Sarah vdH replied to the topic Writing Life : How to Deal with Non-Motivation/Discouragement in the forum Announcements 5 years, 5 months ago
Oof. Yeah this really struck a cord considering my current lack of motivation. I’ll be trying to put some effort into actually using this tips this coming week/month/year! Thanks!
Sarah vdH replied to the topic Help! I'm writing an accent! in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 6 months ago
Good points, @taylorclogston. Thanks! I think I’ll start investigating slang then. 😛
Sarah vdH started the topic Help! I'm writing an accent! in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 6 months ago
Hey guys! I know I haven’t been the most active on the forum for the last few… months? (I got a job kinda suddenly and stuff just kinda got busy, but yeah!)
I have been writing in my spare time for the past week or two and I came across a character that needs to have an accent and I keep hearing an Irish accent as I write. However! I…[Read more] -
Sarah vdH replied to the topic The Year of the Daisy ~ Critique please? (: in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 8 months ago
That’s such a sweet story, @evelyn! I really enjoyed reading it. The pacing was good and the voice was consistent. There were a few small wording errors I noticed (like two or three), such as “rainy” when I think you meant “rain”, but it kinda works anyway, so.. *shrugs* 🙂 I liked it though! I wish I can be a Miss Daisey when I grow up.
(It also…[
Sarah vdH replied to the topic Check In – January Week 4 in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 8 months ago
What I read: reading Kon-Tiki(Thor Heyerdahl) and Mortal Engines(Philip Reeve)
What I wrote: I haven’t had a chance yet due to the buying and furnishing of a new computer.
What I learned: I can be easily influenced by the writing style of whatever I am currently reading if I don’t take breaks or focus on the voice I am currently using in my story.
Sarah vdH replied to the topic Characters | Lesson 1 : What do You Know? in the forum Announcements 5 years, 8 months ago
OH! I forgot!
As for times, @j-a-penrose, any time works for me! What we are doing now is great, but if it needs to change, so be it! -
Sarah vdH replied to the topic Characters | Lesson 1 : What do You Know? in the forum Announcements 5 years, 8 months ago
What are three things you know about characters?
1. It’s important to make your character relatable to the reader in some way even if it’s small, because otherwise they wont feel the connection to the story that we search to give them.
2. They need to be believable as people or humans, even if they are aliens or something, so that your reader…[Read more] -
Sarah vdH replied to the topic Holiday Announcement in the forum Announcements 5 years, 9 months ago
Awesome! Thank you for all you’re doing for us already! Merry Christmas guys 🙂
Sarah vdH replied to the topic Lesson 27 : Raving About Pacing in the forum Announcements 5 years, 9 months ago
So we are reading the Black Arrow, by Robert Louis Stevenson, and I am continually amazed by his pacing and suspense. It is phenomenal!
He takes the characters by the rout that makes the most sense, but then tosses things upon them that are so simple but end up taking them out of their way. All without making you feel as if they are simply…[Read more]
Sarah vdH replied to the topic Lesson 26 : Compare and Contrast in the forum Announcements 5 years, 10 months ago
@anne_the_noob14 No no! Thanks for pointing it out! I’m pretty awful at catching anything that’s less than blatantly, horribly wrong with my grammar, spelling, ect. I appreciate any help I can get! 🙂
@j-a-penrose Thanks for the tips! I’ll be doing more of that now that you have pointed it out, though I’ll do my best not to go overboard 😉
Sarah vdH replied to the topic Lesson 26 : Compare and Contrast in the forum Announcements 5 years, 10 months ago
@julia, I thought it was great! I’d like to read some more of this story 🙂
Ok, here’s mine.Not so good one
Aiden stared at Anne’s cabin across from him. He glared at the door in frustration. Already he felt fear for the coming loss of the little pirate girl who had gone to stay with her family.
“Hello,” Peter said, making Aiden jump. “Mind… -
Sarah vdH replied to the topic NaNovember…GUILD WAR : WORD WAR in the forum Announcements 5 years, 10 months ago
I forgot to tag you in my reply 🙂
I got excited! Great job guys! I started writing a novel I’ve wanted to write for years and I can’t stop! Well, see you on the other side; I’m off to write some more (even if it won’t count for this War)! (is that to many “!”? I think it might be 😛 )
Sarah vdH replied to the topic NaNovember…GUILD WAR : WORD WAR in the forum Announcements 5 years, 10 months ago
My total is 3,342!
Sarah vdH replied to the topic NaNovember…GUILD WAR : WORD WAR in the forum Announcements 5 years, 10 months ago
Oooo! I love all the snipets you guys!
Ok, my count so far is 1,025
and my favorite little bit is this:
“I do not wish to harm you,” Beck said slowly. “Stand down and you will go unharmed.”
“Is that what all the pirates say to their victims,?” the boy said and Beck could hear the smirk in his voice. “I will not idly stand by and let you take…[Read more]
Sarah vdH replied to the topic Lesson 22 : Feedback Time in the forum Announcements 5 years, 11 months ago
@j-a-penrose, I got a bunch out of the prologue and epilogue lessons too. I also loved the hint dropping, plot-twist, and timing of back-story. I’d love some more info on the plot twisting! The lessons on the whole have been super good though! I’ve learned a lot 🙂
Sarah vdH replied to the topic Parimi Alca Creed in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 11 months ago
@cassie-hartfinh, I like the sound of this! I closed my eyes and saw our dragons flying through a steampunk world!
Sarah vdH replied to the topic NaNovember…GUILD WAR : WORD WAR in the forum Announcements 5 years, 11 months ago
Yes! I can finally be around enough to partake in this! I’m so excited!!
Sarah vdH replied to the topic Lesson 19 : Chapters in the forum Announcements 5 years, 11 months ago
@julia I’ve heard that too! I think it’s a fun and useful way to think about your story.
When I write I have a bad habit of ending on a dramatic note. Not a cliff hanger necessarily, but there is definitely dramatic music playing in the background when my chapters end. Does anyone have any tips on how not to overdo this technique?
Sarah vdH replied to the topic My first story in the forum Parimi Alca Writing Discussions 5 years, 11 months ago
@e-jo3 Sorry, I just read this.
This is cool! I love the twist at the end! The narrator’s voice is highly amusing and the characters have a ton of potential. As far as grammar and spelling go, I can’t help you much XD but the story line is fascinating.
My only thought: I think you need to flush out the actual goal of the whole process more…[Read more]
Sarah vdH replied to the topic Guild War 5 : WORD WAR in the forum Announcements 6 years ago
@j-a-penrose, where are we tallying the points? In this thread?
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