SailorJ replied to the topic Hi! *goes to shake your hand and trips, faceplanting so hard a garden grows. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 6 months ago
@holly-anne Thanks!
I mainly play classical music, I am in the prosses of composing my own score though! Piano is also my main instrument, though I have been playing the other two longer. 🙂
SailorJ replied to the topic Hi! *goes to shake your hand and trips, faceplanting so hard a garden grows. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 6 months ago
Wow I used to dance too! Except I didn’t get dizzy bc I have no vestibular function, meaning I don’t get dizzy. 🙂
I didn’t say my short stories where good… I just said I wrote them. XD
SailorJ replied to the topic Hi! *goes to shake your hand and trips, faceplanting so hard a garden grows. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 6 months ago
I like Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi’s Four Seasons…….and pretty much everything else.
I have only written short stories on Sci-Fi. But I am working on “The War of the Hollows” as you know from YDubs…
SailorJ replied to the topic Hi! *goes to shake your hand and trips, faceplanting so hard a garden grows. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 7 months ago
Ok a lot of questions *big breath*
I play alto sax and have been playing for a year and 1/2, I have been playing piano since November, and I have been playing guitar for 4 or 5 years though I am not very good. I listen to classical music and Christian pop while I’m writing.
I write adventure fiction and sci-fi (sometimes). My current WIP is a…[Read more]
SailorJ started the topic Hi! *goes to shake your hand and trips, faceplanting so hard a garden grows. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 7 months ago
Hi, I am Josiah. I have been a writer for as long as I can remember, and have recently been taking it seriously by joining Young Writers Workshop. I love to cook and play all sorts of music: I play guitar, sax, piano, and sing. I am a little bit of a introvert (but if I know you I won’t stop talking). My favorite books are the War of the Rea…[Read more]