Brian Stansell replied to the topic For Those Who Don't Get It & Those Who Do in the forum Poetry Discussions 2 years, 3 months ago
Hi Tenshi, (@tenshichispa)
There can be a number of factors related to what may
Sometimes a poetic allusion can be obscure or not be as accessible from culture to culture. This may be related to limited exposure through education, or background. Some professors in colleges and universities may go off and do their own thing, or pluck out s…[Read more]
K. A. Grey replied to the topic Idolatry of Creativity?? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 7 months ago
@tenshichispa Hello Tenshi! I think that’s a great question, and one every writer/artist should probably ask themselves at some point or the other. I think the most important thing to remember is who it brings glory to–ourselves or God? I believe God wants us to be creative and make things–He gave us that ability. But He also wants us to gi…[Read more]
Brian Stansell replied to the topic Idolatry of Creativity?? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 7 months ago
Hi Tenshi (@tenshichispa),
That is a good question:
One thing I would say is that if “making progress” impedes your time of prayer, worship, and fellowship with the Lord, then it needs to be relegated back to a subordinate role. God says to set no other “gods” before Him, so His proper place should be given in your time, focus and energies. S…[Read more]
Brian Stansell replied to the topic Idolatry of Creativity?? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 8 months ago
Hi Tenshi (@tenshichispa)
Noah has raised some good points, but I would like to add that the creativity God has given to you is a precious gift and has a place within God’s plan.
It is not an either or thing. It’s not an:”If I serve God, do I have to give up my enjoyment of creativity?”
God wants things in perspective and in proper,…[Read more]
Noah Cochran replied to the topic Idolatry of Creativity?? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 8 months ago
Hey Tenshi, that’s an interesting question. The simple answer is yes, anything and everything can become an idol. How does something become an idol? The answer to that is also quite simple. If an individual puts an activity above worshiping God as a Church (Sunday’s for most people) by performing that activity instead of attending…[Read more]