Dakota replied to the topic Character Story Photography Thread in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@naiya-dyani @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat
And here’s Rob’s face. I did his college a while ago, so it didn’t make it into it. I might remake it . . .
Dakota replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@emberynus-the-dragonslayer thnks! 🙂
@urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat @kayla-skywriter @naiya-dyani
This is the final part!!
Megyn returned with the doctor at her side. Kedori reluctantly stepped back as they surrounded his friend.
They’ll help him, he told himself. It’s going to be okay. Kiet will get better. He has to.
As the…[Read more]
Naiya Dyani replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat @kayla-skywriter @dakota @emberynus-the-dragonslayer
Next Kiet/Megyn/Kedori part:
The drab granite walls of the hospital rose out of the drifts of dirty snow ahead. Megyn shivered as another gust of wind drove its fingers through her clothing. She pressed her lips together as she glanced back at…[Read more] -
Dakota replied to the topic Character Story Photography Thread in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@naiya-dyani @urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat @kayla-skywriter @emberynus-the-dragonslayer
I found a face for my grumpy peep! 😉 I bet ya she’d be really mad if I called her that to her face. *laughing evilly*
Dakota replied to the topic Character Story Photography Thread in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@naiya-dyani @urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat @kayla-skywriter @emberynus-the-dragonslayer
And lastly, Megyn’s collage!! *hugs her too* The FRMS symbol I can give to anyone who has or will have a FRMS charrie.
Dakota replied to the topic Character Story Photography Thread in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@emberynus-the-dragonslayer @naiya-dyani @urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat @kayla-skywriter
The collage for my doctor peep. *goes and gives him a hug*
Dakota replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat @kayla-skywriter @naiya-dyani @emberynus-the-dragonslayer
And the next Megyn/Kedori/Kiet part.
“You want me to release him from the Tower?” the Warden exclaimed. He twisted around as he strode ahead of her, eyes rounded in shock.
“Only temporarily,” she assured him, almost sprinting trying to keep up…[Read more]
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Character Story Photography Thread in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@naiya-dyani @urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat @kayla-skywriter @dakota
And this is his brother whom none of you know yet 🙂 :
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Character Story Photography Thread in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@naiya-dyani @urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat @kari-karast @dakota
This is Zenyth. w/o the mask:
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat @dakota @kayla-skywriter @naiya-dyani
Here’s Rosetta’s introduction:
The chime of a clock broke the late morning silence. Rosetta sighed, shifting her feet in the thickly drifted snow. “An hour late.” she murmured. Her eyes flicked to the alleyway. “Jordan, where are you? The sparrow meeting was…[Read more]
Naiya Dyani replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat @dakota @kayla-skywriter @emberynus-the-dragonslayer
Next Kedori/Kiet/Megyn part!
Their footsteps echoed in the hall, hollow and haunting. Megyn glanced around as they passed the same cells, the same prisoner’s faces. Some stared at her with the same dead-while-alive expression. Others stared at…[Read more]
Kayla Skywriter replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@dakota I think setting up a google doc would be great. Here is the first part, I did use part of your idea. Hope you like it.
Everyone else: @urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @naiya-dyani @mayacat
The precinct had seen better days. When the building had first been built the walls had stood proudly at attention, but now they seemed to…[Read more]
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@dakota @urwen-starial @mayacat @kayla-skywriter @naiya-dyani @esmeralda-gramilton
The next part for Logan and Rhioe:
Logan took a deep breath and shifting Rhioe’s weight slightly on his back. He was in this deep. He had no choice now but to tell her.
“You- you look a lot like someone I knew. . . my sister actually.” he sighed heavily. Tears…[Read more]
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@dakota @urwen-starial @mayacat @kayla-skywriter @naiya-dyani @esmeralda-gramilton
Korynth/Ian/Jin and random tower guard that anyone can use later if they want 🙂 :
The air was frosty inside the stone walls as Guard 347 slouched sullenly near a torch on the wall. Opposite him, Guard 501 stared down at the floor, wincing whenever the scream of a…[Read more]
Dakota replied to the topic Character Story Photography Thread in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@naiya-dyani @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat
And a collage of my grumpiest peep.
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@dakota @urwen-starial @mayacat @kayla-skywriter @naiya-dyani @esmeralda-gramilton
AAAAaaaand I have a new character. Here’s her collage. Her description is also in the doc. Please take a look and lemme know what you think 🙂 :
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@dakota @urwen-starial @mayacat @kayla-skywriter @naiya-dyani @esmeralda-gramilton
I had posted Jordan’s collage, but when Story Embers updated it was gone. So I’m posting it again here: 🙂
His description is in the doc now.
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@dakota @urwen-starial @mayacat @kayla-skywriter @naiya-dyani
Alright Everabody!!! I know this has been a long time coming and I apologize for that. Here’s what Zenyth and Sandyra have been doing all this time. @esmeralda-gramilton and I wrote this together. I’ll *** to show pov change. Thank you so much Esmeralda for working with me on this. It…[Read more]
Dakota replied to the topic Character Story Photography Thread in the forum Characters 4 years ago
@naiya-dyani @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @urwen-starial @esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat
Okay, here is a collage for Tisha. What do you think?
Kayla Skywriter replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years ago
Okay, here is Pasha and Era’s next part. I’m hoping to get another one done soon, but my life is really busy so we’ll see.
Pasha stared at the door.
It didn’t move.
The large dog sighed, chest lifting of the ground before settling back in a new spot. Stay. Wait. That was what his boy had– his master had said. Yes, his master had t…[Read more]
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