Genres I Write In |
High Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fantasy
Premise of Current Novel |
The Hunters of Monarch, Montana (working title)
Mythological monstrosities are very real and a threat to humanity; what keeps them at bay and out of the awareness of the average person are the Hunters, an organization of humans and mythical allies that hunt and kill the monsters. They are spread across the globe in teams covering sections of the earth and risking their lives daily to protect the unwary world from the monsters lurking. The county of Monarch, Montana is home to one such team, along with branches of several other organizations, the most notable of which is the infamous Illuminati…
A Syne of Marring (working title)
Haven is a prosperous country nestled in the bountiful plains bordered by mountains and forests. Yet though driven back, forces are stirring again in the Nightwold. Maeres venture out and attack in the night. The garrison guarding the Ghostpass has impeded anything larger than a few Maeres escaping at a time, but who knows how long the garrison will stand against the Wold…