
Farewell, Stan Lee

Forums Fiction General Writing Discussions Farewell, Stan Lee


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  • #59116
    I, David

    I feel that it’d probably be appropriate to give a shoutout to the legend who is has just recently gone on to eternity, Stan Lee. My prayers go out for him, his family, and his legacy.




    P.S. It may not seem totally writing-related, but he has influenced the culture quite significantly through his work, and thus affected many of us in our writing, characters, and thought processes.


    Samantha Farrar


    Thanks for creating this thread.

    He was a great author and artist!!!! I loved his work!!! 

    My sister drew this picture yesterday night for her art page on Instagram.@thelastlightfury

    It was a crazy last minute decision, as she posts every Tuesday morning, but definitely worth it to honor this great man!!! The pen has great power whether it’s owner chooses to draw, write, or both. A shout out to all the amazing people who tackle both!!

    I took the liberty of tagging everyone in the Infinity War Thread.I’m assuming you are all Marvel fans and therefore Stan Lee fans.😉

    We’ll miss you StanLee.💕Excelsior

    https://storyembers.org/wp-content/uploads/hm_bbpui/59221/8veka7jis25udy956l4j44ycq2u84t72.JPG @i-david @lady-iliara @josiah @joyofemberley @princess-foo @snapper @samuel @nuetrobolt @kayla-joy @evelyn


    *A passionate ENFP author, in training for Christ.*

    J. Dekreel

    Rest in piece, Stan Lee. I’m only just recently getting into Marvel, so I actually had no idea he existed until the news went out. But now that I know who he was, I’m feeling the pain of Marvel fans everywhere. He made quite an impact on our culture. I shall miss him very much (despite only first hearing about him yesterday :-P).

      Tell your sister that’s an awesome picture!! Very appropriate. 🙂 🙂

    ENFP-T. Cartoonist, "half-writer", wolfish.


    @samantha-pen Tell your sister she’s talented!

    Yes, @i-david I learned yesterday was very sad to hear about it. 🙁


    Oh, Lord, yes. I just learned about this today and oh my word, I feel like this is probably the saddest I have ever been about someone famous dying. I guess it just never occurred to me that he could die?? Which is weird, I know, haha xD I guess it was really just a shock. I didn’t expect it at all.

    Rest in Peace.

    Married a blacksmith, and now frequently uses his knowledge for writing fantasy.


    I was so shocked when I found out yesterday. Stan Lee was one of the artists I look up to. Farewell, Stan The Man, King Of Cameos. Excelsior.

    I'm an ENFP - fluent in English, jokes, confusing art teminology, MBTI, and maniacal screaming.

    Samantha Farrar


    Yes, I was like no… what about avenger cameos. 😞 I just assumed he’d be alive till they finished the Avenger series. So yeah, I know what you mean.

    I will miss him too!

    *A passionate ENFP author, in training for Christ.*



    "In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." ~Th.Jefferson

    I, David

    Just so everyone knows, Stan Lee will appear posthumously in Avengers 4 for his final cameo.

    I can already imagine the applause.


    Kayla Joy

    RIP Stan Lee.

    He will be missed. Thanks for tagging me and sharing that beautiful artwork @samantha-pen  🙂

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Kayla Joy.

    Red haired Disney Nerd. Proverbs 3:5-6 ENFP-T

    Samantha Farrar

    That is super cool!!!!


    absolutely I thought you guys might want to hop in here.

    😁My sis is pretty is a pretty awesome artist!!!

    *A passionate ENFP author, in training for Christ.*

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