
Fantasy Writers

Any Artists?

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      Hi everyone!

      I’m kinda just throwing this out here because I think there’s some aspiring comic artists on here?

      I’m wanting to get into digital art, and I am getting seriously interested in the Wacom Intuos Pro Large. I was curious if anyone has had experience with it? If so, your opinions?

      We crazy people are the normal ones.

      Joshua Scheele


        Hi! I am not a professional artist but I have been doodling with both the Intuos Pro and Wacom Cintiq Pro 16 in. They are both very good options but things to consider is that the Intuos pro requires major hand and eye coordination which many like myself struggle through it and takes a long time to master. I honestly don’t that free time working fulltime and it was much easier to save up for the Cintiq Pro with an easier learning curve since you can look at the same screen you are drawing on, if your hand and eye coordination are not very balanced. I hope this helps.



          it does! thank you so much!

          We crazy people are the normal ones.


            Hey @scoutfinch190 !

            I remember having similar questions when I was debating between tablets to buy. I’m a professional artist working in the field of illustration/animation. If you’re able, I would definitely recommend, alongside Joshua, saving up for a Wacom Cintiq. I’ve used a Wacom Bamboo and a Wacom Intuos (Small) my whole life and though the quality of my art hasn’t really changed since switching over to a Cintiq, the process of creating is much more streamlined and intuitive. I ended up buying the Wacom Cintiq 16in, rather than the Wacom Cintiq 16in Pro, due to a tight budget, and honestly, it serves me quite well. There is a little bit of parallax, but I’ve simply adapted to that. I have not been disappointed by my decision (but then, in fairness, I don’t know what the difference would have been).

            If you go with the Cintiq, I’d suggest comparing the specs on the Pro with the specs on the regular Cintiq and determining from there which one would better suit your individual wants and needs, as well as which one is best in your budget.

            If the Cintiqs are beyond your budget, Wacom does make a small tablet called Wacom One (make sure you look for the Wacom One that is a pen display) that I believe has been designed for beginners in digital art. I haven’t used one but perhaps this could be an option to consider. Otherwise, the Wacom Intuos is a very nice tablet, if you do decide to go that route. It simply takes that extra step of hand-eye coordination Joshua talked about in his post above. I could say using one is almost like driving a standard vs. an automatic car. You may be able to drive both cars well, but there are a few extra steps of thought you need to take in order to do the former compared to the latter.

            Hope this helped some! I look forward to hearing what decision you come to 🙂

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Jaclyn.


              Hey Scoutfinch!

              This is a pretty familiar question to me, I’ve been there XD

              So, I currently use an Intuos pressure-sensitive tablet without screen display. I’ve used a Wacom Bamboo in the past and it also worked great, it’s just smaller.

              I was saving up for a big display tablet, but I ended up not getting one. My dad got a smallish one for his work, and I tried it out. By this point I’d been working on a non-display tablet for a few years, and I found switching to a display one really jarring. My hand got in the way, the screen was smaller than my computer and I found navigating harder.

              I’m sure if I’d practiced with it more, I would have gotten the knack for it, but atm I’m perfectly happy with my non-display one and stopped saving for a display one. I picked up the skill of looking at the screen but working with your hand quite easily.

              My advice is that if you’re just getting into digital art, a non display one works perfectly well and it’s a tenth of the price XD

              So, just some more input for you, hope this helped!


              Without darkness, there is no light. If there was no nighttime, would the stars be as bright?


                Thank you guys so much for the advice!

                My husband wound up going behind my back and surprising me with a wacom cintiq 32″ pro (i think) it’s been very nice, and I’ve been learning my way around Krita with it! (I would post a drawing, but alas, I don’t know how lol)

                We crazy people are the normal ones.


                  One thing I’d like to know, is if anyone is doing art commissions?

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