Arindown (Gracie) replied to the topic HELP! Plot thoughts & Hard Topics in the forum Fantasy Writers 2 years, 5 months ago
Hey! *waves* I haven’t been on here for probably a year, so I don’t think we’ve met.
I think your story sounds really intriguing.
I am sure you have already thought of a few of these, but I will throw them out there anyway.
You could always show the loss of intimacy through Lydia’s emotions instead of actions. She could be heartbroken by the separation from Yona but at the same time scared because of what happened…scared he will reject her baby, maybe?
You could also have Yona and Lydia together at the beginning of the captivity and then become separated.
Or, you could have her not know who the baby’s father is and be scared to tell Yona because she’s not sure it’s his.
Anyway, hope this was a lil bit helpful and hope you figure it out…I hate time-line issues in stories. XD They are so complicated to fix.
Hi, yeah I am pretty new. Thanks for the input. Yeah, she does end up having to tell him at some point before the escape and Yona would really struggle with it because of the dishonor he feels. The problem I am having is really what kind of journey to take them on together after that point where said escape takes place. How is the pair going to interact while they walk/run from the capturing tribe? especially with her being the weakest member? How is Lydia going to react to the reunion? (I was going to have her really body shy, but since I wonder if God is the one telling my gut to veer from my theme of intimacy then I think that should be either scrapped or severely toned down) How is she going to interact with Ambrose and Zurrun (another male slave) and how is she going to respond to being the only woman? How is she going to react to Yona struggling? And then having to deal with giving birth to a child footling breach in with a new area where they don’t know the language, the medicine or the people after everything she has been thru? Like, I want to honor my gut being like, eh maybe we should shift gears on intimacy, but I’m not sure how much to correct. It’s really quite complicated. [And I really want the redeeming moments in that relationship to shine (whatever it is) because their storyline has to separate from Ambrose at some point before coming back around again]