Skye started the topic Blogging Question in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 6 months ago
So, for the bloggers among us who who own their own domain names:
>What hosting site do you use?
>What is the real cost per month?
>Is your site monetized? How? Does it cover the hosting costs?
>How many followers do you have?
@jane-maree @daeus-lamb @r-m-archer @ anyone else
Feel free to skip any questions you want. But I’d appreciate the…[Read more]
Skye started the topic Shipping Baby Christians in the forum Characters 5 years, 8 months ago
What are the theological ramifications of (relation)shipping two baby Christian characters? In my opinion it’s better than a mature believer and a baby Christian, but I’m wondering if it should be done at all? Thoughts? Comments? I’m really open to discussion here 🙂
Skye replied to the topic The Art of Female Characters(Which I Coincidentally Need Help With) in the forum Characters 5 years, 8 months ago
I’m late to the conversation so sorry if this is all repeats/does not apply. But here we go 😛
1) Build on her insecurities
Especially if she’s sixteen, realistically, she is going to have insecurities. Tbh, I relate in a lot of respects to the character you described in your first post, so through that lens I can add…[Read more]
Skye replied to the topic PROMPT GUILD WAR – Happy Endings but NO CLICHE in the forum Announcements 5 years, 10 months ago
The only thing I would add to this brainstorming I’ve seen… we have a lot of original story lines, but most of the endings seem like what you’d expect from a happy ending. So I’d just say try to think of epic twists as well as plots!
Skye replied to the topic A Christmas Proposition in the forum Meraki Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@mairin-atha Quit making my eyes rain! Thank you so much!!!
Skye replied to the topic A Christmas Proposition in the forum Meraki Writing Discussions 5 years, 11 months ago
If you haven’t gotten your story yet, it’s potentially because I still need to write it! But I’m not gonna say who exactly it’s for… b’cause you know… secrets and stuff.
Plan is to write it this afternoon, but no promises… I might be essay writing instead 😛
Skye replied to the topic A Christmas Proposition in the forum Meraki Writing Discussions 5 years, 12 months ago
Skye replied to the topic Potentially the Best 24 Hours of My Writing Life…. in the forum Meraki Writing Discussions 5 years, 12 months ago
I have a book in print.
Actually this is my friend’s copy so I still haven’t held it yet. But I will. Soon. As soon as I get home for Christmas break. Yayayayayay!
@selah-chelyah @jane-maree @@ashira
Also, shoutout to our very own Merakian @theswordinthebook for my cover 🙂 She did an amazing job and I literally cannot wait to hold…[Read more]
Skye replied to the topic Potentially the Best 24 Hours of My Writing Life…. in the forum Meraki Writing Discussions 5 years, 12 months ago
@ashira @jane-maree Thank you guys!!! I’m still so excited!
Skye's profile was updated 5 years, 12 months ago
Skye started the topic Potentially the Best 24 Hours of My Writing Life…. in the forum Meraki Writing Discussions 5 years, 12 months ago
In the past 24 hours, my devotional book officially came on the market!
I FOUND OUT I’M GOING TO BE PUBLISHED ON THE REBOLUTION! Y’all, I’m literally so excited! This is the first time I’ve been published on a big platform like this, and I am so pumped.
It feels like all the hard work is finally paying off. Keep at it,…[Read more]
Skye replied to the topic PROMPT GUILD WAR – In Dreams in the forum Announcements 6 years ago
Whatever we do, please please please do not end it on a cliffhanger, “And then I woke up.” PLEASE. 🙂
Also, I have finals basically until the 12th, so I will be quiet until then. But I should be able to help with the clean-up part at the end.
Oooh! We could make it about this kid who has some sort of rough life, and to escape dreams. Go back…[Read more]
Skye replied to the topic A Christmas Proposition in the forum Meraki Writing Discussions 6 years ago
1. Color – Blue (light and royal), and hot pink 😛
2. Landscape – Grassy hills
3. Food – Pizza and beef
4. Genre – Fantasy, western, and mystery
5. Animal – Horses and cows (this one is a legit tie)
6. Weather – 60* and sunny, with a light breeze. Clouds are a-ok. Any weather that you can get by with wearing shorts and a t-shirt and be…[Read more]
Skye replied to the topic WORD WAR – November NaNo Special!!! in the forum Announcements 6 years ago
Word count… not counted 😛 Probably about 0, though. Haven’t done much fiction writing lately.
BUT, I PUBLISHED MY DEVO BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skye replied to the topic A Christmas Proposition in the forum Meraki Writing Discussions 6 years ago
I could do the writing portion in two weeks… until then I have finals 😛 But it sounds like a lot of fun!
Skye replied to the topic Of Vigilantes and Valor in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years ago
@wordsmith You question the valiance of this hero?
Skye replied to the topic Of Vigilantes and Valor in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years ago
Ok, so tagging didn’t work up above… let’s try that again.
And anyone else who might be interested :p
Skye started the topic Of Vigilantes and Valor in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years ago
Allrighty, folks. Question of the day.
Who was most valiant – Robin Hood, Scarlet Pimpernel, Westly/The Man in Black, or, uh, Batman?
@hope-ann @seekjustice @eden-anderson @pursuewisdom @wordsmith @brie-donning @i-david @aborland @the-fledgling-artist @theinconceivable1 @ anyone else who might be interested
Skye replied to the topic {Story Theory – Week 6} The Three Act Plot Structure in the forum Announcements 6 years ago
Here’s the plot to my fantasy WI(very slow)P, Sing Like a Storm. It’s kinda hard to break it down into quarters/three part structure, since I have it set up in seven sections 😛 But I was able to use the 9-point structure. So yeah… Sing Like a Storm, minus 12,000,000 details!
The Characteristic Moment
The beginning to my book, as well as some b…[Read more] -
Skye replied to the topic {Story Theory – Week 5} Plotter vs Pantster (and why I think they don't exist) in the forum Announcements 6 years, 1 month ago
I plot before, but it’s more of just a rough outline with “Ok, this needs to happen here” and throw in a couple details there. Maps, twists, character sketches/details, etc., but a lot of what happens in the story I don’t have exactly planned out.
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