Beth Darlene posted an update 4 years, 2 months ago
@thedarkninja03 @kimlikesart @claire-h @purpleturtle @olivia Happy thanksgiving to you all!! Love you!
@eitan Not sure when if/when Isreal celebrates Thanksgiving, but I thought I’d wish you a happy one anyway!!
Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!
Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57
Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh, thank you for remembering! No, we don’t celebrate it but thank you anyway! Happy Thanksgiving, though I think I’m a bit late… But I wish you all to be happy anyway! 😀
Oh okay, I wasn’t sure if you had your own version, or if you didn’t do it at all lol! Thanks! =)
Haha, thanks! I know I’m super late, but I keep forgetting to check emails and such.
Even though I live in Canada and am totally a Canadian, both my parents are from the States, so we celebrate both Canadian and American Thanksgiving. That way we get double the good food! hahaha
And also because we’re often moose hunting over Canadian Thanksgiving, and we can’t really take all the good food along with us, so then we still get to eat it on American Thanksgiving instead.
Cool haha!! Sounds awesome!
Ya, it’s fun!
Just curious, are all of you in your profile picture related? If you don’t want me to know, that’s fine, I was just looking at it and realized all of you look related. Your smiles especially look alike.
Yeah! That’s me on the left holding my nephew who’s the son of the second girl on the right. The first girl on the right is my older sister who’s a Marine and the other lady is my Mom. =)
Okay, I sorta guessed you were all sisters and that was your mom, but I wasn’t sure. And I wasn’t sure which one was you. 😛 You really all do look a ton alike though! Hahaha
Haha! Yeah! Did you know Mom is 50% Sicilian?
I am very late coming to this, but, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!
Thank you Beth. (:
Haha, you’re welcome!! =)
Cool! I’m not biracial, but I think that would be awesome! My mom does sorta wonder if there is some African-American blood on her side though, because some of the features in our family look like it. Like my hair. You can’t really tell in the picture, but my hair is really kinky and big, so it sorta looks like a white version of African-American hair. Ya know? Sorta cool.
Haha that’s neat! My friend Autumn has hair like that!