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    Gonna throw this up here :u

    Married a blacksmith, and now frequently uses his knowledge for writing fantasy.



    AHHH <3

    “I've loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”

    April J. Rhys

    @lin @the-fledgling-artist @slisby @trallion @theclumsy_lamplighter @h-jones @i-david

    😀 Thank you all so much for the encouraging comments! I’m glad you liked the ideas and I think I’m gonna try it. I’m hoping to commit at least 1 hour a week to drawing, and I’m subscribed to the thread now, so I can read and stay updated on story changes and reply more. These characters are just so cool and precious and we already have two fans, so like YEAH, I want to be a part of this! XD

    I think I’ll go with character three because she has the most potential for interesting character relationships. And I think I’m going to name her Velour. OH MY GOODNESS, yes, she and Kester are going to be so bad together. I think she would take every opportunity to critique him. And poor Basil…I haven’t even started thinking about what she might say and do around him. XP Seeing Gisette be awkward will be really fun too and I have no clue how Clarion will feel. I think she may respect Clarion a little bit as a bard. I know Velour would think Gisette was doomed to fail in the world too (because she’s one of those cynical people who judge kindness and wouldn’t care to look for her strengths right away.)

    :] I’ll just have to save the other two characters for other things. I did think soon after I posted that number 1 was probably not the right fit for this story vibe, but could be cool in his own story…short story contest maybe? ;D

    Anyway! I’ll try to get on the Google Docs and catch up on there soon. OH! And pictures! I’m gonna try to send lots of pictures. 😉

    P.S. <3 More wonderful art while I was gone! Basil’s little face melts my heart.

    ~To Infinity and Beyond


    @april-j-rhys Clarion isn’t particularly bothered by anything, as long as Velour doesn’t hate music xD (cos uh oh)


    @h-jones Awhh!! THAT’S SO CUTE AND THE TEENY TINY FLOWER!! omw <3333

    asdfghjklkgfdsja;lsdka Basil is so cute in those glasses! You went pretty well in the realm of digital art I think! *hugs all da charries* Let me know if the lines are still bothering you though, cos I tend to use a tool in krita that helps me with my lines (brush stabilizer in tool options :D) It looks great though!


    Smol concept art thing… I think I just really wanted to play with clouds…. but ah, yes. *throws confetti*

    They’ll all get a bit squished once we get the new two characters involved! I can imagine that’ll make them all extremely pleased xD

    The Fledgling Artist

    @h-jones AAAAAAAHhhhHAAAAAA NUuu it’s too precious for me
    KesTeR LooKs sO hAPPy *sob*

    Yay! I can’t wait to get to know Velour. ^-^

    @slisby AAAH THE CLOUDS ARE SO FLUFFY!!! 😼 😀 (pouty Kester is hilarious tho)
    I think I just need to practice more, you know? And get used to the ‘feeling’ of drawing on a tablet instead of a piece of paper haha. I’ll definitely ask if I have any questions tho!! <3

    "Though I'm not yet who I will be, I'm no longer who I was."

    The Fledgling Artist

    A little something I did earlier this week. I dunno what it is really, but I wanted to practice doing comic panels.

    Still trying to get Gisette’s face right. xD

    Lil clarion profile.

    My cat made getting pictures of these so hard. She kept coming back to sit on my notebook when I moved her. xD

    "Though I'm not yet who I will be, I'm no longer who I was."


    @slisby WOAH IT’S EVEN BIGGER THAN IN THE CHAT. uGH I absolutely loooooovvve it! The clouds look so beautiful<3.

    D’AWW THAT COMIC PANNEL IS GORGEOUS. Also, Gisette looks so pretty in your style! I love your sketchy lines, these all look so good. :’)

    “I've loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”





    Okay, I have a lot to dump here. Some arts, but mostly plot and character and world building stuff.

    boosil skertch

    boosil n krstr once they’re bros

    … has nothing to do with the comic timeline but it had to be done


    Married a blacksmith, and now frequently uses his knowledge for writing fantasy.


    Okay. Here’s some stuff. I uh, I realized I might be contradicting with a lots of stuff here, but it was while I was thinking at home and if there is ANYTHING y”all don’t like or are unsure about or confused about PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO TELL ME xDD my feelings will not be hurt at all!



    MAYBE (and I do mean maybe) Gisette and Kester DO split up to rule different kingdoms at the end, but sometime in the future are reunited. They get married, and the two kingdoms join together to make one.
    I don’t want Kester to die, I’ve decided. The thought of him, Gisette and their children living to be ripe old ages and ruling over a peaceful kingdom makes me incredibly happy.
    It would be really awesome if Gisette and Clarion’s friendship really strengthened when they fell off the edge of the boat (the point where Kester and Basil think they die)! They should become like, sister-friends. The kind that still take time to have tea together even when they’re, like, eighty. xD
    Clarion should totally show Basil a few tips on the mandolin!! If so, then Basil, of course, is probably gonna pick up on it way faster than Gisette does (bless her poor soul). MAYBE playing instruments or music is a thing Basil uses, in the future, to calm his nerves??
    WILL BASIL BECOME KESTER AND GISETTE’S ADVISOR WHEN THEY GET MARRIED? Because Kester, of course, will be king, and couldn’t be an advisor anymore.
    Kester should really love to sing to Gisette when their relationship is more mature. And HE is more mature. xDD And to their kids. He’s not particularly good at it, but he can carry a tune well enough that you don’t want to shriek and plug your ears.


