hands (but especially the feet) are areas where you could improve. My advice
for you to take or leave, hahais to gather some reference pictures of hands (either online, Pinterest is usually my go to online source for images, or o…[Read more] -
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Reintroduction :] in the forum Introduce Yourself 3 years, 12 months ago
@mischievous-thwapling hmm… anything interesting?? well, i am of the opinion that everyone’s life is incredibly interesting because the unfamiliar is intriguing. XD Personally my life is pretty bland to me. But I guess you might find interest in my mundane.
Tonight hail and freezing snow are tapping against my window. The sky is dark but it’s…[Read more]
The Fledgling Artist started the topic looking for possible art mentee 🙂 in the forum Art Discussions 3 years, 12 months ago
Hey-o, so, I had an idea.
Always a dangerous way to start a conversation, haha.
Actually, I had a couple of ideas. But the only one that is currently relevant is that I have decided it would be fun to offer myself as an art mentor. XDMy skill level is far from mastery, so there’s a decent chance that many of you would not find a very helpful…[Read more]
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Urwen's Art Gallery in the forum Art Discussions 3 years, 12 months ago
Love it :DD
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Eulogies in the forum Characters 4 years, 1 month ago
aa, guys, y’all’s were so fun to read
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Eulogies in the forum Characters 4 years, 1 month ago
“Only death, could pull away a hand as steadfast and loyal as hers, and unclasp it from my own. It’s like, when everyone else was done with you, she’d still be there… for some reason. I know I’ll never forget that.”
A smile touched the corners of his mouth. The sort no one else could really see, but you could just sort of, feel it. In that…[Read more] -
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Hello there in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 1 month ago
@lonathecat I do celebrate with my family, but honestly, I don’t get into it all that much, haha. It was good though. Was the first time in like, 9 months since I’d gotten to hang out with everyone.
you should definitely let me know what name you decide for yours. 😉
Do you know how to play any songs yet? hhh that seems so far away…[Read more] -
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Urwen's Art Gallery in the forum Art Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
@urwen-starial Hey, these are both really good! The best thing you could do to improve is to keep practicing. If you feel stuck as to how to practice, or what to practice, we can dialogue about that! But otherwise, I don’t think there’s anything else I have to say, haha.
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Reintroduction :] in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 1 month ago
@mischievous-thwapling Yes, but also not really X’D I guess it depends on what u mean by progress. I sorta had a breakthrough when I realized several different story ideas I’ve had floating around in my brain would fit really neat into the same world. So that sparked a lot of ideas related to worldbuilding. But honestly, it’s all still in the…[Read more]
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Good book on digital art? in the forum Art Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
@evelyn Yeah, no problem! Tag me again if you think of any more questions I can help with 😀
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Hello there in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 1 month ago
Hey, sorree for the late reply. x’D How’ve you been? Did you have a good Christmas (if you celebrate)?
To answer your question, no, I don’t really play any instruments. I’m trying to teach myself piano (I bought a keyboard and his name is donnor and I rly love him) but it’s going reaaaallly slow. So far I’ve just begun to familiarize…[Read more] -
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Reintroduction :] in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 1 month ago
Oooohhh, fantasy-murder-mystery ?? Sounds intriguing! Are you still working on it? :O< -
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic This isn't what it looks like… But how do I show readers that? in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
@zee I’ve never really finished anything, so I’ve not run into that hilarious predicament yet. X’D
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Good book on digital art? in the forum Art Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
@evelyn Apologies for the late reply, haha. I personally haven’t ever encountered any books specifically about how to do digital art. Probably because art programs are basically always updating, changing, and evolving, as technology does. So any books written would become completely outdated in a matter of years. Haha. I would suggest getting h…[Read more]
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic My Landing Page–At Last! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 1 month ago
Sorry- this is late, congrats though!! Will check it out. 😀
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Reintroduction :] in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 2 months ago
Yeah, haha, I paint a little. I liked watercolors, though I’ve really fallen out of practice with them, so usually when I get them out it’s more for the therapeutic feeling of making a mess, haha. Acrylic paint is pretty cool, but I never really got the hang of them.I like your charcoal drawing! Imo you are actually not at level zero…[Read more]
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Hello there in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 2 months ago
Hello Lona! I have only skimmed what has already been said, so many pardons if I end up asking questions you’ve already covered. Haha. What are your thoughts on music? If you like it, what kind? :D<
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Reintroduction :] in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 2 months ago
@lonathecat Hello! Thank you! :D< I noticed you have an introduction thread floating around too, so I shall hold onto my questions until I can go to your thread and ask them there! (It’s great to meet you though!)
Digital art definitely has a learning curve, but once I got the hang of it I slowly transitioned from most traditional to mostly…[Read more]
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