
Fantasy Writers

Fantasy Character Castle Chronicles n.2

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    There’s a couple of castles on here that are very far along and tricky to jump into, so I’m starting a new one.  Rules:

    1. Any character is welcome.  Heroes, villains, antiheroes, antivillains, random side characters that only show up once…  Any stage of development too.  Round, flat, one-dimensional…
    2. Characters may appear or disappear at their author’s discretion, though hopefully they won’t come in and out again like a revolving door.
    3. The castle exists to test and develop your characters.  All actions permitted by the forum guidelines are permitted, but malicious acts may incur wrath on the part of the castle.
    4. Maximum number of active characters will be 10 to allow writers to keep up with who’s who.
    5. The floorplan of the castle is constantly in flux, so if you can’t remember where something was it doesn’t matter.  Make something up.  Invent a room.  Discover a passageway that wasn’t there before or that leads to a room you went through five hallways over.  Have fun with it.
    6. Going beyond the castle’s outermost walls is impossible.  However, there are open courtyards in the keep and it is possible to leave the keep and enter the bailey the open grounds around the castle that are still enclosed by the outer walls).  This is where the village is.
    7. Have fun and go nuts.

    @this-is-not-an-alien @joelle-stone @rusted-knight @mischievous-thwapling

    "Remember, you go nowhere by accident. Wherever you go, God is sending you." - Rev. Peter R. Hale

    Joelle Stone

    Hey Skylarynn! Sorry, but I am too bogged down to join right away. Good luck! 😀


    Ack, I’m so abominably late, I’m so so sorry! I can’t keep up with another castle right now, at least I better not (ahhhh shiny new project syndrome!). But maybe I can give it a boost by inviting a couple other people? My favorite part is how unpredictable character castle are and you really have to know your characters to roleplay them when you can’t manipulate everything to keep them looking “cool” or “the way you want”. It’s really fun and you can get so much character out of it!

    @kylie-wingfeather @arindown @lonathecat @scoutfinch190 @melancholicwriter @rebekah12 @taylorclogston

    If you need something to get you started introducing your characters you can fill in any sorta description or just use this thingy (it’s my favorite so far XD)
    Character Name:
    Family Members and Significant Others
    Personality traits
    How do people perceive him/her
    Character history/origins
    Highest level of education
    Physical traits
    Childhood dreams;
    Childhood fears
    Biggest motivator
    Biggest fear
    Things he/she likes
    Things he/she dislikes
    Where does he/she live?
    What kind of music does he/she listen to?
    What does he/she like about him/herself? Dislike?
    What is his/her favorite childhood memory?
    What is his/her most traumatic life event?

    What is his/her most prized possession?
    What kind of transportation does he/she use?
    What is his/her favorite food?
    What is the most interesting thing about this character?
    What does this character’s voice sound like?
    What five words best describe this character?
    What does my character want most in the world?
    What obstacles, events or people will stand in the way of my character getting what he wants?)

    erk, well. *awkwardly not panicking for this attempt to bring castle to life XD*

    To be a light to the world you must shine in the darkness.

    Emma Walker

    @this-is-not-an-alien hey thanks for the tag, I’m a little bit confused concerning these castles. For now I’ll just sit and watch, maybe join in later. 😉

    "If your goal is purity in heart, be prepared to be thought very odd." -Elisabeth Elliott

    Kylie S. Pierce


    Hi! I’m actually already doing a Character Castle (sort of…) and two collaborative stories, plus working on my WIP, so I don’t think I’ll be able to join. Sorry!


    "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.

    Taylor Clogston

    @this-is-not-an-alien Thanks for the invite! I love roleplaying, but these days I find structured RP is a way more efficient use of my time. Maybe I’ll start one of those up.

    Tasha Van Kesteren


    Thanks for the tag but I can’t even keep up with the story I’m on now and I’m going to be starting work and getting even more busy so I’ll have to bail out. Sry

    "Courage is found in unlikely places." JRR Tolkien



    I’d love to join!! Thank you SO much for the invite!

    This week and the beginning of next is a tad bit busy, but I should have plenty of time after that. Plus, it doesn’t take that long to type up a post 😉 *begins sorting through characters and trying to figure out which one to use*

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Rebekah12.

