Latest NEWs

What Is Story Embers?
What are our goals here at Story Embers? I was at a writing conference a couple weeks ago and people asked me this question a lot. That’s why at our first annual staff retreat this summer, we created a video explaining what Story Embers is and how we want to help Christian writers grow.
Become a Writer for Story Embers!
How would you like to be one of the first new staffers to join the Story Embers team and help us in our mission to guide and inspire Christian storytellers? Opportunities await, because we’re looking for more writers to produce quality content for our website....
Announcing Our Inaugural Short Story Contest
Do you have a story burning inside you? Are you up for a challenge? Do you like prizes? If so, you’re in for a thrill, because we’re hosting our first short story contest, and we hope you’ll grab your pen (or laptop) to compete! But first I’m sure you’d like to hear about all the prestige and loot you could gain as a result of your literary genius.