

  • April J. Rhys posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago

    @writercatherine Hey! 😀 So I guess this is what we use in the place of a DM? Anyway, thanks for welcoming me and it’s great to meet you! How long have you been part of the guild?
    Oh man, favorite book series is hard, but I would have to say probably Lloyd Alexander’s Prydain Westmark Trilogy or Lord of the Rings. It’s hard because I haven’t actually read as much since ending high school, but I really REALLY need to get back into it. I just haven’t found *coughs* made *coughs* a good time. What about you? Any recommendations? 😀

    • Hi! I’m sorry; I’ve been really inactive here of late. I’ve been part of the guild now since… looks like August 25, wow!

      My favorite right now is the Restoration series by Terri Blackstock. It’s the best Christian fiction I’ve ever read. Highly recommend that one. The Four Kingdoms series by Melanie Cellier is another great Christian Fiction one. Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton is a Dystopian favorite. I actually haven’t read Lord of the Rings yet; it’s been on my list for a long time. Hopefully I can get on that soon, but I have so much to read! I’ll look into the other one, too!

      • Ohh, those books! My dad read those to me and my siblings when we were younger! It’s been a long time.

      • That is totally fine. :] I’m really inactive right now too. Just too many cool things going on. <:]

        Thank you so SO much for recommendations! I'll definitely keep an eye out for those. Oh man, Rebel of the Sands is one of my favorites. <3 Thanks!

      • Yay! Did you hear that she’s writing the Notorious Virtues? It’s something related to Rebel of the Sands, but I forget what.

    • No, I did not hear about that! 😀 Wait, is it one of stories based on one of the other kingdoms? One of the more medieval English ones? Because if so, maybe I have heard of it… @writercatherine

    • @writercatherine
      Ooo. Yes, that sounds very interesting…thank you! 🙂

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