Michelle Rose posted an update 3 years, 9 months ago
@sesi Hello! *waves and runs over to you* It’s been a while since I’ve been on here. I’ve really missed it. So I am back from the dead to be active on the form lol Plus, I want to be apart of a christian community of writers. I just joined the form for children’s book writers, it’s so nice to see fellow kid’s writers:)
Oh silly me *bangs head with palm* Allow me to introduce myself My name is Michelle, I live in California, I am 19 years old and I was homeschooled:) (once a homeschooler always a homeschooler, right?) I have a sister, and two cats. I have been writing for five years and I have written a children’s book and getting it book ready for publication. I enjoy reading, writing, cooking tasty treats, and crafting. Now that I introduced myself lol How about you? I would love to be pals:) only if you want to:)
🙂 Aaaaah!!! I feel so special lol… Greetings and Salutations, Michelle!!!! (Michelle happens to be the name of one of my fav aunts, although many of my aunts happen to be my favourites… Hmmmm.) Welp, as my profile suggests, I was called Sesame at a very young age (it’s my name lol). I’m also back from the dead in many ways. I have begun to write again (wasn’t at all for the past year) and have been recovering from the disappointments and other heartaches of the year.
I’ve heard that California is a really lovely place but I’ve never seen it in person. I actually don’t even live in the States; I’m in Canada (although I do have American blood and cross the border regularly to visit my grandma). I am 18 at this time and was also homeschooled (basically all the way though except for some upgrading at the end). Homeschoolers are pretty great imo. 😉
If you count the first book (hah, book) I wrote, I started writing at the age of 5. After that, though, I wasn’t dedicated enough to finish anything until I needed to do some creative writing for English in grade 10 (I used a writing prompt… yuk! 😉 ).
So yeah, I have a few ‘in-process’ projects but I haven’t finished anything and I actually find it difficult to write these days as the family only has 2 computers and they’re usually both being used. But I must not gripe. I plan to transfer my two ‘most worked on/most loved’ stories all the way onto paper and continue them there; I like writing on paper better anyway.
Wow… Feels like I’ve already written a lot…
I also revel in readingwritingcookingtastytreatsandcrafting. 😉 How’d you know? I also love being outside, especially in ‘the elements’. There’s just something about being outside in dramatic weather (hard rain, blizzard, windstorm, any combination) that (it’s weird to say this but) speaks to my soul. Sadly, we don’t usually get blizzards or big rainstorms here in the souther (pretend it’s a word) end of Alberta, but softly falling snow at night satisfies some of my longing for beauty. *reads more* “Oh yess.” I also have a sister as well as two brothers. I have (i.e. my mom has) a cat and a tank of fish. My family loves dogs and children so on Wednesdays we borrow a dog from a friend and on Thursdays we borrow children from a different friend (they pay us tho… 😉 ).
Ummm… Are you oldest or youngest? I’m a middle/second oldest. Personality type? I’m an ENFP and I stay far away from Enneagram so sorry about that… I’m almost half and half Extrovert/Introvert so I enjoy doing my own thing… I’m a homebody too. 😉
I’d also love to be a chum of yours. But for now I must eat my late-day meal.
Cya ’round!
P.S. Is Rose actually one of your names? Literally one of my fav names. I used to always use it when we were doing plays (we used to make them up with our cousins and some friends) and stuff like that. My only doll was named Rosie. 🙂
Whoops… Sorry that’s so long. *blushes awkwardly* Can you tell I enjoy being noticed? Yeah. Heh…
@sesi Awww! Now I feel special *puts hand on heart. Rose is my middle name (that’s why I use roses a lot:) ) What kind of plays did you put on? do you still act?
I was going to ask you about your user name lol
Did you watch Sesame street as a child? if so who is your favorite character?
*gives hug* I am so sorry to hear about your struggles. If you ever want to talk I am here:) Life has been since covid. you will be in my prayers.
California is a nice place:) we have great weather, and the beach. However, it is not nice during the summer, it can get pretty hot. your Canadian? how cool!! how what is is like in Canada? how different is it from the states? what about the weather? I know it gets lots of snow:)Also is Canadian maple syrup good? I wish I could tease some authentic syrup.
Homeschools unite! I know right? homeschool is the best:) what was the best part of homeschool for you?
