The best-hidden words
are the most sought for:
elusive phrases
hiding under tongues
and peering from eyes;
retreating to throats
and dancing through minds;
creatures so passionate
and yet so timid;
unwilling to leave
the safety of the heart
and strong enough to burn
the lips that conceal it.
Hungry ears
learned to starve,
and crippled lips
learned to rest,
each in humble acceptance
or bitter defeat.
Human hands
cling to safety
and rarely walk
the line of the brave
(despite, perhaps,
a wistful heart).
But, my dear,
courageous one,
these words you seek
are never lost,
simply scattered,
left for you to find
if you are only wise to look.
Thirsty ears
drink from them;
weakened lips
draw strength from them,
for the artful weapon of listening
is there for all to wield.
The human gift of hearing
and the tender grant of understanding,
woven together
by masterful hands,
streaming words
through ears and minds
just as sunlight seeps
between the trees—
perhaps missing
each glittered beam,
but enough to catch
a glimpse of the source.
These words you seek
are speaking
through each prayer
lifted up for you;
they smile at you
in each tender eye
that meets again with yours.
They watch for you to see them
when they shout their hidden soul.
These words you seek exist—
they live and breathe and move.
they wish to be found.
They are the heartbeat
of every gentle touch.
In the whispers,
one learns to hear
I love you.

Cindy Green is a forest-wandering, poetry-scribbling stargazer with messy notebooks and messy thoughts. Despite her love for all of God’s creation, sunflowers and stars in particular have a way of sneaking into both her writing and her heart (but you won’t hear her complaining about it). She is an amateur sword-wielder with a Highland-dancing warrior spirit who also writes letters to the moon and considers the sky her best friend. A focused daydreamer, organized pack rat, and oblivious observer, she is a self-professing ambivert (or a living contradiction) who deeply feels both the beauty and fallen state of the world. Through her words, she hopes to describe the indescribable and form personal connections with people while reflecting a love for her Savior and a passion for everything she touches.
This is so pretty 😊
*smiles* Thank you, darling 🙂
Awwww… this is so sweet and wistful. <3
This is so beautiful! Love it. ❤️
Thanks for reading, Eden!
Love it <3 Also, just curious…what type of poetry is this? Is it free verse? I don't know much about poetry, but I'm trying to learn more about the types that exist. Once again, beautiful job!
Hi, I’m gonna jump in here. 🙂 This poem would probably be classified as free verse because it has no definite structure, like syllable counts or rhyme schemes.
Hi, Michaela! Catherine’s spot on. 🙂 Keep learning those styles, girl!
Cindy, this is lovely! I love how the words themselves seem to whisper as I read them. This is such a sweet reminder that we ARE heard even when we don’t know the words. It’s so lovely, and has so much packed into it! Thank you!
The depth you reach in your responses always blows me away, and is always much appreciated. <3 Thank you so much, Katherine!
I know I say this every time, but I LOVE THIS POEM SO MUCH!!! 😍😍😍 I want to wrap it around me like a blanket.
*drapes poem around your shoulders* There 😀
“for the artful weapon of listening
is there for all to wield.”
I have never thought about listening this way, but wow–you just blew my mind, girl! Love this poem and you so much!! Thanks for sharing your heart-words with us. 😉
*grins* You make me smile so much, Sarah dear. Thank you 🙂
Hi Cindy, I loved your poem! And I found both encouragement and strength in it; so thank you.