
Fantasy Writers

Wingfeather Saga 5th book RP

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  • #116407
    Kylie S. Pierce

      So, those of you who have read all of The Wingfeather Saga know that the story ends on a giant cliffhanger. And since Mr. Andrew Peterson *Throws a very, very, annoyed look in his direction* is not going to tell us if Janner Igiby Wingfeather lives or not (I believe he does.), I was thinking we should collaborate on our own version of the non-existent 5th book, starting with Janner waking up at the Living Well, and ending it with, well, whatever we want to. You can use one of the original characters, or make up a new one. What do y’all think?

      Throne Warden and Featherhead,

      Kylie Wingfeather

      "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.


        Maybe, but there’s a reason for his keeping it a mystery. It’s part of it.

        I know how you feel, but as i write my own story, i understand why he does that.

        But yeah i like the idea!


          Oooo! Sounds cool, Kylie! I do believe Janner comes back as well. I’m not sure if I’ll join, but I might. 😉

          I light the arrow, pull the bow,
          Shoot that fire right through my soul.

          Mischievous Thwapling

            This sounds interesting, Kylie!! I think I might join, though I know we can never do the Wingfeather Saga’s ending justice, y’know? 🙂

            "I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell."

            Arindown (Gracie)


              Very interesting idea. I might pop in once or twice to help out though.

              I agree with everyone that we can’t do it justice, and that there’s totally a reason why Mr. Peterson left it open-ended, but it still might be fun to just imagine.

              If I do a character, it will be Leeli.

              "If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde


                If I join, I’d like to be Artham, if y’all don’t mind. 😉 He’s my favorite, if my profile pic didn’t already give that away. 😛

                And yeah, we’ll never do it justice. It just… is. I don’t see how it could’ve ended any other way, but I have speculated about how Janner comes back, and even started my own little story about it. If we do this, maybe we could just start in Anneira, assuming he did come back. What happened at the First Well will be special for each of us, and I think it might be good if we just let it rest in our hearts as that. AP wrote it that way because he didn’t want us to think the story was just done, and there was nothing else that could happen (like what Sir Arthur Conan Doyle did by killing Sherlock; I was so mad when I read that story!!!). But AP left a glimmer of hope; ’cause he knows we all need it.

                So, the story continues. There are many other adventures to be had.

                I light the arrow, pull the bow,
                Shoot that fire right through my soul.

                Joelle Stone

                  Hi Kylie!! Kinnan here. 😀 So glad you made it! I’d love to join, although I may not be on consistently (I’m suddenly very busy with my own book and a publishing chance and stuff). Cool idea! I agree with Wingiby, though: what we believe happened to Janner or not is very special for each of us. So I think we should start in Anneria. I could be Nia or another character that’s not a main one (so not one of the Jewels). I could be Hulwen too, or Arundelle (love Arundelle!), or something like that. Wouldn’t it be cool if Arundelle and Artham had kids?!? Ooh, I could be Oskar! “In the words of Bronwyn Silverfoot, ‘I hope you don’t mind.’ ” 😛 I’m good with any of those, so you guys choose! I love Wingfeather RPs…. I was one once as a senior Throne Warden, Kinnan Wingfeather. She was awesome…. 🙁

                  Anyway, I’m rambling. So glad we reconnected!!


                    Howdy, Kinnan! I’m so glad you could join us! I don’t mind whoever you chose! And yeah, we should definitely start in Anneira. But we have to work out a few things first:

                    1. Did Artham get healed by the Water from the First Well? If not, why? And has he already married Arundelle? And yes, do they have kids? 😉

                    2. How long after the ending of The Warden and the Wolf King do we start, and so how old will everyone be? Are Jewels getting married or what?

                    3. What state is Anneira in? Is it flourishing or still trying to get a foothold?

                    I just thought it might be good to answer a few of these before we get started, ’cause we might all be thinking differently and that would get confusing… really confusing…

                    I light the arrow, pull the bow,
                    Shoot that fire right through my soul.


                      Oh, and by the way, YOU ARE PUBLISHING A BOOK?!?!? What is it about? When are you doing it? Can I read it?

                      I light the arrow, pull the bow,
                      Shoot that fire right through my soul.

                      Joelle Stone


                        Ooh, good questions. And I might be publishing a book, I may not. I have to wait until the middle of August to find out. 🙂

                        I think Artham should be healed. I mean, at the end, he says, “I’ve wanted to taste it [the Water] for a long time.” Or something along those lines, anyhow. I don’t know about Arundelle; I guess we’ll figure that out later.

                        I think we should start, like, a year or so after the Gnag battle thingamabob. (Rudric! No!!). So Janner would be fourteen-ish, Kal thirteen-ish, and Leeli ten or eleven. I don’t know about everyone else. 🙂

                        If we do start a year after the Battle, then I’d think that Anneria has a pretty good setup by now. It’s probably not completely healed, but I’d say its flourishing.


                        Anywho, that’s my ideas. 🙂


                          Sounds good! Can i have dibs on Janner?

                          Joelle Stone


                            I’m cool with it! Glad you’re joining us. 🙂


                              Ok thanks!

                              Mischievous Thwapling

                                I don’t really know who I want to be.  When I  think of a character, I feel like I couldn’t do them justice! (though I would like to be Kalmar)

                                "I threw stones at the stars, but the whole sky fell."

                                Kylie S. Pierce

                                  So I was thinking we could start a few months after the last book, because there are probably are a few important things that still need to be done in Anniera, Skree, and the Green Hollows (and everywhere else in Aerwiar). And could someone give me a synopsis of TWATWK please? It’s been two years since I read the last book, and while I still remember some things (Janner, Podo, and Rudric dying, Artham falling in love with Arundelle (wasn’t she the tree cloven? Was there a tree cloven?), and a few other things) most of them I can’t, and the few I can recall are very vague. Oh! And before I forget, I’m going down to Atlanta, Georgia for an Irish Dance workshop this weekend so I may or may not be able to post.

                                  "I read that book, and it affected me." ~my sister, about the Warrior Cats.

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