    Hwæt! Wē Gār-Dena in geār-dagum, pēod-cyninga, prym gefrūnon, hū õā æpelingas ellen fremedon!



    I would be down to join and try out a character castle. Never done one before, and yeah, the others were kinda overwhelming, lol.


    Alright, welcome aboard!


    Ooh yeah I totally get that I’m already on two character castles, a collaborative and my WIP plus going to be trying to find a job pretty soon lol. Thanks for replying!


    Oh that sounds cool! Thanks! I’d be really interested to see what a more structured RP looks like 🙂


    Ok, good luck and God bless! <3


    Yay! I can’t wait to read your character! Also, I just gotta say, your profile pic makes me smile every time I look at it there’s just something about Legolas there that’s so…idk.


    Hi, it’ll be awesome to see your character!

    Thanks @everybody!

    To be a light to the world you must shine in the darkness.


    @rebekah12 @fitz Yay, so excited for you to join the castle.  I’m going to use Nadia, one of the MCs of my fantasy WIP.

    Character Name: Nadia Fabian
    Age: 17
    Occupation: Minstrel, dancer, musician, and storyteller (essentially a bard)
    Family Members and Significant Others: No real family, though she does take an interest in one of the noblemen.
    Personality traits: Reserved, extroverted, calm, confident, optimistic (but she’s not the cheerful, bubbly type)
    How do people perceive him/her: Confident, creative, adventurous
    Character history/origins: Orphaned, left with relatives in a travelling faire until she came to Ironstorm and was hired as the companion to Ada Warin.
    Highest level of education: Traveling troupe.
    Physical traits: Half-lidded, slanted dark eyes that look catty and sly; dark, wavy, voluminous hair; deeply tanned skin
    Mannerisms: A very good listener, patient, may fiddle with her hands and make some small craft project (fingerloop braiding, cardweaving, etc)
    Childhood dreams: Becoming a professional storyteller
    Childhood fears: Ostracization and mistreatment due to her lack of parents; no one wanting her.
    Biggest motivator: Emotional investment in the people she cares about; if they’re in danger she will get involved.
    Biggest fear: Being unwanted.
    Things he/she likes: Music, dancing, makeup (think kohl and cochineal), plays, stories, etc.
    Things he/she dislikes: Rigorous rules and regulations that disfavor people.
    Where does he/she live?  Castle Ironstorm of Northaven currently.
    What kind of music does he/she listen to?  Kithnaryan (Indo-Arabian)
    What does he/she like about him/herself? Dislike?  She likes her storytelling and dancing skills, but she dislikes her (perceived) meekness and tendency to follow the rules rather than stand up for herself.
    What is his/her favorite childhood memory?  Meeting a certain young man for the first time.
    What is his/her most traumatic life event?  Being bullied as a child for lacking parents.

    What is his/her most prized possession?  Her gurdy (musical instrument).
    What kind of transportation does he/she use?  On foot or troupe wagons.
    What is his/her favorite food?  Rosemary loafs.
    What is the most interesting thing about this character?  She is two separate people almost between what she projects and what goes on in her head.
    What does this character’s voice sound like?  Spiced honey
    What five words best describe this character?  Adventurous gypsy storyteller with trauma
    What does my character want most in the world?  To be with someone she knows she can’t be with.
    What obstacles, events or people will stand in the way of my character getting what he wants?  Society, tradition, some unspoken law, cultural differences, etc….

    "Remember, you go nowhere by accident. Wherever you go, God is sending you." - Rev. Peter R. Hale


    I guess I will get this show started! (not that I really know how, lol. And forgive any typos, I am le tired).

    The concept with this character, and the challenge I am currently facing in my writing, is portraying a world and humanity that is yet to fall. As you can imagine, the true scope of that reality is beyond my capability to display, but that unobtainably bittersweet goal as been worth every once of effort I have so far given it, so here goes…