I admire writers who write with pen and paper, I like that and respect that. I am more of a computer fan because I write so slow on paper and I think faster than I can write lol. I know you are part of the children’s book group with me on here,is that the genre you stick with most? It took me a long time for me to discover my writing type, I used to think that writing for kids was not as important *slams hands down on the table* but man, was I wrong:) kids are one of the most important people to write for. They are the next generation. So we need to give them good christian material that will inspire them, and help them. Are you working on any projects at the moment?
What are your brothers and sister’s name? do you get along with them?:D I am the oldest but me and my sister are four months apart. so yeah I get to be the oldest for a little bit:P
I am an INFP and fearlessly proud of it haha. I am and extroverted introvert too! the best of both worlds. I love the myers briggs personality test it’s so accurate and fun. I never heard of the Enneagram, why do you stay away from it?
Question time. What are some of your favorite books you like to read? and what kind of music do you listen to? Also how did you find out about Story Embers?
😀 This is so much fun lol… Wow okay… *starts typing madly* First, I should clarify that despite calling myself a writer I also call myself many other things including ‘singer’, ‘musician’, and a teensy bit of ‘songwriter’. However, even above ‘writer’, I am ‘Bible Quizzer’… Let’s see if I can include a video. Lol… Nvm. But if you’re really curious about quizzing, I’d love to tell you more.
Okay, now onto more stuff. Rose is a lovely middle name! My middle name is Bless (just Bless; many people [even some close friends] think that it is Blessing but it is not).
The plays we did were very ‘spur of the moment’ and all I remember about them is that one of my cousins wore an afro wig and walked really funny. We loved doing that tho. And yes, actually, I still act sorta… In the summer of 2017 I acted in The Canadian Badlands Passion Play. Apparently it’s famous. 😉 It was a great experience though. I loved it and was hoping to perform with them again this summer but sadly they not only cancelled last year but just recently cancelled this year as well. It’s very hot in the Badlands and I love it. I’m definitely more of a heat creature than a cold one. 🙂
Believe it or not, I actually didn’t watch Sesame Street when I was little (my family hardly watched anything) but I know the soundtrack pretty well lol. I love the Sesame Street music.
*hugs back* Yeah… I don’t really have anything to say except I know that God still has a plan even when I don’t. In fact, his plans are so much higher than mine that I can’t understand them. Heh… But I also know that I lost what had been my dream (for like 7 years, I think) last year, and people don’t recover from things like that easily. Again, though, I believe that God is working out something bigger and better than what I had before. Even if it’s only in my relationship with him, that satisfies me. Hehe… I’m really good at working through my problems when I’m talking to people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQan9L3yXjc This song is really close to my heart rn because it doesn’t deny that my heart still hurts but it also reminds me that I’m not in control and I can rest in his protection.
Anyway… Wow. I write too much lol. So, yes I’m Canadian… But I’m not really satisfied with it. Yes, I love Calgary (my city) because of the friends I have here and it’s familiarity but, in general, I don’t love the Canadian mindset (obviously this is the secular Canadian mindset and maybe it’s just the same way in the States but… this is my general perception). I think that Canadians have been indoctrinated or something to dislike Americans (just the idea of Americans-not the actual individuals)… Anyway, I could talk about this forever but I think most Canadians believe that Americans are uncultured or something. It’s weird. 😀 I’m just in Alberta so we don’t have snow all year and even in the winter we don’t usually get heaps. Something my family does is we put up a skating rink in our backyard. So I skate a lot in the winter. (My Grandparents [american] used to have a tobbagan and that was so much fun to go down their hill with!) It can get pretty warm here in the Summer but I’m sure it’s nothing like CA… On Saturday our high was 22 c (71 f) and that’s pretty warm for here. The 30s is usually the hottest it’ll get. I can’t guarantee that Canadian maple syrup is any different from American (lol I’ve only had Canadian) but I find it quite delicious. I’ve also heard someone say that the best place for syrup is Quebec. But maybe that’s just a myth.
For me, I’d say the best part of homeschooling was becoming a reader. I don’t think I would have become a book worm if it weren’t for the great curriculums my mom chose and the great books in them. Also, I consider myself a somewhat sensitive individual and the inevitable conflict or ungodly influences I may have experienced in school wouldn’t have served to make me stronger at that young age.
Weirdly, I actually think better/faster when I’m writing on paper.
