Rebekah.Elizabeth replied to the topic Writing Romances With Lots of Standards in the forum Romance Writers 4 years, 1 month ago
Thank you for your feedback! I really appreciate the time you two have put into responding.
Okay, so there is a little bit to unbox here.
I hope this post doesn’t get confusing, ha.
So, in the first book of my series, Kimberly lives in a different country with her best friend Hannah (also a main character, I have 2 p…[Read more]
Rebekah.Elizabeth started the topic Writing Romances With Lots of Standards in the forum Romance Writers 4 years, 1 month ago
Hello, fellow writers!
My current WIP is not technically a romance, so I am sure that I seem a little out of place here, but I need some advice.
I am trying to create a romance in my story, but am having a really hard time with it. My main character, who I will name “Kimberly” for this post, struggles with feeling like she cannot commit to a…[Read more]
Rebekah.Elizabeth joined the group Romance Writers 4 years, 1 month ago
Rebekah.Elizabeth replied to the topic Publishing questions in the forum Publishing and Marketing Nerds 4 years, 2 months ago
@josiah Thank you for the advice! I appreciate all that you do for SE members, and, though I don’t often have time to be active on the SE forum, the influence you and the other staff members have had on me over the past few months through the podcast, summit recordings, and emails has been invaluable. Thank you so much!
Rebekah.Elizabeth posted a new activity comment 4 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for the response! (And sorry about my delayed reply, I’m crazy busy lately.)
I also prefer to read a story that takes place in a more well-described land than a “foreign country.” The problem that I was facing is that this character was imprisoned in that country for x amount of years because they had been caught distributing illegal…[Read more] -
Rebekah.Elizabeth's profile was updated 4 years, 2 months ago
Rebekah.Elizabeth posted an update in the group Contemporary Fiction Writers 4 years, 7 months ago
Hey, fellow writers!
I have a question for y’all…
I have written a book that takes place in Japan, and for a year it was published on Amazon. (I have now decided to unpublish it.) I am now realizing that middle-way knowledge of Japan, knowing most of the big details of it, but missing a bunch of the little day-to-day things that anyone who is rea…[Read more]-
Hi Rebekah.Elizabeth! I’m very new here, too, but I saw your question and was intrigued, because I also decided to go the “made-up country” route when writing my new series, for various reasons that are probably not relevant to your case.
Personally, I’d rather read about a character from Japan (or England, or Morocco, or wherever) even if you…[Read more]
Thanks for the response! (And sorry about my delayed reply, I’m crazy busy lately.)
I also prefer to read a story that takes place in a more well-described land than a “foreign country.” The problem that I was facing is that this character was imprisoned in that country for x amount of years because they had been caught distributing illegal…[Read more]
Rebekah.Elizabeth joined the group Contemporary Fiction Writers 4 years, 7 months ago
Rebekah.Elizabeth replied to the topic Publishing questions in the forum Publishing and Marketing Nerds 4 years, 7 months ago
@josiah @taylorclogston and @daeus-lamb
I’m so sorry for the late reply. I wrote a response that didn’t post, then have had an incredibly busy few weeks, and didn’t think to check to make sure it posted. ): But I do very much so appreciate that you have taken the time to help me out and give me advice.
To keep you updated, since I last posted,…[Read more]
Rebekah.Elizabeth changed their profile picture 4 years, 7 months ago
Rebekah.Elizabeth replied to the topic Publishing questions in the forum Publishing and Marketing Nerds 4 years, 7 months ago
Before I get into some of the explaining parts, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to help me out. You are literally the first person who has given me constructive criticism on my writing, adressing problems and such, and I was getting tired of people giving me the fluffy-bunny thoughts of my book. And you don’t come across…[Read more]
Rebekah.Elizabeth replied to the topic Publishing questions in the forum Publishing and Marketing Nerds 4 years, 7 months ago
I am not opposed to the idea of spending money on advertising, the problem arises that I have a job that, because for COVID, is hardly paying the car/phone bills each month, so I don’t have a lot of extra money on hand.
Rebekah.Elizabeth replied to the topic Publishing questions in the forum Publishing and Marketing Nerds 4 years, 7 months ago
Thank you!
You can follow this link to Katana Khan.
My book is 50-55k words, 162 pages long, and released on July 29, 2019.
I have the paperback version listed at $9.99, and the ebook at $2.99. (It has 1373 KB)
After double checking, I recieve 60% royalties ($3.20) on the paperback, and 70% on the ebook ($2.06)
I’m not…[Read more]
Rebekah.Elizabeth replied to the topic Hello, and thanks for accepting me! in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 7 months ago
When you publish, do yourself a favor and don’t go the easy route. Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing is where I have Katana Khan book 1 and it is not the place for me. They take 70% of your profits and they don’t advertise for you. Overall my experience with them has been un-enjoyable and I am not reaching many people.
Kamera, Kimi,…[Read more]
Rebekah.Elizabeth replied to the topic Hello, and thanks for accepting me! in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 7 months ago
I just looked into that series. It looks interesting! Thank you. I will also look into the other book you mentioned.
I love the Twisted Tale series. They are so interesting! They are Y/A novels though, so keep that in mind if you look into them.
I’m going to a local college for a while. I don’t know if I’ll switch, but I’m limited to…[Read more]
Rebekah.Elizabeth's profile was updated 4 years, 7 months ago
Rebekah.Elizabeth started the topic Publishing questions in the forum Publishing and Marketing Nerds 4 years, 7 months ago
Hello SE!
My name is Rebekah, and a year ago (next month) I self-published my book on Amazon through KDP.
Initially I was really proud of myself, but now I wonder if I’ve made a mistake.
You see, the book is $9.99, and I receive less than $3 in royalties. I don’t care too much about that, other than the fact that they do not advertise for me.…[Read more]
Rebekah.Elizabeth joined the group Publishing and Marketing Nerds 4 years, 7 months ago
Rebekah.Elizabeth replied to the topic Hello, and thanks for accepting me! in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 7 months ago
Honestly, I initially felt excited about my book being on Amazon, but now I’m having second thoughts, though they are a little late. I’m not be the most experienced writer out there, but if I were to give anyone advice it would be to not rush into publishing, especially self-publishing.
I don’t get mad very quickly, so…[Read more]
Rebekah.Elizabeth started the topic Hello, and thanks for accepting me! in the forum Introduce Yourself 4 years, 7 months ago
Hello, Story Embers!
First, I would like to thank the SE team for accepting my application. Even after writing for 5+ years, the only people I talk to on a regular basis on the subject of writing are the characters I’ve created. (They aren’t much help. :D) So this is my first time being in a writing community that can last longer then a week, and…[Read more]