Never enough. Never enough.
I am glory and disgrace.
I’m tripping up at the end of the race.
I’m a misspelled card, a hung-up phone.
I’m always knowing and never known.
I’m always reaching but never touching,
Stuck in loving love more than loving.
I’m the thrill of life, your greatest wish,
The end of the ride, an ice-cold kiss.
I’m a rocket jet, a misdrawn map,
A question mark in your lap.
I’m an orc with flowers.
I’m crumbling towers.
I’m never enough.
Never enough.
If you see a man riding on the clouds of the sky,
Tell him I’m hiding in the woods nearby.
Tell him to look for the one unclean
With a mark on his brow of the world unseen.
He’s chopping wood at a frantic pace,
Singing, “I am glory and disgrace.”

Many moons ago, a series of suspiciously providential events led Daeus to cast his lot among the worldwide community of Christian storytellers. Since then, no reports indicate that he has come back out. Perhaps he is lost among those fine gallivanters forever. Rest in peace, Daeus Lamb.
Daeus dreams impossibly large (which doesn’t bother him a bit) and tends to bite off more than he can chew. To read his books, including one free one, follow him at
Oh, wow. Those first two verses were so relatable tears came to my eyes. Nice poem.
Still love this.
*blinks* I love this so much. It’s… very relatable.
I love this so much.
Very nice. A great piece of poetry. I liked the way you moved with the mood. Very well written.
This is beautiful.
I wish I could, in words, tell you how much this poem has touched me. The message you portrayed in so beautiful a manner brought tears to my eyes and resonated so fully with my soul.
Whoa. Just whoa. So true…no words. Thank you for sharing! Saying it resonates doesn’t begin to describe how I can relate.