You did say that kids need good stories to read but C.S. Lewis said “A children’s story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children’s story in the slightest.” If you take his children’s stories they are very appropriate for children but they also have deeper meanings that may only be discovered by those who are older. His lovely stories seem to never get old and there’s always a new line that sticks out as completely profound. Anyway, lol… Now I’m showing off my nerdiness. So yeah. I find C.S. Lewis terribly inspiring. Um, I actually am on the writing for children forum because I really want to write for kids but I find that my attempts seem dumbed down (morally) and yet the vocabulary is too advanced. Thankfully, I have many children in my life right now, so I have lots of critics who will honestly tell me if they like my stories or not. 😉
Right now my current projects are both short stories (did I already say this?) but I hope to morph the one into a children’s book eventually. Okay, brothers and sister. Oldest is Simon; he’s the hardworker/peacemaker/gem/one Jesus loved (so it wasn’t actually John… 😉 ) he’s also quite bossy but that’s expected and the rest of us are not very disciplined so we need it. (he’s not at home right now) Next is me. I would call myself a free spirit and others would call me a lazy daydreamer. Same thing, okay. 😉 But here I am, the oldest kid at home, so I’m finally learning to be a bit more responsible. It’s definitely good for me. But yes, I’m the one who dances or spins in a field of flowers or sings at the top of their lungs when no one is watching (I’m also the part-time joker). Next is Cisco. He enjoys making life difficult for everyone in his life (except for his friends), so my current work experience is patience, patience, and self defence. I love him of course, but I rarely like him and he is usually a pest. Huge extrovert; loves to hear himself talk, loves to be annoying. I think he’s funnier than I give him credit for but I also think he thinks he’s funnier than he is. PennyLane is the youngest. She’s alright but she’s pretty spoiled. You could say she’s like me on overkill. More extroverted, more clingy, definitely more bossy. She makes us laugh by the funny things she says that don’t make sense; she has a big vocab but she doesn’t know what all the words mean. One of our fav quotes is ‘Cisco, don’t partake!’ when she really just wanted him to stop bothering her.Anyway, yeah, I have an interesting family.
It’s not biologically possible for you and your sister to be 4 months apart, right? Okay, I’ll stop being stupid… Don’t mind me. 😉 I am kinda curious though.
Hey! I love INFPs (I only know one but she’s a gem)! I love myers briggs too, although I’ve tried to type my brothers and found them tricky because they don’t want to be typed. 😉 But I think they are, in order of age, ESTJ and ESTP. Not sure if big bro is an E or I but I decided to go with E. Could easily be wrong there. Okay, basically all I know about Enneagram (don’t quote me; my big bro said this) is that it’s apparently demonic and the people who invented it were high on drugs when they did. He doesn’t want to endorse any of that stuff and neither do I. So yeah.
Hmmm… The most recent book I read is Under the Egg by Laura Marx Fitzgerald. They call it ‘middle grade’ but I loved it. A few of my all-time favs are (most historical fiction) Coronation of Glory by Deborah Merrof, A Murder For Her Majesty by who knows who and anything by Elizabeth Enright or Eloise Jarvis McGraw. Other timeless books are The Bronze Bow and Hittite Warrior.
Okay… Music? I love choir music. Some bands I like are For King and Country and Rend Collective. I just recently discovered Andrew Peterson’s music and I love it too. I’m not picky with style – I just don’t usually go for fluff.
And finally, SE. I don’t actually remember; it’s been so long. I think I was getting stuff from the Rebelution and then Brett mentioned SE… I’m not sure though.
Anyway, Sorry this is so long and talk to you soon!
Also… I’m just gonna ask you this cause I asked my brother and he thought it was stupid. Do you think this sounds good (and if you do can you elaborate a bit), ‘This is the story of a lonely boy and his quest to find lasting friendship. Only he doesn’t know about the quest and he’s the last person who wants a friend.’?
Thanks!!! 😀
@sesi Yes girl!! we are having fun. *rubs hands together looking where to start* musical are you? *gives smile* what are your favorite songs to sing to? I tried to write songs when I was younger, but I was no good at it. People who write songs amaze me. I would love to hear you sing something. Yes tell me more about this bible quizzing thing. I’m curious:)
Bless, I like it! I love creative names, not to creative though (Apple Gate is too much) What are some of your favorite names for boys and girls? for girls I love Henrietta, Judy, Greta, and Cressida. Now for boys I like, Simon, Jónsi, Wilbur, and Elvis.
