Spaceless Race

September 2, 2021

By E. C. Colton


I run a race that no one can see,

But too often I lag behind.

I watch the leaves glide on the wind

And wonder what it’s like to bide time.

When I pause to take a breath,

The wind shoves an unchecked task list

Into my clenched hand.

My mind rings with endless aisles of thoughts

Of all the girls I wanted to be

Before I realized my inabilities.

It’s like I run a race among the stars,

My limbs losing in a fight against gravity.

On those days it’s easier

To disappear into paper worlds

Of lions and swords in stone

And abandon the race I’m running.

On those days I beg You to give me strength

To keep running this spaceless race.

The silence drifts on and onβ€”

Stealing my song, stealing my prayers.

But the wind carries a mindless tune,

Fluttering the pages around me.

With it comes a whisper,

A faint truth that weaves

Its way into the room around me:

You can use my inability.

As the sun rises, the truth explodes

Into a cloud of blossomsβ€”

Glittering burgundy and silver.

This shattered mind can ignite,

This silent heart can whisper stories,

This trembling hand can weave words

Filled with shadows and light.

The unfading vow

That remains in the dusty room

Is a whisper when all else is forgotten:

I will run this spaceless race.


E. C. Colton is a Christian, cat mom, aspiring poet, and published author. She strives to write stories and poems that illustrate deep truths through realistic characters and prose. She’s a fan of tear-jerking stories, the dystopian genre, and leather bootsβ€”all of which often show up in her writing. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her drawing, designing graphics, and scribbling away in a vintage notebook with a cup of tea.


For a bigger dose of her writing style, check out her little corner of the internet, Quill of Hope, or join her up-close-and-personal mailing list.


  1. Natalie

    Wow… I’m speechless. I… this is GORGEOUS! I love it. You’ve got talent, Emeline!

    • Corina Kenney

      This is really good stuff, Emeline. I’m not usually a reader of poetry but you really pulled me in. Awesome job!

    • Jenny Chasteen

      This is what I needed to hear today. Thank you!

    • e.c.colton

      Thank you so much!! I’m so glad you loved it!! 😊

  2. Karissa Chmil


    • e.c.colton

      Thank you so much, Karissa! 😊

  3. Autumn

    Wow. This was beautiful and inspiring. What an encouragement. Thank you, thank you for writing this. I felt the passion and the emotion and am so motivated by it.

    • e.c.colton

      It means so much to me that this touched and encouraged you, Autumn. Thank you for reading and leaving a comment!! Keep on running the raceβ€”you are not alone!

  4. RuthAnna Miller

    Wow, Em, your poem is amazing! And right on point, too. I think all of us have felt that way at one time or another of wondering if what we’re doing is really worth it. Keep running the race!! πŸ™‚

    • e.c.colton

      Thank you so so much, RuthAnna! That means a lot! 😊

  5. Quyen

    Beautifully written and so talented. It reminds me of the race I am on, to keep going, when falling and getting up, to have champions and mentors to cheer me on, to encourage others, and reach the arms of the Heavenly Father.

    • e.c.colton

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Quyen Yee! I’m so glad it encouraged you. 😊

  6. Coralie

    So proud of you, Em! This is so neat to see! And the whole idea of a spaceless race paints a picture of endurance and depth. Thank you for sharing this, girlie!

    • e.c.colton

      Aww, thank you, Coralie, that means a lot! And of course! It was super fun to write. πŸ™‚

  7. Andrea Bradford

    Wow. This is so beautiful. It resonates with every part of me. So beautiful. I copied it by hand so I could have it in my room to read. Just gorgeous.

    • e.c.colton

      Aww, I’m so glad this poem touched you, Andrea! Thank you so much for taking the time to drop a comment. 😊

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