Active 1 year, 9 months ago-
Candide replied to the topic Back for a Bit! in the forum Introduce Yourself 1 year, 9 months ago
Oh, it’s Ok, @taylorclogston! I’m not so frequent here as I used to be, since I’m writing more non-fiction that short stories . It’s been funnier to write about daily experiences than ficcional ones.
And Amem! God bless us with a good boss/client!
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Back for a Bit! in the forum Introduce Yourself 1 year, 10 months ago
Lol, no worries! Yikes, that’s crazy! What’s the new job you’re starting, if I may ask?
I’ve been doing well, thanks! I’ve been keeping busy helping with my friends’ book releases over the past year, etc. I hope things calm down for you over there and you’re able to enjoy the holidays with your family 🙂 If you have any prayer…[Read more]
Sarafini replied to the topic Back for a Bit! in the forum Introduce Yourself 1 year, 10 months ago
Hi, I’m new. You commented on a few of my threads. Anyway, welcome back. Sounds rough (that’s partially why I’m avoiding a publisher. I’ve heard a lot more rough stories than Good stories as far as interacting with publishers/editors). Hope you find someone better. What are some of your hobbies (if you have any. Adult life is busy!)?
Sarafini replied to the topic To finish a book series or not to (before publishing the 1st time) in the forum Publishing and Marketing Nerds 1 year, 10 months ago
I’m going to be publishing on KDP Amazon self-publishing. I’ve never been published but I’ve gotten some good advice on how to use it. I’ve been told that you can set it up and have it ready in a week or less with kindle and under a month with paperback. I have written for magazines but was turned down sadly (clubhouse magazine).…[Read more]
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Back for a Bit! in the forum Introduce Yourself 1 year, 10 months ago
Hey Taylor! Good to see you back; I’ve been absent for a long time too lol. I’m sorry to hear about that awful client, but I’m glad you got out of that situation. How’s your week?
Sarafini replied to the topic I Made a Writing Rank Quiz! in the forum Writing Level & Journey Plans Discussions 1 year, 10 months ago
I also got masterwriter.
I knew I wasn’t at beginner writer but master? This is totally my face rn: 🤨🤯 lol
Candide replied to the topic Back for a Bit! in the forum Introduce Yourself 1 year, 10 months ago
Welcome @taylorclogston!
I can relate a littlle bit to this toxic client you’ve been freed.
How about a non fictional text about this? Or a short story ? Laying such an experience on paper may be a good start.
Noah Cochran started the topic Introspection in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 8 months ago
Introspection is written in many different ways, and I had a few questions and thoughts I wanted to discuss:
Do you use direct, italicized thought (where first person pronouns are used)? At first, I used basically none, but the more I looked at popular books, the more I see it used, and am thus tempted to use it (plus, I do like it, as long as…[Read more]
Noah Cochran started the topic Prose Questions in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 8 months ago
I know what should and shouldn’t be done in prose is highly nuanced and opinionated, but I chose a few examples that I find myself running into, to ask y’all about. So, my question is, in the following examples, are they okay as they are, or if not, how would you write them? (aka, is there a better way to write them?)
Here they are:
Alfonso and…[Read more]
Noah Cochran started the topic Character Voice Game in the forum Characters 2 years, 10 months ago
Excellent character voice is extremely hard to pull off, and so like I do with all hard things in life, I decided to make a game out of it.
It’s a joke.
I’m kidding.
Mostly. 😉
Anyways, to the point. Character voice makes everything from dialogue to normal scenery descriptions pop off the page, but, for me at least, it is a very difficult…[Read more]
Noah Cochran replied to the topic Dystopian Plot Ideas in the forum Plotting 2 years, 10 months ago
Alright, that makes sense.
Ah yes, 1984 is on my list. What would you give it on a 1-10 scale?
Noah Cochran replied to the topic Dystopian Plot Ideas in the forum Plotting 2 years, 11 months ago
If you’re trying to find interesting ideas, I suggest you not fixate on a government specifically as your dehumanizing system. You *can* use that, but you might find new ideas by moving away from it.
Absolutely agree, which is why I listed it as one of the things I prefer to not have–or at least to have it not feature in a big w…[Read more]
Noah Cochran started the topic Dystopian Plot Ideas in the forum Plotting 2 years, 11 months ago
Alrighty y’all, I love the dystopian genre, and I’ve been wanting to begin plotting a series for a while now, but unique and fresh plot ideas have been escaping me.
I consider the defining features of a vast amount of dystopian novels to be what I call the Big Three:
- An oppressive and autocratic government that is usually lying to its people…
Karissa Chmil replied to the topic Greetings! ✨ in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 11 months ago
XD No worries!
Weeeeell, it depends on your perspective XDDD. Some might say I’m on draft one billion, others might say I’m on chapter 20 something or other but I’d say…chapter 1. Again.
XD Re-writes just drag on forever sometimes. . .
Lol, I write really really nonlinear so it’s hard to say. Buuut I was planning to start…
Cathy replied to the topic Greetings! ✨ in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 11 months ago
Oh goodness! I forgot to reply XDDD I’m doing that more and more lately, feel free to yell at me any time I leave you on hold for a while I really do want to talk to you!!
Weeeeell, it depends on your perspective XDDD. Some might say I’m on draft one billion, others might say I’m on chapter 20 something or other…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Map for Your Story? in the forum Research and Worldbuilding 3 years ago
Well, I guess I am more frustrated with trying to draw a good map that seems fitting for my story but can’t seem to find the right layout. My main issue is that I need to draw a world map and then be able to take a regional and enlarge it to give more in-depth detail for each book. It seems to be possible but the first issue is…[Read more]
K. A. Grey replied to the topic Article about non-perfectionist rewriting in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 1 month ago
@taylorclogston Wow, that was a much more detailed and informative response than I had expected! 😂 Thanks for all the information! Like Cathy said, Imma file this all away for future reference too.
Cathy replied to the topic Article about non-perfectionist rewriting in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 1 month ago
Oh no, poor thi–*cough cough XDDD*
That’s too bad, but I’m glad it was gone by the next day! <3 <3 <3
Lol, yeah! It definitely did! Or at least editing ideas like not trying to rewrite and ‘clean up’ in the middle of writing a draft…although I really really can’t think/write/anything in a liner way like top to bottom, left to…[Read more]
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Article about non-perfectionist rewriting in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 1 month ago
Yikes! I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m glad you’re feeling better. 🙂
SHE HATH PREVAILED!!! *thunderous applause by the masses* XD
imwritehere1920 replied to the topic Article about non-perfectionist rewriting in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 1 month ago
Happy New Year, Taylor. How was your holiday?
Congrats on the new writing job; I look forward to checking your article out.
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