Canada seems like a cool place to visit. *wipes out pancake batter* What curriculums did you use? and what are some books you liked best? My mom chose Sonlight curriculum for me and my sister’ schooling. it has the best books! I would love to read your short stories or what you have so far:) your siblings sound so cool! my and my sister are four months apart. Her name is Rebekah, she is also a writer. I actually heard of Story Embers through her. Oh my gosh! I read some of those book:o I love the song Blessings by Laura Story, so healing.
I love it!!!!! Your bro doesnt know what hes talking about:) it’s great. I get a Shrek feeling from. I love Stories of unexpected friendships. As I always say, Its not what the book’s about, but how its written. Tell me more about this boy:) I’m invested now.
@sesi Hi Sesame street! I wrote you a bit ago and didn’t here back from you, so I thought I would check up on you:)
HI MICHELLE!!! Yeah, sorry… I’ve been sorta busy (but not really) with a new writing program I signed up for a few weeks ago… Sadly I don’t think I’ll keep up with it, not because it’s not good but because I’m not dedicated enough and get overwhelmed with how much content they have and all. I’m just not good at monitoring and managing my time. So anyway, sorry I left you so long and I hope you didn’t freak out. <3
Hmmm… Fav songs to sing… This is a difficult question… I can basically never pick favourite anything… But I like most songs. 🙂 Higher is better than lower (I'm a soprano 1) and I like most songs that are normally sung acapella. Some of my favourite singing groups are Pentatonix and One Voice Children's choir. One song I keep working on is Never Enough from the greatest showman… It's a fun one. I'm not a good song writer though and, again, I just do that a little bit… Okay… I'll tell you more about BQ… But that'll be in the next 'letter'. 😉 Names I like… Ooooh. I've always loved the name Jamie… I like a lot of names that I can't think of right now lol… I'm just listening to a duet by Allie Sherlock and Cuan what's his name… I like both their names. 😀 We actually did Sonlight too! Sonlight has soooo many of the good books! After Sonlight we actually did Tree of Life for high school and the books they choose are really fantastic as well. Okay, you think my stories sound good? Well, thanks!!! I appreciate it! Here's the beginning of my story about the boy and if you like it maybe I'll share the doc with you. 😀
'Jacob, exhausted after enduring a day of school, walked wearily home, his white tennis shoes embellished flatteringly with the red dirt of the baseball diamond.
His majorly inanimate face bore few traces of the events of the day although a closer look will relate a reasonably accurate record. The rings around his eyes reflected how he had spent the night stressing about his math class presentation coming up in two weeks. Underneath the red baseball cap, his ‘uninteresting’ brown hair was a moderately greasy mess; the end result of waking up later than necessary and not having enough time to get ready. His lips, tightly pressed together, represented either a suppressed pain of some sort or the stinging words that still dug at his heart. Perhaps they are intertwined; emotional pain can lead to physical pain. The weary drag of his feet testified of how he had pushed himself during practice.'
It hasn't been edited yet so it's still pretty rough. 😉
Anyway, I gtg now but I'll talk later. 😀
Hi Michelle! (Sorry It’s take me so long to get back to you- I am literally notorious for this…) Weirdly I can’t see your response here but it is in my email so I’ll respond with that, I guess.
The program I’m in is similar to Story Embers but it actually costs money which I’m admittedly short on. I don’t plan on staying in the program unless I get a job soon but I am enjoying it and learning quite a bit (although I need to dive deeper – takenotes on more things and actually absorb information). Oh, okay, you wanna see the doc. Heh, alright. What’s your email? Jacob has weirdly stolen my heart. Which is annoying because I know that if I ever met him in real life he probably wouldn’t like me at all lol. Essentially he’s been hurt in the past (I’ve actually kinda based him off a friend I know who’s dad left when he was pretty young) and he doesn’t really like people. I haven’t been working on this story too much in the past month I guess it’s been because I wasn’t sure actually how it’s gonna continue. But yeah. maybe I can link the doc here…. just ignore the ‘1st try’ cause that’s a completely different story. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V5ndnVFygDevHZmYKcoIXyUpFjBYP_6cB-_mkNjWZ9U/edit
I don’t really do face claims…. Mostly because, although I love the idea, they distract me (and help me waste a lot of time) more than they help me to develop a character. I have drawn a picture that I may use as a face claim for a character from a different story, but I find that I can never find a picture that I like well enough for my characters, I’m just too picky lol.
Have an awesome rest of your day, and sorry again for the late response.