Active 3 years, 4 months ago-
Elisha Starquill replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 1 month ago
I love everything you all have written! I sense a conflict coming. This could get really interesting really fast. 😉
Sorry I haven’t been around much, I’ve been super busy! I’ll probably have more time after Christmas.
A quiet voice broke through the uncomfortable turmoil in Racleva’s head.
“Thank you.”
The simple words made her glanc…[Read more]
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic How's your writing going? in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 1 month ago
@steward-of-the-pen Thank you so much! She’s doing good. The doctor said her surgery went well. She had to have another surgery the next day, though, to drain 200 cc of blood from between her abdominal walls. They had had to take off something like 150 tiny spots from her small intestine that didn’t show up on the CT scan, and one of those places…[Read more]
Evelyn replied to the topic Some Thoughts in the forum Announcements 5 years, 2 months ago
@steward-of-the-pen Yup.
Few weeks and it will be a new decade. 😛
Cassie Hartfinh replied to the topic Introducing…The Dhilorwis Saga!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 2 months ago
Has life slowed down for ya enough by now? (Pretend I’m talking in a Scottish accent–it’s cooler.) I’ve finished the first draft of The Dhilorwis Saga (or, more formerly known as: Flames’ Descent)!!!
*throws pizza parade*
*wonders what a pizza parade even is but doesn’t care*
ANYWAYS!! *munches on pizza* Are you still…[Read more]
Elisha Starquill replied to the topic How's your writing going? in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 2 months ago
@steward-of-the-pen – Thanks for taking the time to read it! I really appreciate it. 🙂
I’m glad you like the prologue! It was a lot of fun to write.
Ok, that sounds good. I was worried the chase might be a bit confusing, but your suggestion will help a lot.
Thank you! Siblings are the best. 😉
Ooh, yes, that’s an excellent point! A lot of the…[Read more]
Elisha Starquill replied to the topic Flash Fiction in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 2 months ago
@steward-of-the-pen and @anne_the_noob14 – Glad you guys like the prompt! I’m excited to see what you do with it! 😀 (And thanks for looking up flash fiction word count, Livi. I’d have gone waaaaay over. :P)
@evelyn – Me too! I thought this would be a fun place to practice. Lol, yes, that happened to me as well, and unfortunately that short story…[Read more]
Dashuri Halad replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 2 months ago
@anne_the_noob14 @elisha-starquill @steward-of-the-pen @ariella-newheart
So sorry that I have been gone so long. My life has been crazy recently. I had mid-terms (high-school), basketball tournaments, Thanksgiving vacation without internet access. *rips out hair over memory*
Anyways, I am back for now.
I love what y’all have done so f…[Read more]
J.A.Penrose replied to the topic Some Thoughts in the forum Announcements 5 years, 2 months ago
Brilliant ideas, and 100% what I was thinking. xD So, good to see that my brain is in the same place as someone else’s. For judging, I’d say that’d be good, and to do it with a bit of guidance. As with most of these things, I’d have to check over everything before it’s official, simply because that’s what’s expected.
Ariella Newheart replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 2 months ago
@anne_the_noob14 @elisha-starquill @steward-of-the-pen
Sorry I’ve been gone, guys! I have midterms next week, but I might be able to write over Christmas break. 😀
Evelyn replied to the topic How's your writing going? in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 2 months ago
@steward-of-the-pen Thanks. I think I had too much fun writing it. 😆
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Some Thoughts in the forum Announcements 5 years, 2 months ago
I would love to do short story wars, yes!! Some of us (I think it’s a general populous thing, not just Parimis) are doing flash fiction wars over on a thread somewhere. But I wouldn’t mind short stories at all!! I think individual would be best. Mainly because I don’t know if we have enough active peeps to do groups. We might could…[Read more]
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic How's your writing going? in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 2 months ago
@steward-of-the-pen I’m glad to hear Dahop’s Ember is going well! Is that the story about the wolves that I remember from a while back?
I’ve stopped trying to force myself to write fiction for a while and am working on a tabletop roleplaying game like Dungeons & Dragons. Knowing that my worldbuilding will be seen by people in its source code form…[Read more]
J.A.Penrose started the topic Some Thoughts in the forum Announcements 5 years, 2 months ago
Hello Parimis!
I just wanted to gather some thoughts on an idea. Would you guys appreciate having short story competitions once a month again? And if so, would you like to have individual submissions, or would you like to make small groups? (note that this will only be taking place within the guild of Parimi Alca. Maybe every now and then we…[Read more]
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Character Castle in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 2 months ago
Elisha Starquill started the topic Flash Fiction in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 2 months ago
This is a place to write flash fiction based on the same prompt and share them with one another!
Here’s the first one! If we decide to do more, we can rotate on who picks it.
<p style=”text-align: left;”>A thief finds a note in a wallet they just pickpocketed: Meet me at the clock tower at midnight. I have a job you might be interested in. Bring…[Read more] -
Elisha Starquill replied to the topic How's your writing going? in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 2 months ago
@steward-of-the-pen – Ooh, yes, that’s an excellent point! I’ve recently tried just highlighting a sentence/paragraph I think isn’t ‘perfect’ for me to go back and fix later, and I’ve noticed that I get way more done. Defiance definitely goes a long way in this area! 😀
Thank you so much! This is the first time I’ve ever shared anything, so do…[Read more]
Evelyn replied to the topic How's your writing going? in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 2 months ago
@steward-of-the-pen That’s an interesting point. I definitely have not been reading as much as usual this semester – I think I’ve managed three pleasure books? I don’t know. The point is, I am reading a lot less, so maybe I’ll carve out some time for that. Thanks for the suggestions!
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic How's your writing going? in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 2 months ago
Jane Maree replied to the topic word War VIII in the forum Word Wars 5 years, 2 months ago
Submit thy word…[Read more]
Elisha Starquill replied to the topic How's your writing going? in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 2 months ago
@steward-of-the-pen – It’s so nice to hear from you! 😀
That’s wonderful! It’s such a pleasant feeling to get back to a story after you’ve been away for a while. I also struggle a lot with perfectionism, so I would greatly appreciate it if you have any suggestions for how I can improve myself in that area! And do let me know when you start that…[Read more]
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