Tess replied to the topic April Word War! in the forum Events & Guild Maintenance 5 years, 5 months ago
@catwing *ducks in*
Oh gosh, I’m never on this forum anymore. TIME, MY DUDES. But I got the email notif. Lucky for me, I wrote 10,000 (yes, exactly) for Camp Nano so add that to the word war!
Also that Hawkeye comic (??) is amazing. Big mood.
Let’s trash this, Ereki!
Tess replied to the topic Guild Positions in the forum Events & Guild Maintenance 5 years, 8 months ago
Is there anything I could do on a weekly basis? I don’t have a ton of time for this forum, but you guys are great people and I want to help!
Tess started the topic BTAS? in the forum Art Discussions 5 years, 8 months ago
Is anyone else
obsessed withfamiliar with Batman: The Animated Series? From a writing persepective, that show is great, but it’s even more amazing for the art.If you haven’t seen it: no questions asked, go watch it, you will not regret it. It’s also really clean so that’s good.
If you have seen it: wHy dO tHeY nOt mAkE cArToOnS lIkE tHiS aNyMoRe hElP
Tess replied to the topic It's a bird, it's a plane, it's… in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 8 months ago
@ncstokes Yes, it is yours truly fighting with a tree. Luckily for the tree, he surrendered.
There are a bunch of tiny pine trees around a park near my house and one time I was like, “hey wouldn’t it be funny to pose like Godzilla and pretend I was way huger than I actually was?
I wrote a blog post about…[Read more]
Tess replied to the topic Redrawing old Artwork in the forum Art Discussions 5 years, 8 months ago
Time for another episode of Tess Improves A Tiny Bit!
October vs….
…just a few weeks ago.
Any thoughts?
Tess started the topic TheTessinator's Gallery in the forum Art Critique 5 years, 8 months ago
I’m legit copying @dekreel here XD
Welcome to TheTessinator’s Gallery. (I was going to call it Tess’ Gallery but one of the things about having a name ending in ‘s’ is that you refrain from writing it in the possessive form. It’s just awkward. Anyways.) I’ve been trying for improvement recently so I want some inspiration to keep working from you…[Read more]
Tess replied to the topic Character Design help? in the forum Art Critique 5 years, 8 months ago
Okay, the only thing I can say is that his skin is a little dead looking in tone. Since it’s more toward the yellow than the pink, it clashes with both the red and the blue. Maybe another thing to think about is making the blue more purplish, or the red more purplish? It just seems like the two main colors aren’t balanced very well. However, I am…[Read more]
Tess started the topic teensy weensy piece to critique! in the forum Peer Review 5 years, 8 months ago
Here’s 200 words I wrote today that I could use a critique on? I’m trying to write out a bit of prehistory on a novel I’ve been working on for forever. Maybe just to get ideas flowing. Not sure where I’m going with it yet.
– o – //
Davi Mendosa was not an average museum curator. With his slapdash brown hair and crooked flannel shirt, he looked…[Read more]
Tess replied to the topic Erekdale Scrapyard (RP) in the forum Erekdale Writing Discussions 5 years, 9 months ago
*waves shovel* Ye stop shakin’ that thar axe at me. Ye and yer lizard can sign yerselves over thar. *points to tiny tin building choked in reddish-brown vines* I be no one but tha mate of this ‘ere dump. *clanks back toward a pile of broken dragon tack*
Tess replied to the topic Thread of the Extroverted Writers in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 9 months ago
Random question for you ENFPs: do you guys have the habit of talking really loud? I talk so loud, my dad covers his ears at times :0
Tess replied to the topic January 2019 Accountability in the forum Events & Guild Maintenance 5 years, 9 months ago
– finish schoolwork!
– draw every day
– keep up Hebrew diary
– change my bedsheets, cuz they’re nasty
@karthmin Praying for you 🙂
Tess replied to the topic Thread of the Extroverted Writers in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 9 months ago
I was in a choir in like, 4th-6th grade. There was this kid who had a crush on me and was bugging me, and I complained about him to my older brother. Indignant, my brother went and told the kid that if he didn’t leave me alone, he was going to get his face punched in.
The funny thing about this was that my brother was wayyyyy shorter than the kid…[Read more]
Tess replied to the topic Thread of the Extroverted Writers in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 9 months ago
@ericawordsmith Wellllllll it depends, but usually no. I like ordering stuff in weird accents. Half my crushes have been people working at restaurants and grocery stores. And I’m in the habit of getting weird stuff (plain burger patties) at Burger King, and the people behind the counter are always like “whaaaaat???” and I’m like HAVE YOU NOT HEARD…[Read more]
Tess's profile was updated 5 years, 9 months ago
Tess replied to the topic Would Your Character Rather. . . in the forum Characters 5 years, 9 months ago
Would your character rather fight one person who’d never lost a fight ever, or an entire army?
Gwen: The heck, send the whole army. I’m gonna die anyways.
Edward: Uh…single person, I might be able to talk him out of fighting me.
(why are all my characters cowards??? >w<)
– o // –
Would your character rather shower in whipped cream or b…[Read more]
Tess replied to the topic Thread of the Extroverted Writers in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 9 months ago
Anyone have any problems with being both extraverted and socially awkward, which leads to you making every situation uncomfortable for everyone?
Please don’t ask me to tell the Awkward Extraverting Stories™ that I have.
(i legit stole someone’s email address one time)
(and emailed…[
Tess replied to the topic Character Design in the forum Art Discussions 5 years, 9 months ago
Okay just popping in with a random note:
I FLIPPING LOVE THE LITTLE DETAILS YOU HAVE ABOUT THESE CHARACTERS. particularly the ones that aren’t super typical. Achim’s stomach? Ares’ manicured hands? ASDFGHJKL love it.
May have to draw one of these guys 🙂
Tess replied to the topic Erekdale Scrapyard (RP) in the forum Erekdale Writing Discussions 5 years, 9 months ago
[will be playing as Pew unless otherwise noted]
*whacks @karthmin with shovel* Jest what d’ya think y’be doing, swoaping in with that thar dragon in me scrapyerd?! Ye got’to sign yerself in with *jabs thumb at chest* the skipper. Ye hear?
Tess replied to the topic Eyes… Allow me to ask thee an odd question in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 9 months ago
Tess replied to the topic Character Building Role-Play in the forum Erekdale Writing Discussions 5 years, 9 months ago
@devastate-lasting @mlbolangerauthor @catwing Where else am I supposed to get rid of my junk? Well, I mean, unless you have a recycling center or something. Or a Goodwill. Or a consignment store. Actually, making money off my stuff sounds like, amazing. Is there like, a Salvation Army?
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