Cathy replied to the topic Character Castle 2.0 in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 4 months ago
*taps mic*
Anyway now that the Forums are going to be shut down I downloaded and compiled the entire Character Castle 2.0 into one folder so that everyone can keep the stuff they wrote and all the happy memories of this place as it dies…slowly…painfully…like my childhood innocence.😕
But here’s the Castle downloaded it works offline and will still exist after the forum is torn down. (Now I uploaded it onto my OneDrive and *that* might mess up a couple pages or something so if you notice any issues please tell me!)
@this-is-not-an-alien Thanks!
yeah, I just recently got onto Story Embers, but I met two great people that help me out sooooo much! (Reflecting how one does so well with putting up with my a-lot-less-than-perfect punctuation and grammar; shout out to you, Lydia.) And even though I’m so new, I almost cried when I saw the announcement. So long, Forum! You were a good friend while I knew you.