Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Hey fellow writers! 🙂 in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 4 months ago
Indeed I did! XD A fine and proud name it tis! My other favorite name is “Valdunar” who is her adoptive father, mentor, guardian, lord of knights, and general. He was once her father’s greatest rival and a great friend. He was blessed by her dying father to raise her and her siblings as he would have his own late daughters. It first he…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Hey fellow writers! 🙂 in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 4 months ago
Ah, I knew that word came from Psalms but could not remember where
but definitely an awesome verse.
Thanks! I blame Tolkien…. lol XD
*salute* Aye aye! Your wish is my command! XD
I have a deep fascination and somewhat obligation to create my own original names when it comes to fantasy stories (again I blame Tolkien lol XD). I…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Hello! Theater Writer Here in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 4 months ago
Hi Graham! Welcome aboard and it is great to have you!
Writing a musical sounds like a lot fun. I would say am the opposite. I am primarily a fantasy writer but I am also attempting learn songwriting even though my musical talent is not very strong. I will probably need help in the area when I get to those. lol
I would like to include…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Hey fellow writers! 🙂 in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 4 months ago
Yesss! and Amen! I love the name. It is very similar to the latin word “veritas” Meaning ” Truth is mighty and will prevail” Amen! to that as well.
Thanks! Means a lot! I randomly thought it up with a random name as I was trying to think of unique plants for my world. There are other amazing plants that seem like a treasure. They…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Hey fellow writers! 🙂 in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 4 months ago
I like it! I could see some awesome Christian themes coming from that on the importance of truth and who or what defines what is true.
I forgot to mention my crown’s design. I have a rare/special tree called Icestone in the land of eternal winter that the crown is made from. The tree is made of a crystalline material with a crystal…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Hey fellow writers! 🙂 in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 5 months ago
Thanks! and to yours as well 🙂
Yeah it can be intimidating, I use some history books that analyze historical battles and the use of the troops. Agree that would be interesting. I have read some novels that referred to the battle like it was currently happening or the results of a past battle and focused on others aspects that were…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Hey fellow writers! 🙂 in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 5 months ago
I am slowly finishing book 1 due to work.
Thanks! I have enjoyed reading battles and sometimes have this feeling of thrill when you know the rightful reasons why this battle is being fought and that the bad guys are going to served proper justice. I have become decent at describing the scene as a whole as I love military strategy and…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Hey fellow writers! 🙂 in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 5 months ago
Yeah, it is but I can’t imagine a more exciting goal. So far I am guessing the first two series will be as long as the ranger’s apprentice that is 16 novels long……… that’s not including the side novels. XD Lol
Yessss! Lord willing I hope to publish it!
XD Lol Thanks! The scene I dream of writing one day, is when the princess…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Worldbuilding Advice & Feedback Needed in the forum Research and Worldbuilding 2 years, 5 months ago
yeah photo is probably a good example of something that hugs the body and would not be a hinderance when running.
Before my cataclysm happened there used to be just humans and elves and no talking dragons, giant cats, and stuff like that XD. Now after the cataclysm, Elves have been split into different groups that are almost…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Worldbuilding Advice & Feedback Needed in the forum Research and Worldbuilding 2 years, 5 months ago
Yeah that is a good question to consider as it is a working progress. I thought it would be more practical to not have a coin purse due to their tasks that primarily entail fighting (predators for example) where they are often rolling and wrestling. I figured they could have a special satchel that does not dangle or jangle causing…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele started the topic Worldbuilding Advice & Feedback Needed in the forum Research and Worldbuilding 2 years, 5 months ago
Hey Everyone!
I have busy working out the mechanics of my story’s world that heavily depend on a symbiotic relationship between humans/humanoids with mostly 4 legged intelligent creatures like talking dragons, wolves, gryphons, giant cats, and etc (similar to narnia). Since these 4 legged creatures, can’t realistically carry money around, I was…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Hey fellow writers! 🙂 in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 5 months ago
Hi Sydney! It is awesome to have you with us! I am Josh and have been here on SE for almost a 1 year. It has been the best step in my writing journey yet!
Your book sounds really awesome! I started writing medieval fantasy short stories when I was in high school, mainly for myself to past the time away. It was usually about a knight, his…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Greetings, wonderful people! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 7 months ago
Hi Emma! Welcome to the crew and it is great to have you here!I am Josh! Writing and tea is the best combo and honey makes it so much better. XD I love Republic of Tea and one of my favorites is their Organic Elderberry. What is your is favorite tea and brand?
I am also new to writing and I am doing a fantasy WIP that evolves over…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Hey Guys! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 8 months ago
Same here! I mainly read fantasy or sci-fi but I always enjoy missionary autobiographies/biographies of missionaries.
My primary favorites: The Legend Of The Cid by Robert C Goldston, The Redwall Series, LotR, Chronicles of Narnia, Skyward and The Stormlight Archives Series, and Ascendance Series.
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Hey Guys! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 8 months ago
Hi Kaytlin! Welcome to the crew! It is great to have you with us! Your WIP sounds awesome and look forward to reading it!
The 19th century is my favorite eras of history. I am the middle child of 3, was also homeschooled, and a pk. I started seriously writing a couple years ago. I am working on a rather ambitious WIP that is a…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic What's everyone been up to? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 8 months ago
Call center work is sooo under rated. XD It has been eating all my creative energy trying to solve other peoples’ near impossible problems. I also had some writer block as I needed to rethink my story’s 1st act. I was forcing myself to cram in too many characters and worldbuilding details. I finally think I am onto something now as it…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 8 months ago
Thanks! My favorite series Redwall by Brian Jacques did it a lot which I found very engaging.
That’s awesome! I love reading historical fiction and the early 1900’s is one of my favorite eras. I am currently working on a WIP is a jumble of genres. The main genres will be fantasy, steampunk, and sci-fi. So far my plot spans 6-7…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 8 months ago
Hi Elizabeth!
Welcome to the crew! I am Josh! It is great to have you with us!
What genres do you like? Do you have a WIP you are currently working on?
Hi Josh! Thank you so much for the welcome!
My favorite genres to read are historic fiction, biography, and non-fiction (like devotionals and personal development books). To write would definitely be historic and Christian fiction. I’m currently beginning to work on a historic fiction (possibly a trilogy). It doesn’t quite have a tit…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic How long is too long for an epic battle scene? in the forum Fantasy Writers 2 years, 9 months ago
It is a bit long for a battle but I totally understand your passion to make them epic. Battles scenes often become my favorite scenes when I can connect with the emotions and passion of the characters of what they are fighting for and why they must win. Once I connect and I read/hear their battle cries, it gives me the chills as I…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic HIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 9 months ago
@ragnarok @this-is-not-an-alien
Leave it to the hares, especially the maidens to be the crazies! XDD
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For some reason my post would not post. XD
np 😉😂 *shakes head* *technology*