    In this world, there may be stories about how they came to be floating islands. Perhaps there is a myth that their ancestors (a relatively smallish [maybe two or three hundred] group of outlaws/outcasts?) were banished from some mainland, and part of the land was (quite literally) cut off for them and used as a sort of floating prison. Since then, however, they’ve grown and established kingdoms of their own, surviving and hundreds and hundreds of years. Whether it’s ends up being true or not, I think that’s a neat story—especially if we actually go with”The Cliffs” idea, because it could be symbolism for passing from chains to freedom.
    It should be a custom to say “Peace come upon this household” before entering someone’s house based on something I read in the Bible (somewhere between Luke 9-12), just because that’s awesome 😀


    Maybe the islands’ floating-crystal-things should start failing, which is causing the islands to falter and a few small ones to just drop clean out of the sky. Maybe that’s why the King went away—to figure out why, and to try and fix the problem.
    The villain doesn’t know WHY this is happening, but he knows how to fix it (SORT OF). The more crystals are gathered together, the stronger they are—which is why the bigger islands stay afloat longer. That’s why he’s trying to take them all, so he can guarantee the safety of his kingdom.
    Maybe an important plot point is that he has to keep collecting crystals for his weather machine to keep working. Eventually their strength weakens, so he has to just get more and more and more.
    Somewhere along the lines, IF we go with this line of plotting, they should realize that they are going to have to find mainland, or else they are all going to fall out of the sky. Who realizes it? Maybe this is a place where some of the characters split up—some try to find a map to the mainland, while some try to destroy the weather machine and take back the crystals. OOOOOOOO MAYBE BASIL AND KESTER DECIDE TO TAKE DOWN THE BADGUY AFTER THEY THINK THE GIRLS DIE AND—AND—AND GISETTE AND CLARION MEET THAT OLD HERMIT DAVID WAS TALKING ABOUT AND HE HAS THE FLIPPIN’ MAP TO “THE CLIFFS” AND *pterodactyl screech* AND WHEN THEY “COME BACK TO LIFE” THEY SHOW EVERYBODY LIKE HERE IT IS, THIS IS IT, WE CAN SAVE OUR KINGDOMS
    But of course the BADGUY is gonna want it all to himself if/when he figures out that the possibility of a mainland exists, because (a)how do they know that the mainland would fit them all and (b)the more land for him, the merrier! So he tried to TAKE it and MAYBE that’s the moment when Gisette is just like “NOPE” and yanks those crystals out of his wings

    Married a blacksmith, and now frequently uses his knowledge for writing fantasy.

    The Fledgling Artist

    aaaaaawwwww!!!!!! I CA N ‘T

    "Though I'm not yet who I will be, I'm no longer who I was."



    She’s definitely gonna be in there somewhere <3333

    Married a blacksmith, and now frequently uses his knowledge for writing fantasy.


    @h-jones LOOK AT ALL THE PRECIOUS ART BABIES. The picture of Kisette and their little family,.. I JUST CAN’T AKSFJDHKSD <3

    Characters – Yeeeess! I’d love for Kisette to have their happily ever after! But what kingdom would Kester rule first though? And yes to Clarion and Gisette becoming even closer friends when they get captured!. I’d love for them to notice that they can be a great team even though they’re both quite different girls! Also, Basil becoming Kisette’s advisor would be so great! KESTER SINGING TO GISETTE THOUGH, D’AWW<3

    World – Ooooooh I LOVE the prison idea! The symbolism in that is great tbh. WHAT IF THEY ACTUALLY WERE SEND INTO THIS PRISON FOR MISUSING TECHNOLOGY. And that’s why the king is so opposed to it and never tried to use it to find the mainland because he’ll know it won’t ever work if they use it to get out.

    AND YES to the people “Peace come upon this household” when entering someone’s home. That beautiful really!

    Plot – Hmm, I kinda like that! Would have to see how that would work out for the rest of the story though! I do definitely like for the evil dude (who desperately needs a name) to just keep on having to need more and more of these crystals. Maybe the crystals could even start to slowly lose their power because the misuses them for his technology? These shiny blobs are becoming more and more complex xD

    BUT THE GIRLS FINDING THE MAP TO THE MAINLAND THOUGH. YESSSS! I’d love for that to be the moment that attacks the guy! Kinda at the climax right before he saves her from falling.

    OOOOOOOOOOH BUT WAT IF IN THE CLIMAX the bad guy either attacks or pushes Gisette away, thinking he’s killed her. However as he notices that the squad has the map he focusses his weather machine (or some other electronical device) on them, threatening he will kill them if they don’t give it to him. And as he charges his machine Gisette jumps through the air, pulling the crystal out of his wings and as they both fall Kester dashes to save her.

    “I've loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”

    The Fledgling Artist

    Baby Kisette. : 3

    "Though I'm not yet who I will be, I'm no longer who I was."

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