ori-art replied to the topic Character Design in the forum Art Discussions 5 years, 11 months ago
I am SERIOUSLY SO SORRY it’s taken me this long to draw Achim. I’ve been crazy busy, but excuses aside…here he is. Hope he works.
ori-art replied to the topic Character Design help? in the forum Art Critique 6 years ago
He looks good to me. Though I would agree with @sarah-inkdragon about the boots. But I love his eyes. I think they definitely add to his reserved aura, but they also seem knowledgeable and kind. Plus, they’re blue…so yeah. 😉
That color list is super cool! I’ve thought about it some how the colors and…[Read more]
ori-art replied to the topic …Help?? *flails helplessly* in the forum Art Discussions 6 years, 1 month ago
A little advice on delving into the overwhelming YouTube world…(because I’ve spent WAY to much time watching videos and not practicing😒😞😣).
1. Search specifically.
I didn’t, and was therefore easily distracted. If you want to draw cartoon noses search for how to draw cartoon noses vs. how to draw cartoon faces (though, logically, if…[Read more]
ori-art replied to the topic Character Design in the forum Art Discussions 6 years, 1 month ago
Hey, I’d love to try Achim. But I’m with thefledglingartist on the casual clothes and personality. Haven’t read or seen much sci-fi but I’ll do my best. ☺☺
ori-art replied to the topic Any guys out there? in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 1 month ago
Heh, heh, yeah, totally understand. Maybe, but it wasn’t all my words. A lot of it was from one of my earlier posts and one of @serenity ‘s posts.
Thanks! Kudos for you if you actually read the whole thing!!!!
Yeah, and I don’t consider myself a writer! Guess it depends what I’m writing about… 😁
ori-art replied to the topic Any guys out there? in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 1 month ago
Hey, @serenity, I never rsponded to your last post in our discussion. Not because I didn’t want to but because I got extremely busy. This is your last post with my thoughts. The things I’m saying now are in brackets…just trying to make it a little easier so you don’t have to dig stuff out of the archives.
I said,“I agree that a dead man can d…[Read more]
ori-art replied to the topic Any guys out there? in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 2 months ago
If God has chosen some people for heaven and some people for hell before the creation of the world, why did Jesus come to earth and die?
I’m not trying to start a debate or argument, I would just like to hear your thoughts. Honest.
Anybody else who has an opinion can answer too.
ori-art replied to the topic Any guys out there? in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 2 months ago
Thanks! Great thoughts! I totally agree with you! I think you made sense…but I’m also one who has a hard time explaining themselves, so maybe it’s easier to understand other people who do to. 😁
ori-art replied to the topic Any guys out there? in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 2 months ago
I wasn’t trying to imply that you do debate just for the fun…it was just a small impression that I got. And impressions are pretty much feelings that can at times be very false. Wait, aren’t you the one that doesn’t like feelings?
Sorry, wasn’t trying to make you sound like an ogre.
Love that quote too! Hey, we agree on…[Read more]
ori-art replied to the topic Any guys out there? in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 2 months ago
Do you argue for the sake of arguing? Maybe I should have used the word debate. So if you really believe serenity’s position is Biblically grounded, then why don’t you believe it? Just because you argued against it and felt like you ‘lost’ doesn’t mean you were wrong…but then I have no idea how you argued or how you actually…[Read more]
ori-art replied to the topic Any guys out there? in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 2 months ago
I agree that a dead man can do nothing, and that all people are born into sin. Yes, God does have every right to condmn every single person to eternal death. So why didn’t He? I believe it’s because He loves us. But, with your argument, that would have to mean He doesn’t love some people. And somehow I don’t see that in the character of…[Read more]
ori-art replied to the topic Any guys out there? in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 2 months ago
Uhhhh…no, I’m not a guy.Also, @serenity, I wanted to apologize if I sounded harsh or judging. In all honesty, I was just trying to share what I believe is true. I’m sorry if it came across as condemning.
Also, @theinconceivable1, I wasn’t trying to ‘beat’ @serenity ‘s position. I was just sad to hear her say we don’t have…[Read more]
ori-art replied to the topic Any guys out there? in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 2 months ago
Woah! Can I join in?
I have some questions for @serenity…
So…you don’t believe just anyone can be saved…what do you do with John 3:16? It says salvation was extended to the WORLD…not three apostles, twenty farmers, and a cheerleader…or just Baptists, or Americans, or Lutherans, or Africans, or Anabaptists, or Protestants, or Europeans,…[Read more]
ori-art replied to the topic Took me a while to get around to introducing myself, haha in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 2 months ago
Yes, of course! I thought so but couldn’t remember exactly who said it. Love it! 👌😁
ori-art replied to the topic Took me a while to get around to introducing myself, haha in the forum Introduce Yourself 6 years, 2 months ago
Hi! Welcome! *hug* ( just cause I love hugs…hope you don’t mind >fingers crossed<)
Pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza…in the humble opinion of my tastebuds. Maybe fruit pizza.
Anyway…what is your signature from? I know it from somewhere…but last time I guessed I was wrong. 😐
ori-art replied to the topic Weekly Scripture 🙂 in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for this great reminder. Like you, I’ve grown up in a ‘God amotsphere’ and knowing Him has been a struggle at times (though we do have to know about God before we can know Him). But actually knowing God is obviously important because Jesus is praying for us to know God…before His crucifixion. This is a great verse in a beautiful…[Read more]
ori-art replied to the topic Can I get this critiqued please? in the forum Art Critique 6 years, 3 months ago
Arrrrgh…I meant…”it wasn’t very helpful”…sorry that might not have made sense. Just wanted to clarify.
ori-art replied to the topic Can I get this critiqued please? in the forum Art Critique 6 years, 3 months ago
I would basically second what @the-fledgling-artist said. Practice is key…the hard part, and what I dislike the most. Her advice on shapes was good for me too, cause I’m the type who just draws what I see without seperating it into shapes. Which can be fine except for when I draw from my head…then I get stuck. 😞
Also, just…[Read more]
ori-art replied to the topic I need helpz in the forum Characters 6 years, 3 months ago
You want anything?! That’s kinda hard… I mean, it’d be A LOT easier if you could be a teeny bit specific. Or do you want stereotypes and generalizations? That also depends on what time in history (or out of history = fiction) you character lives.
I guess I would say…just think of them like guys, as in human. Ask yourself…[Read more]
ori-art replied to the topic I need helpz in the forum Characters 6 years, 3 months ago
Whoops!!! I meant ‘necessarily’…spellcheck problems.😒
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