    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Character Description:</p>
    At just over six feet tall and medium build, the man’s stature neither eclipses nor is eclipsed by most of his fellow man. His light brown skin shows a life that is pleasantly acquainted with the sun, and not either the pallor of deprivation or the harsh treatment that comes with a daily relationship. A bushy beard reaches halfway down his chest, its thick, earthen luster undiminished by even a single hair of white. While the few wrinkles he bears upon his face can not place him above forty, his midnight-blue eyes carry the weight of uncountable years behind them. He listens more than he speaks, but when he does, it is often with methodical precision.
    Silken robes of royal blue clad his frame. A pattern of thin expanding black hexagonal spirals decorate these robes while a black sash crosses his waist and another forms the wrap adorning his head. These satin black cloths, along with the silk spirals, are interlaced with fine silver threading nearly invisible to the naked eye until they catch the light and glitter like so many distant stars. Pinned to the front of his small turban is bronze clasp depicting a winged chimera with its three heads being that of a serpent, lion, and man. A total of nine rings burden his hands. One is a simple gold wedding band. Another, a large bronze signet ring depicting the same chimera that stands upon his brow. The other seven are each composed of four interwoven golden strands but each are capstoned with a different gem.


    Glenesh looked about confused. This is not what he expected from the spell. Crisp highland air refreshed his nose, wafting with the fragrance of the tall pines surrounding him. The environment itself immediately denoted the location as being somewhere among the Tawa or Bythigal nations, except for the enormous masoned stone structure not a hundred feet in front of him and the eerie feeling of wrongness that pervaded this place.
    He took in the environment for a minute more, solidifying and confirming his impressions. While mid-day, there was a luster missing from the light and an uncanny length to the shadows; while surrounded by pleasant smells, it seemed somehow flat or artificial; and the sound… there was no sound of life.
    Reaching out with magic, he grasped for whatever enchantment was at play here, and his eyes grew wide: he found nothing. He blinked and reached out again, going as far as his senses and discipline could take him… nothing. He knew he was far outside of the Kaliruhm, somewhere beyond the borders of the Atenaptran nation, and his power and authority would diminish outside of it, but what he felt was impossible. He had been to the most distant lands, to the most barren wastes farthest from any leyline, and he knew what that distance felt like. But there were no veins of the Worldblood here. There was no Worldblood at all.
    This world was dead.

    It had been been ages since anything had surprised him, and he had never been shocked like this. He took this moment to look back at the Sire, and has he did the Sire’s Spirit  effortlessly pierced the haze of this world – that sensation itself being another unusual thing about this place. His physicality manifested next to Glenesh, radiating warmth. This form was one He often took, bearing similar features with the person to whom He was speaking, but otherwise unremarkable in objective description save for the sheer magnanimity of His presence.

    He smiled at Glenesh, meeting his eyes and the fear beneath them. “Why are you afraid?”

    “This world is dead.” He paused, mulling over the feelings. “I have seen death in the beasts but not in the world, nor have I seen shadows stretch so far against the light.”

    “Do the shadows conceal me now? Do they stand against me or skulk beyond my vision?”

    Glenesh’s heart took a moment to sense his surroundings anew. He could, strangely, see the greyness about him with greater clarity than before. He could still smell the dull lifelessness in the air, though now it was exposed for what it was. Yet it was nothing in the Sire’s presence, and while he could still see, smell and hear the lack of life, he no longer tasted it. He stood apart from it. “No…”

    “Then you have no need to be afraid of the shadows you see, for there are none to me.” His smile widened “I am withholding myself from this place, for if it were to see me in my fullness, it would be stricken clean; as all places like this will one day be. But my plans for this place are not yet done, and no shadow can frustrate my design.”

    A quizzical expression alighted on Glenesh’s face “Then why am I here?”

    “To practice looking into the light when shadows abound. To grow through adventure and learn from that which you do not yet understand. To be nurtured further into all the potential I have laid before you. To practice staying with me.” He reached out, clasping Glenesh’s shoulder with an inviting grin, “ready?”

    Keeping eye contact, Glenesh returned the grin. “Ready.”

    And they walked inside…



    I like your introduction, and I really like the portrayal of the Sire.  Hopefully the castle doesn’t give Glenesh too much trouble…
    Also your description sounds like someone Nadia would recognize as a wiseman or scholar from the land of her people.  So there might be some fun confusion later.


    As she often spent her afternoons, Nadia busily worked at her inkle loom.  She was in the process of weaving a ribbon of ram’s horn as a gift for Alexander, something she had not yet had opportunity to do.  Slender fingers worked deftly with the thin cotton strands.  The tape progressively formed inch by inch as she wove.

