BookDragon started the topic Why All Speculative Fiction is Allegorical in the forum Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 9 months ago
A while ago, I made a comment on someone else’s topic about how all speculative fiction is allegorical. I said this knowing full well that it would be new to most people, and I love catching people off guard, not to mention the fact that I knew most people probably wouldn’t notice. Well, someone noticed, so now I’m going to explain what I meant…[Read more]
BookDragon replied to the topic Why is Christian Sci-Fi Scarcer than Fantasy? in the forum Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 9 months ago
LOL! I can certainly try! Honestly, it’s a theory I’ve been sitting on so long that it seems obvious to me, so I’m not sure how to explain it. If you had specific things you think would be helpful to address, I’d be happy to work from there!
BookDragon replied to the topic Struggling with worldbuilding for a strange universe in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 9 months ago
Thank you so much for the input! It’s ironic that you mentioned Terry Pratchett as reading one of his books was part of the inspiration for this story. I’ll be sure to look into the link you gave me!
I’ve also updated some of the worldbuilding from when I made my last post, mostly by adding to some of the cultural aspects of each region.
BookDragon replied to the topic Struggling with worldbuilding for a strange universe in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
Update: I did some more worldbuilding that hadn’t occurred to me to do before. Some of the layout might be odd, but it’s the best I could do without typing it all out again. Here it is. Thoughts anyone?
The World’s Name: Deppord-Dnal
World Description by Perception:
· Beginning of the book: Deppord-Dnal is comprised of many region…[Read more]
BookDragon replied to the topic Why is Christian Sci-Fi Scarcer than Fantasy? in the forum Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
*timidly enters the room and clears throat*
If I may…
I tend to lean on the same side of the fence as Daeus Lamb. While I don’t believe in aliens, incorporating them in an allegory (which I would argue all spec fic is) gives me the chance to explore how God would interact with them, which in turn forces me to examine how He interacts with…[Read more]
BookDragon replied to the topic Sci-fi God figure? in the forum Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
This.^^^^ I’ve read the first two books of that series and it helped a lot with figuring out how to write sci-fi involving alien races and the God of the Bible. It helped me think of how God interacts with different people on Earth and apply that idea to the universe. I haven’t read the last book (it’s the longest one), but I highly recommend…[Read more]
BookDragon replied to the topic How to increase online visibility for a Sci-fi writer in the forum Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
This is all helpful. I just have a question about submitting to online publications and magazines. I struggle with knowing what exactly publishers want and I often get rejected – even when I think I’ve fulfilled their expectations. Are there any steps you recommend to help with that (aside from reading past issues and watching my grammar and such)?
BookDragon replied to the topic Murder mysteries for dummies in the forum Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
Hello! I don’t know if you’re still looking for input, but here is what I have found most helpful:
Mysteries tend to be very structured, especially when looking at episodic mysteries. Someone (I forget who) broke it down into 5 elements that most mysteries have. (1) Someone finds the body. When I write, this is the first act, and it’s usually the…[Read more]
BookDragon replied to the topic Introductory Post I Only Just Realized Was Obligatory in the forum Introduce Yourself 1 year, 10 months ago
Hi! I write in all kinds of genres, but my favorite is mystery. Though I dearly wish I were more proficient at fantasy, I tend to try too hard to depart from the real world and it makes it hard to suspend disbelief. I was also recently inspired to write poetry again, which I used to really love. Now that I see what everyone publishes, I find…[Read more]
BookDragon started the topic Introductory Post I Only Just Realized Was Obligatory in the forum Introduce Yourself 1 year, 10 months ago
Hi! How’s it going? You can call me by my whole handle (though that would be odd considering what it is), parts of my handle (which would sound less strange), or Liz (because that’s my name).
I have been writing stuff for over 10 years now and am just now trying to get published. I’m also realizing that I don’t understand how to interpret what…[Read more]
BookDragon replied to the topic Ending Scene… Too sudden? Help appreciated and desired! 23K words in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
First, let me tell you what my goal is not right now: my goal is not to tear your work apart. There are parts that choked me up a bit, and I don’t think the ending is too sudden at all! Here is my goal: I want to explain how I feel as a reader. Please don’t be offended.
I think the thing that’s throwing me off a little is that I feel like…[Read more]
BookDragon replied to the topic Fanatical or Fantasy? Fictional of Heretical? in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
I love what-if stories about Scripture. In fact, I’m planning a series that plays with the apocalypse. Where I question this concept is where it concerns God’s character. Would God respond to Satan’s challenge like this? Would He even acknowledge it? Why would He?
I don’t see anything wrong with exploring life post-apocalypse, but…[Read more]
BookDragon replied to the topic Word Count Question in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
According to MasterClass, the average YA fantasy novel is about 40,000 to 80,000 words. If you plan to take this to a publisher, that would probably be a good number to shoot for. That being said, I like the other answers on here better.
BookDragon replied to the topic Morally Ambiguous Characters in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
I differ with a lot of people on this topic. The main reason for this is that it seems like media is saturated with horrible people that we’re told to like because their hearts are in the right place. I hate that. When I read about horrible people, I want them to get what they deserve, or to see them redeemed. When I write, I want to give my…[Read more]
BookDragon replied to the topic Dark Fantasy Among Christians? in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
Here is how I look at it: I can’t make sense of dark things unless I write about them. I certainly can’t show Christ in dark places unless I go there. In a way, literature is a mission field, which Christians can enter and tell stories of truth and redemption that lead others to Christ. Sherman Alexie wrote a really good article once called Why…[Read more]
BookDragon joined the group Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
BookDragon joined the group Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
BookDragon joined the group Publishing and Marketing Nerds 1 year, 10 months ago
BookDragon started the topic Struggling with worldbuilding for a strange universe in the forum Fantasy Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
I love fantasy novels. I love the depth and allegory writers manage to weave into their stories, and I especially love learning about God through them. However, I have always struggled to put such stories on paper. That has never been more true than recently.
I recently came up with an idea for a new high-fantasy novel. The plot is rather…[Read more]
BookDragon joined the group Fantasy Writers 1 year, 10 months ago
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