Active 1 year, 9 months ago-
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic Friendly debates here! in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 1 month ago
@imwritehere1920 I can’t believe I neglected the most important topics in this thread.
Re cereal as soup: Depending on your definition, a soup may need to be boiled or simmered, even if it’s served cold. However, chilled cucumber soup is a major exception that no one would reject calling soup. In many cuisines, soup relies on the concept of broth…[Read more]
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic Friendly debates here! in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
At this point I remembered that SE published an entire excellent series that relates exactly so this issue. For anyone who hasn’t read the Tricky Subjects series, I highly recommend it.
@obrian-of-the-surface-world I think that example is a good one to demonstrate how this topic has reached the end of its usefulness–I absolutely think watching…[Read more]
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic Friendly debates here! in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
@noah-cochran Hey Noah! I’m doing well, and hope you are also.
R rated does not mean scary or wicked, it means that one is imbuing themselves with explicit violence, sexual language, or sexual content.
Everyone’s going to mean slightly different things regarding their definition of this, especially when talking about books rather than films, since…[Read more]
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic Friendly debates here! in the forum Fantasy Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
“It does not explicitly describe strong language, sexual assault, fornication, nakedness, or even murder.”
It actually does describe R-rated things in some detail, including several of these. I’m not going to reference them for obvious reasons, but have you actually read all the Old Testament?
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic Conflict and the End of Fiction in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 2 months ago
(did the spam filter eat my first post?)
@daeus-lamb Sorry you had to work and miss the patron meeting! @josiah suggested I tag you so you can share your thoughts on the essay.
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic New Plot Announcement!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 2 months ago
@erynne Well thank you, lol. I take that as a compliment.
“I left out a ton of info above … There’s just a pot happening”
Yeah, that’s fair. I doubt I have an accurate idea of what your story is just based on what you’ve shared.
Assuming I’m in the right ballpark with your story as a thriller, you’re probably going to need an individual human v…[Read more]
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic New Plot Announcement!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 2 months ago
@erynne Hey, thanks for sharing the book idea! Sounds like the basis for a fun and intense thriller. The main point of feedback I have is that thrillers like this generally resolve in one book and don’t extend into a whole series, unless you’re specifically writing a trilogy for a youngish YA audience where you focus on a giant set piece in each…[Read more]
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic Worldbuilding and Non-magic Magical System Input in the forum Research and Worldbuilding 3 years, 2 months ago
Hi Joshua! Thanks for sharing your worldbuilding. As you said, you’ve clearly put a lot of thought into this. I definitely see the Brando Sando influence. I have a couple reactions to your description:
- The planet has two creators, but one of them was secretly God? Were there a race of superhumans/angels/demigods/whatever, and two…
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic NaNoWriMo 2021 in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 2 months ago
Sorry for not checking in! Between a big family health crisis, bundling a book for beta readers, and some church things, I had another several day gap in writing. I got a bit more than 1900 words this morning as I started on the second draft of my martial arts fantasy book, though. My prose is mostly where I want it, so I can get away with…[Read more]
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic SciFi Beta Trading in the forum Sci-fi Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
@this-is-not-an-alien I appreciate the advice, but unfortunately this is a premade cover and I can’t change anything more with paying a big fee. It does the job of saying “scifi” well enough, and I think that’s what I need it to do. I could adjust the typography by adding to it in Photoshop, but can’t replace it with different typography.
I got…[Read more]
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic SciFi Beta Trading in the forum Sci-fi Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
I’ve got a cover now!
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic SciFi Beta Trading in the forum Sci-fi Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
@this-is-not-an-alien All right, I’ve send out an email. Thanks again!
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic SciFi Beta Trading in the forum Sci-fi Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
@this-is-not-an-alien Thanks for all that voice explanation, and for your own example!
I don’t know what email address you were sending to, but my main address is itaylorclogston at gmail. I’ve not received anything from you at that address. Sorry for the confusion! I’ll send you a PDF since that sounds like it’ll work best.
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic SciFi Beta Trading in the forum Sci-fi Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
it has an energetic three-part voice-shift
I’ve never heard of that before! Can you explain what that is?
*I looked you up to see (also YES IT’S THAT ONE I READ THE FIRST PAGE BEFORE MY INTERNET DIED AND I GOTTA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!!! I wanna know more about that convict’s past and how he got into that situation and his internal conflict with his…
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic NaNoWriMo 2021 in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 2 months ago
Got 3,547 in two hours and fifteen minutes, which feels fantastic after a few days of basically nothing. Only have the last (very long) chapter) and an epilogue in this book draft, at which point I start second drafting a different book to finish NaNo. I’m at the 23K mark for my goal, which is somewhat behind.
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic Prayer Support Thread in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 2 months ago
I’ve been praying about my writing, but it’s come during a very difficult few days of writing, including being told that I shouldn’t be writing stories because I clearly don’t care about characters and don’t write in a way that reflects reality.
I can’t say that praying has helped me through it. Even though I know rationally that this criticism’s…[Read more]
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic SciFi Beta Trading in the forum Sci-fi Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
After some brainstorming with a friend, I think I have a blurb now!
He has created a dark and twisted strand in the cable of human existence, one that cannot withstand my caress without breaking and becoming no longer a man. You saw it just now. It saddens me.
Two men, condemned.
The pilot, betrayed by his AI god.
The convict,…[Read more]
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic HELP I Don’t Know If This Is Historical Fiction or Not in the forum Historical Fiction Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
@anne-of-lothlorien That’s a really hard question =P
First and foremost, spy fiction is a genre. You should look into that.
The rest of your description doesn’t sound like historical fiction to me. HisFic needs to interact with the real world in some way. If the only possible way a reader could tell the story took place in an alternate version…[Read more]
Taylor Clogston joined the group Historical Fiction Writers 3 years, 2 months ago
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic Intertextuality and Disney in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 2 months ago
@josiah Thanks for looking, sorry to waste your time =P Must have been a connection error on my end.
@seekjustice Sorry for the delay. I think Cinderella’s weakness was the classy Shakespearian aspect of it. It just didn’t catch the general public’s interest in the same way that The Jungle Book did the next year with its cast of Hollywood…[Read more]
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