    Then Nadia blinked and found herself standing in a large stone-and-wooden chamber, her small loom nowhere to be found.  As the gypsy took in her surroundings she observed the room to be some kind of entry hall, likely of a castle or manor.  Before she could make further observations however a man entered the hall dressed in beautiful blue robes and a dazzling black turban.

    “Gamarja,” Nadia greeted politely, dipping her head slightly.  “I am Nadia Fabian.  What is your name, sir?”


    Hop in at any time.

    "Remember, you go nowhere by accident. Wherever you go, God is sending you." - Rev. Peter R. Hale



    Thanks you 🙂 and fun confusion is the best confusion, especially as she is only half wrong XD

    One moment there was nothing, another, she simply appeared in a strange pose and with a confused expression. There was no flash or display, no backlash or collateral side-affects from the capricious nature of magic. The lack of any arcane sensation only confirmed it: this was no worldly magic he knew that he knew.

    The young woman greeted him politely, but ‘Gamarja’ was not a word of any language he knew nor that of any dialect or slang. Her dress, accent, and the sound of the very word seemed to indicate she was one of the Marjahi, and he would have assumed so if not for the lifelessness she shared with the surrounding world.

    “Greetings, Nadia Fabian. I am Glenesh.” He returned the nod, speaking with a neutral cadence. “Are you a native of this place?”


    Sorry I’m late!! Life kinda got in the way. I should be more active now, hopefully 😉


    Thanks! Yeah, Legolas is pretty cool, and this is my favorite pic of him. I’ve considered changing my profile pic to a different character (like to a Marvel character), but I think I’m gonna keep it.



    Eliane a’Mylneth (her family’s nicknames for her were Elli and Ani, and to the elves, her name is Seryl)


    300 , but she looks 17 (will explain later)






    Her hair is long (about 8” past her collarbone) and black with slight flecks of dark but vibrant green and blue, and it curls at the ends, brightening to a fiery orange-red. Her eyes resemble a night sky, black with stars of green and blue, and quiet flames licking the edges of her irises. Her skin is pale, the backs of her ears pull back into a point, and she is tall, about 5’7”. She wears reflective green-gray leggings, a tan shirt with elbow-length sleeves, and a darker green-gray vest over it; her shoes are about ankle-height, and dark-but-vibrant brown in color, and made of leather with silver buckles. She wears two necklaces, both thin leather thongs with pendants hung on — one has two talons of a mountain dragon (tan ivory color, curved, about 2” distance from end to end not counting the curve), the other is a small clearish stone with a burning ember encased inside (this one she keeps tucked underneath her shirt). A dagger is strapped to her left leg: the hilt is about 2” below her hip bone, and the tip is just past her knee.


    Eliane has three forms that she can shift into — one of them is her own unique one, a black wolf with dark green flecks (sort of like Fenris/Fenrir in Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok film. . .); the second is a tan-gray mountain dragon with black horns and talons; and the third is a phoenix with eyes like embers and feathers made of flames (where she gets the latter two is sort of complicated to explain, so I can deal with that later and have her explain it to another character or something).

    She usually tries to avoid shifting, and her dagger is her go-to weapon. If that won’t work, she uses her wolf form, and if not that, her dragon. No one still living knows that she has the phoenix, and she intends to keep it that way.


    caring, loyal, protective, but still unafraid to fight.


    She seeks justice, and will do anything to get it.

    Most Traumatic Events in Her Life

    When her mother Illyara was killed in battle, by Arynommel (Eliane was thirteen at the time), and then, (when she was 295) when her elder brother Jandylar was killed defending the elves from Selena (a villainess).

    Story Universe

    My current WIP (Arise). It’s a fantasy, and the world is called Alduria. There are five different Races in addition to humans — the shifters, the elves, the Iryani, the Ayren, and the Elryn (and yes, I made up those last 3. Sort of.).

    And for those of you (*glances in Cathy’s direction*) who may have found the opening chapters on the Stories and Fantasies topic, you may recognize Eliane  from the Prologue and Chapter 1 😉

    Hwæt! Wē Gār-Dena in geār-dagum, pēod-cyninga, prym gefrūnon, hū õā æpelingas ellen fremedon!

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