Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years, 3 months ago
Hey, just a follow up on a question I asked a while ago, as well as a new one.
Would you like for Era to meet up with Pasha again?
And if you are okay with the role I’m hoping to give my new character Dither, pls let me know.
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years, 4 months ago
@mayacat @esmeralda-gramilton @kayla-skywriter @dakota @naiya-dyani
Good afternoon all, Ember and I were talking this morning about some characters I wanted to add, and I had an idea.Now, just to be clear, this idea has been approved by Ember if y’all like it then we can keep it. I am not going to be offended if you guys don’t like this idea or…[Read more]
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years, 4 months ago
@esmeralda-gramilton @mayacat @naiya-dyani @kayla-skywriter @dakota @emberynus-the-dragonslayer
“Logan,” Rhioe whispered, shaking her head, “I have. I can’t hold this against you, it wasn’t your choice.”
Rhioe let out a shaky breath and wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. She knew that even if she said that, he wouldn’t be…[Read more]
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years, 4 months ago
@dakota @kayla-skywriter @esmeralda-gramilton @naiya-dyani @mayacat @emberynus-the-dragonslayer
Rhioe tried to offer a smile, but her lips wouldn’t turn upward, it was like her face was stone. Logan’s eyes were glimmering sadly, something inexpressible, this feeling she felt, what was it? Logan’s voice seemed to almost quiver as he spoke…[Read more]
Urwen Starial changed their profile picture 4 years, 4 months ago
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years, 4 months ago
@emberynus-the-dragonslayer @mayacat @esmeralda-gramilton @naiya-dyani @kayla-skywriter @dakota
“. . . Logan?”
He was blinking back tears that he didn’t want to fall. Rhioe leaned forward.
“Please, tell me why you’re crying.”
“It went well from a government perspective.” He said quietly, “B-but. . .” His voice failed him.
“Jin got arre…[Read more]
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character memes in the forum Characters 4 years, 5 months ago
@naiya-dyani @dakota @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @esmeralda-gramilton
Ri: *rummaging through his closet* I don’t have anything to wear, what should I change into?
Clear, from across the hall and beyond two doors: A better person.
Dark: Your boyfriend is dumb.
Cloudy: Ri literally got his croc stuck in an escalator and started crying,…[Read more]
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years, 5 months ago
@dakota @mayacat @urwen-starial @kayla-skywriter @esmeralda-gramilton @naiya-dyani
Rhioe was still sitting on the sofa where Logan had left her, but thanks to Leona, her ankle was splinted and the pain had lessened. The house was filled with a comfortable silence that Rhioe had soon grown accustomed to, when suddenly, the door burst open…[Read more]
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years, 5 months ago
@dakota @mayacat @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @kayla-skywriter @esmeralda-gramilton @naiya-dyani
“Rhioe is safe. I’ll do everything I can to make sure she stays safe. You can rest your mind on that,” Logan said firmly. His words were comforting, and somehow, Jin knew that Logan would keep his promise.
“Thank you.” Logan nodded slowly. He looked…[Read more]
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years, 5 months ago
@dakota @mayacat @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @kayla-skywriter @esmeralda-gramilton @naiya-dyani
I’m really sorry about posting twice. There was some sort of weird error on my end. lol. Sorry!
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years, 5 months ago
@dakota @mayacat @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @kayla-skywriter @esmeralda-gramilton @naiya-dyani
Okay, so if Logan wasn’t upset before, he definitely was now. Jin watched with small amusement as the Captain of the Outopian police pulled out his radio and began speaking into it. Era growled, but Jin shook his head, and she fell silent. Logan t…[Read more]
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years, 5 months ago
@dakota @mayacat @emberynus-the-dragonslayer @kayla-skywriter @esmeralda-gramilton @naiya-dyani
Okay, so if Logan wasn’t upset before, he definitely was now. Jin watched with small amusement as the Captain of the Outopian police pulled out his radio and began speaking into it. Era growled, but Jin shook his head, and she fell silent. Logan t…[Read more]
Urwen Starial changed their profile picture 4 years, 5 months ago
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years, 5 months ago
@emberynus-the-dragonslayer @dakota @mayacat @esmeralda-gramilton @kayla-skywriter @naiya-dyani
Jin is being sassy. Everyone grab your things the world is ending!!!
Jin stared at the Captain of the Outopian police, he knew there was no way out of this.
“Yes.” He said finally. “I know I am. What are you planning to do about it?”…[Read more]
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character memes in the forum Characters 4 years, 5 months ago
Well, everyone, it’s been a while, but I’m back, and here’s some memes for y’all. 😀
Jin: What the heck are you doing up there?
Kirat, sitting on the table: I pay rent and I can sit wherever I like in my own house, thanks.Jin, sighing: Where’s the spider?
Kirat: It’s over by the door, can you please. . .?
Ri: I live in constant fear that…[Read more]
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character memes in the forum Characters 4 years, 7 months ago
(Fire alarm goes off in the middle of the night)
(Jin, Rhioe, and Kenem race in the room half asleep.)
Jin: Is everyone okay? Kirat what are you-
Kirat: *holding a lit piece of paper under the fire alarm* Now that everyone’s here, I’d like to ask. . . WHO FINISHED MY CHOCOLATE MILK????
Kenem: I’m going to kill a thousand people and a…[Read more]
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character memes in the forum Characters 4 years, 7 months ago
Kenem: *screams*
Kirat: *screams louder*
Rhioe: Should we do something?
Jin: Hang on, I want to see who wins.
Police: Where do you live?
Clear: With my mom.
Police: Where does your mom live?
Clear: With me.
Police: Where do you both live?
Clear: Together.
Police: Where is your house?
Clear: Next to my neighbor’s house.
Police: Where…[Read more]
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character Story in the forum Characters 4 years, 9 months ago
I’m sorry to tag you in on this thread again, but I had a question about Reza. . .
Would it work if I just made an original character to take her place since she’s no longer a part of this? Or would you prefer I not? and just let Reza go so she doesn’t have to come back?
Just wondering because I’m going to have to write another…[Read more]
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character memes in the forum Characters 4 years, 9 months ago
Rhioe: Hey, Kenem, what’re you doing?
Kenem: Eating a family size bag of chips.
Rhioe: *eyes the very small bag of chips* Kenem, that’s definitely not family sized.
Kenem, staring into the half empty bag: Every bag of chips is family sized if you’re an orphan.
Rhioe: *tears up* Kenem. . .
Urwen Starial replied to the topic Character memes in the forum Characters 4 years, 9 months ago
Rhioe: Did you have to stab him?
Kenem: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what he said to me.
Rhioe: What did he say?
Kenem: ‘What are you going to do, stab me?’
Jin: That’s fair.
Rhioe: Hey, can you ask Jin something for me?
Kirat: I would, but he’s not talking to me because I put ketchup in his socks.
Jin, pointing at…[Read more]
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