Filewriter posted an update 5 years, 5 months ago
Hey, guys! Sorry, I haven’t been very active in the guild AT ALL lately. I’ve decided to go on hiatus from Story Embers for a little while. I figured out that I’ve just committed to too many things and I’m having trouble with doing them all. So, while Story Embers is really important to me, it’s also one of the things that I’ll be giving up. For a little while. I might not be back until the end of the summer. When I come back, though, I’m hoping that I’ll have less things going on so that I can be more active.
So… Until then. *salutes* *flies off on griffon* XD
@catwing @hope-ann @allison-grace @emgc @enu @princess-foo @seekjustice @karthmin @mlbolangerauthor @lady-frosttongue @sarah-inkdragon @devastate-lasting @the-inkspiller @filewriter @sarah-narnathron @ajaj2000 @warrenluther04 @lydia-writes @rose-noblescroll @thetessinator @briannajean @norella-novik @morreafirebird @sageinthemeadow @kelly-lundgren @karthmin
Aw, we’ll miss you, File!
You’ll be missed my friend, but I understand. Enjoy your break! I shall await your return. *hands you feathers for your journey* Until we meet again. :3
Hey, mate it’s okay. Do what you have to do 🙂
Aw, well I’ll miss you! Thanks for being awesome. 🙂
Darn, I get back from a hiatus to find friends going on a hiatus. (Wait what’s the plural form of hiatus? *hmm*)
We’ll all miss you, but I understand that sometimes, breaks are necessary! See you soon! 🙂