Active 1 year, 5 months ago-
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic MAJOR FORUM ANNOUNCEMENT – end of an era in the forum Announcements 1 year, 5 months ago
We understand that closing the forum will be a loss, but having considered our options, we don’t think there is a way to keep it running that would be less of a risk/sacrifice than closing it.
The forum will be removed from the site, though I believe we will still have the archive on the backend. However, I do not expect the forum…[Read more]
RAE posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago
@r-m-archer I have emailed you my Word link under the subject ‘Guardian Angels’.
RAE posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago
@r-m-archer I know this is sudden, but since you have published and you write in two genres I like, would you like to be on my Google Docs fo my book? I like to have people older than me, who have writer backgrounds but also, don’t know me at all. I have two people on there already and two others that I email so don’t feel like you have to do it…[Read more]
Hi Rae!
Could you tell me more about your book and what sort of feedback you’re looking for? The genre, length, deadline, and a brief description of the story would be helpful–as well as whether you’re looking for big-picture or more specific feedback. I rarely do beta-reading since starting as a professional editor, but I’m willing to consider…[Read more]-
Sure! I have someone who wields a red pen and two others who mark whatever jumps out at them and another who basically leaves a ‘thumbs up’ most of the time. Whatever you are good at, you can do. Opinions and criticism is more than welcome!
Genre: sci-fi set in the Wond Galaxy with a tech level at a step above or at Star Wars.
Length: Fin…[
Could you email me a link to the chapters you have, if it’s in Google Docs, or email me a file if it’s not? I have some thoughts based on your description, but I’d like to read what’s actually been written before I jump to anything and I’d like to be able to send you direct broad-scale feedback. If that works for you, my email is…[Read more]
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Resources for character development in the forum Characters 1 year, 7 months ago
@r-m-archer Awesome, thank you! I’ll check that out 🙂
Tasha Van Kesteren replied to the topic Hey Guys! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years ago
For sure! I never thought about it like that but that’s cool
Ic! Hi! Heh I think I’ma end up forgetting about it again SMH. Life is just so busy but I’ll try re-enter it xD
Tasha Van Kesteren replied to the topic Hey Guys! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 1 month ago
I guess everyone has their strong points. Like I don’t understand how you world build so well. And characters give me headaches lol
Tasha Van Kesteren replied to the topic Hey Guys! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 1 month ago
Tasha Van Kesteren replied to the topic Hey Guys! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 1 month ago
@e-n-leonard Ooooh nice!!
@r-m-archer Thanks! I don’t really know yet cuz I haven’t written much of it yet
Tasha Van Kesteren replied to the topic Hey Guys! in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 1 month ago
andddd I died again SMH@r-m-archer Thanks! It’s about these teens who are taken from their parents as babies and trained their whole lives, most of them dying, until they’re eighteen when they go through a final test and become assassins. The thing they don’t realize and find out later is that unless you become one of the head assassins they…[Read more]
Emily Waldorf started the topic Writing Sprint Group in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 3 months ago
Hello everyone!
I am trying to get 4-6 people together to form a writing spring group. Basically, we get together at scheduled times to do writing sprints. It could be weekly, biweekly, monthly, whatever. I just think it would be good for me to do sprints, and it would be so much funner and more accountable with others!
I was hoping we could…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Worldbuilding Advice & Feedback Needed in the forum Research and Worldbuilding 2 years, 3 months ago
Hi! That’s totally fine! Life has been ridiculously stressful and busy. Haven’t got much done since my last post. Do you have any favorite concepts or new ideas you think I should add into this part of the worldbuilding?
Brooke replied to the topic Concerning Beta Readers and Editing (aka, I have QUESTIONS!) in the forum Fantasy Writers 2 years, 3 months ago
I definitely agree with what was mentioned about setting aside the book between drafts. For me at least, that’s been really important.
Yes, and unfortunately it’s something I find hard to do, since I like to just leap into things and get them done, without realizing that sometimes what seems like the long way is really the qui…[Read more]
Rose replied to the topic Concerning Beta Readers and Editing (aka, I have QUESTIONS!) in the forum Fantasy Writers 2 years, 3 months ago
As an additional note here, it’s a good idea to set aside the book for a while if you’re in the latter camp when you finish.
Ah, great suggestion! I do that as well, I just forgot to mention it XD
As for my WIP, I am farther along in it than any other book attempt before! I’m over 50,000 words *squeals in delig…
Brooke replied to the topic Concerning Beta Readers and Editing (aka, I have QUESTIONS!) in the forum Fantasy Writers 2 years, 3 months ago
You might not like this answer, but I’d say it’s whatever works best for your story. With some series, it’s definitely better to edit the first book first. I have a duology I’ll almost certainly refine book 1 in before I write book 2, or at least before I expect book 2 to offer a solid foundation to work from. Meanwhile, my plan fo…
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Worldbuilding Advice & Feedback Needed in the forum Research and Worldbuilding 2 years, 6 months ago
yeah photo is probably a good example of something that hugs the body and would not be a hinderance when running.
Before my cataclysm happened there used to be just humans and elves and no talking dragons, giant cats, and stuff like that XD. Now after the cataclysm, Elves have been split into different groups that are almost…[Read more]
Joshua Scheele replied to the topic Worldbuilding Advice & Feedback Needed in the forum Research and Worldbuilding 2 years, 6 months ago
Yeah that is a good question to consider as it is a working progress. I thought it would be more practical to not have a coin purse due to their tasks that primarily entail fighting (predators for example) where they are often rolling and wrestling. I figured they could have a special satchel that does not dangle or jangle causing…[Read more]
C. Leonard replied to the topic Friendly debates here! in the forum Fantasy Writers 2 years, 6 months ago
I recently joined SE. Time to resurrect some rooms, bwahaha! 😇😂
Would fire breathing turtles be classified as dragons, turtles, or something else? If the turtle is a dragon, and dragons aren’t turtles, could I still call it a fire breathing turtle or would it be a shelled dragon?
On a more serious note, do y’all understand villains better if y…[Read more]
Violet replied to the topic 100 for 100? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 7 months ago
Oh my mashed potatoes, I thought I had replied days ago! Apparently, I only replied in my head; or just never clicked send. 🤦
I was more than happy to share about your launch. How did it go?
How are you doing on your 100-for-100?
Noah Cochran started the topic First Person Present in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 8 months ago
Hey y’all, I’ve got a couple inquires for ya.
Whether you’ve written first person present or not, do you have any tips for writing it? Any common mistakes you see people commit?
Secondly, what are your thoughts on a first person present book with a few third person past interludes and possibly an epilogue? I’ve never seen a book with both past a…[Read more]
Violet replied to the topic 100 for 100? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 8 months ago
@r-m-archer Good, I’ll tag you in it.😃
Hmmm, my magic system is more nature-based. Do you know how the stereotypical superhero backstory has them falling into a vat of toxic waste, but instead of dying, they get superpowers? Well, in mine there’s a certain mineral that has toxic properties, some who come in contact with it become ill, develop m…[Read more]
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