Active 1 day, 1 hour ago-
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Looking for laptop recommendations in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 7 months ago
I’m gonna tag @supermonkey42 because Ben does coding (right, Ben?) so he’s bound to know some good stuff about computers.
Other than that, I’d recommend a Windows and maybe something like an HP Spectre (although those can be pretty expensive.) There’s quite a few options for less expensive, standard Windows 10 laptops, but I’d look for…[Read more]
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Welcome Thread for New Avensers! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 7 months ago
@law0413 @claire @christianna-hellwig
Welcome to Avensbeck, my fellow Avensers.
😀 😀 😛 😀 😀 😛 😀 😀 😛
If you get a chance, tell us about your WIP’s.
Also, @christianna-hellwig, have you written any more music since you joined Kingdom Pen?
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Eragon in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 7 months ago
@jane-maree Yes. Anne Mcaffrey, was who I noticed. I did love the stuff that happened with the dragons, though.
@inkling-for-christ The mental link was probably my favorite thing too, plus the energy system.
So, for Star Warsy stuff, it usually goes:
Eragon- young farmboy whose uncle/parental figure gets killed by agents of an evil…[Read more]
Sam Kowal replied to the topic I know this isn't any good.. in the forum Art Critique 6 years, 7 months ago
@katthewriter 😀 His name shall be… Liobrev.
(‘less he objects)
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Topic #8: People Watching in the forum Avensbeck Writing Discussions 6 years, 7 months ago
I found people watching pretty interesting, although I wouldn’t recommend just sitting and really watching people unless you want them to think you’re… either a stalker, or really enamored with their sneakers. Mixing observation in with conversation is easier.
I noticed people’s mannerisms when they’re nervous; they tend to…[Read more]
Sam Kowal replied to the topic I know this isn't any good.. in the forum Art Critique 6 years, 7 months ago
*clap clap clap clap*
😀 That’s awesome. Never mind I’m not an artist or anything, so I can’t tell you how to improve it. But I like it. What is his name?
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Eragon in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 7 months ago
Putting aside all my childhood love for the Inheritance Cycle, plus the obvious Tolkien/Star Wars/other series rip offs, I do remember one thing annoying me about the series when I was younger.
It was how Eragon’s horse in book one was named ‘Cadoc’. And then, the guy in Taran Wanderer from the Prydain Chronicles who pretended…[Read more]
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Eragon in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 7 months ago
The whole Inheritance Cycle series used to be one of my favorites in fantasy. I don’t like it as much now, mostly because how similar it is to LOTR/Star Wars gets in the way of how I enjoy it. Brom is basically Obi-Wan, Galbatorix is very close to Palpatine… the elves live in the forest and have a seriously addictive passion…[Read more]
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Guild War #3 in the forum Announcements 6 years, 7 months ago
@gabriellepollack 😀 😀 😀 Wheeeeeeeeee
*Stan excitedly digs his claws into the couch*
@all the other avensers who helped edit
We did it, guys. Thanks for getting my draft in shape
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Guild War #3 in the forum Announcements 6 years, 7 months ago
@j-a-penrose I extended the part where she dies a little, but I definitely don’t want to make it too graphic, and I think it’s more interesting as something more subtle; if you or anyone else has any lines they want to add to that part though, I’d love it if you would.
XD Also, I will check for any Aussie spelling.
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Guild War #3 in the forum Announcements 6 years, 8 months ago
@j-a-penrose @jenwriter13
Ok, sorry guys, I didn’t realize you had already come up with submissions, and I had an idea for my own, so I’ve put it in the Google Doc.
Feel free to edit it any way you like if you want to use it, and I’ll get on when I can and help with getting whatever one we choose for the submission.
Also, the doc is kind of…[Read more]
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Emotion and Characters: Discussion Topic #7 in the forum Avensbeck Writing Discussions 6 years, 8 months ago
@gabriellepollack I find when the character yearns for something that readers can understand very well, it connects the character to the reader really well- something like a character yearning for forgiveness, self-worth, or love.
Sam Kowal replied to the topic To Resurrect or Not to Resurrect in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 8 months ago
@gabriellepollack Sorry for the late reply, although its look like you got a lot of good advice
I don’t want to go on for too long at risk of repeating what they say, but I’d say, yeah, do the resurrection; first of all, it seems like you really need it for the story, and second, I think you can make it seem more like a consequential event if Ace…[Read more]
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Perfect Prose? in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 8 months ago
@elizabeth Of course there is!
Only… no ever really achieves it. I’m sure there’s some writers who come consistently close but it’s like someone trying to create perfect art, not really doable.
I think the best description of it is what Kate said about flow and engagement. If you need more flow in your story, I’d just go through first of all…[Read more]
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Aberdeen’s Top Secret Project Unveiled in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 8 months ago
😀 That’s pretty awesome. The site design is pretty ra-dino-cal
Now Stan is demanding a site of his own, telling me that all the other Emberling sidekicks have one. Oh well
Sam Kowal replied to the topic *Barges in with pizza* in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 8 months ago
@gabbyj 😀 Hey, welcome to Story Embers.
*takes a slice of pizza*
*nods and agrees through a mouthful*
Writing fantasy is pretty much the best option anyone can take 😉
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Aloha, Bonjour, Hola, Ni-hao, Roskhenzgenstadtgrrrr in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 8 months ago
Heh. 😀 Whoever named you has great taste.
Welcome to Story Embers! I, too, am a writer although I don’t have any novels in publication. 😀 That’s pretty awesome, even if they are semi-cringeworthy. What’s your favorite genre to write in?
*hits you* *observes ice breathing dragon*
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Backstory and Emotion in the forum Avensbeck Writing Discussions 6 years, 8 months ago
Limnet is very afraid of emotions like hope, and he naturally gravitates towards feelings of doubt or anger in relation to his worldview. He sees emotions as ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ and naturally respects ‘hard’ emotions more. One exception to this is in his relation to his mother, who he still values kind emotions in. Limnet’s…[Read more]
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Beware Fingerlings, the Ra'zac, and the ghastly Fangs of Dang! Hello! in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 8 months ago
@nuetrobolt 😀 Welcome to Story Embers!
*slashes at Ra’zac with Zar’roc*
😀 It’s wonderful to see Vip here… intriguingly enough, I also have a pet dragon, whose name is Stan. Stan is what you’d call a runt, I guess—
As I was saying. The other dragons threw him out of the nest for being small as a hatchling. So I…[Read more]
Sam Kowal replied to the topic *webslings through window* in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 8 months ago
@lightning-spider 😀 I take it from your signature you’re a Sanderfan?
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