
Fantasy Writers

Character Name Discussion

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  • #111980
    Katja R

      Hey Everyone!

      and I had been talking about names and she suggested making a discussion about them. I have tons of names, so if anyone needs a good name for a certain time period or something just ask me. Grace also said that sometimes finding fantasy names can be a bit challenging. I have quite a few lists of fantasy names and their meanings. Let me know if any of you would be interested in some names!

      Also if anyone has character ideas this would be a great place to share them! I look forward to what you all come up with.


      If you think you are too small to make a difference, try living with a mosquito.

      Arindown (Gracie)


        Wow! You did that really well.

        By the way, I just remembered I had a character with no last name. He is a fantasy character, who is what I call a “freedom fighter” against an oppressive government. His name is Damien, and he is kinda like Robin Hood for his country.

        I want his last name to be easy to remember, and a little bit regal sounding…but not too fancy.

        Anybody have any ideas?

        "If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde

        Katja R



          Do you have a preference of what you want his last name to start with?



          If you think you are too small to make a difference, try living with a mosquito.

          Arindown (Gracie)


            Not really…I just want something that flows, you know.😄 Some of the ones I particularly like (some of my other character’s last names) are Pledger, Whistler, and Dudinend. Maybe that gives you some ideas?

            "If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde

            Katja R


              Here are a few. Let me know if you don’t like them and I’ll send a few more

              Amelika – freedom
              Gatleen – Merged in Freedom; Joined by
              Gowshik – Love to Peace; Perfect; Freedom; Happiness; Life of Journey; A variant of name Gausik
              Macalester – son of defender of men (Personally I like this one)

              A few others that don’t nesescairly have the meaning of freedom, but might sound nice.

              Laferriere – iron
              Lemaitre – the master


              If you think you are too small to make a difference, try living with a mosquito.

              Beth Darlene

                Good topic! I don’t have any characters I need naming but if I do I’ll let you know!

                Jominkreesa! For the weirdos who know what it means! 😉 I love you guys!

                Arindown (Gracie)


                  Wow! I like some of those! Macalester has such a cool meaning…but so does Gowshik. I like the idea of Life of Journey.

                  Which one do you think sounds best with Damien?


                  "If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde

                  Katja R


                    Personally I like Macalester best, but it’s up to you.


                    If you think you are too small to make a difference, try living with a mosquito.

                    Beth Darlene


                      Just gonna jump in here real quick lol!

                      I thing Gowshik is better just bc it’s easier to say in your mind when you read it! And it’s easier to pronounce!

                      When in a book there is a character name that is really long and hard to read I kinda just skip over it and pronounce it my own way. If that makes sense lol.

                      Jominkreesa! For the weirdos who know what it means! 😉 I love you guys!

                      Katja R

                        @arindown @beth20

                        Lol. I actually thought Macalester was easier to remember and pronounce, but I’m kinda used to unique names. (I mean my name is different 😉 ) But it’s up to you Grace. I don’t really have an argument for Macalester other than that I think it sounds good with Damien. Sometimes I change the name a bit, so even if you did Damien Maclester. Anyways, like I said, it’s up to you.


                        • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Katja R.

                        If you think you are too small to make a difference, try living with a mosquito.

                        Beth Darlene


                          Oh haha!

                          Jominkreesa! For the weirdos who know what it means! 😉 I love you guys!

                          Arindown (Gracie)


                            Yeah, I think I agree. Macalester is cool. I might tweak it just a bit to make it easier like you suggested. Thanks.

                            If I ever have any name problems, I know where to come.😄


                            totally understand about kinda “skipping over” long names in stories. Not to put anyone down, but I once read a book where one of the main characters was Belomondore. Once you figured it out, it really is a cool name, but when you’re trying to get through the story…I just ended up thinking of him as the B guy.😆 That’s part of the reason I like to mix familiar names in with the new ones. I also pay attention to length and syllables of names. Do you ever pay attention to that stuff?

                            "If I'm gonna break, I'll break like the dawn." -Nightbirde

                            Beth Darlene


                              Yeah! I pay attention to it a little bit but not a whole lot lol! There are only a few names that I made up. Like, Throden, Aclabar, Sringard… but yeah, haha!

                              Jominkreesa! For the weirdos who know what it means! 😉 I love you guys!



                                This will be so helpful! Thank you!

                                Right now I have a sea captain in my story whom I named Jeremy Dylan, but I don’t really like it. It feels too plain and generic to me, if you know what I mean.

                                I want his first name to be short but unique. And I want his second name to mean something related to the sea.

                                Do you have any suggestions?

                                Also, I would be happy to share names on here too. I’ve collected quite a few names and their meanings over the years!

                                Courage, dear heart.

                                Katja R


                                  What time period is he in? Can you describe him a bit more? Does he have family or is he by himself? How old is he?

                                  I will look through my name lists!!


                                  If you think you are too small to make a difference, try living with a mosquito.

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