Active 2 years, 9 months ago-
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic For All The Historical Fictioners in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
That IS a good question. I think @ashira put it very well. Historical accuracy is always in the forefront, and should also be countered with biblical truth. Sometimes I write as though I assume the reader will understand the historical context of the situation. Conversely, I do sometimes struggle with showing what’s common for the t…[Read more]
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic For All The Historical Fictioners in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
Thank you! I might be slightly biased, but I think this IS the best thread on the forum… 😀 So excited to be here!!
Thanks for the confetti greeting!! And for directing me here. 🙂
Couldn’t get the quote thing to work… *rolls eyes* but that conversation was not embarrassing. That’s how you learn, how you get bet…[Read more]
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic For All The Historical Fictioners in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
Hello, Historical Fictioners!! (A great name, @seekjustice!)
I’ve had the best time reading over this thread for the last week! So glad to join in.
My favorite time periods are: Victorian America and Britain, but I love history between 1800 to about 1930. It’s the most interesting to me. I also find ancient Egypt fascinating. I don’t have a lot…[Read more]
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi…new girl here. Hehe. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
Hi! So glad to meet you!
I’ve actually been reading over all the posts on the historical fiction thread this week, and am about to jump in the conversation. Very interesting stuff over there! 😀
Both of those projects sound very neat, especially the French Revolution-ish dystopian. I think that sounds like a very clever…[Read more]
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi…new girl here. Hehe. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
Perfectionism can crush your work, for sure. I love that you both have so many ideas; I often get frustrated because I don’t have new ideas for stories or struggle with feeling like NONE of my ideas are original in the least. I am fairly good at prose and engaging the emotional side to writing characters and events,…[Read more]
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi…new girl here. Hehe. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
“*watches mournfully as afore mentioned list stretches out to infinity* Ahh, the struggles of being a book worm.”
Yes!! I feel your pain… :’D
Keep at your WIP…you’ll get there. The thing I struggle with the most is perfectionism. I always think I can do this or that better. I hope I can be realistic and put that aside when it…[Read more]
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi…new girl here. Hehe. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
Definitely read Jane Eyre! Great Expectations was good, but there were a few spots that were slow and a little confusing to me. But I loved the way Pip learned from his mistakes and ultimately learned what’s important in life. I definitely want to read David Copperfield. I always enjoy getting book recommendations, so thank you! :…[Read more]
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi…new girl here. Hehe. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
TWIN!! *jumps up and down* So glad to see you!! 😀
I LOVE it here! Thank you so much for telling me about this place, it really is amazing. I’ve had the BEST time talking with everyone. *hearts*
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi…new girl here. Hehe. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
I really love Pride and Prejudice because of the wit and humor Jane Austen used in it. I just think it’s an interesting story with funny sarcasm and ends with a sweet romance that two flawed characters deserve to find. 🙂
I think the thing I worry about the most with writing historical fiction is that I won’t do the past justice;…[Read more]
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi…new girl here. Hehe. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
No, I have not seen the Historical Fictioners thread, but thank you for telling me about it. I can’t wait to check it out!
Don’t get discouraged if it does take you a while to read Les Mis. It’s such a huge book. I hope you do get to read Jane Eyre soon. Jane goes through an amazing personal journey, and her moral compass is…[Read more]
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi, in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
@kari-karast Yes! Luke was totally about to LOSE IT. haha
“Do or do not. There is no try.”
That’s my favorite one.
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi, in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
@kari-karast Haha, that’s lovely! 😀
Yes!! Yoda’s way of speaking is actually my favorite thing about him! hehe
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi…new girl here. Hehe. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
I’m looking forward to reading Wives and Daughters. I haven’t seen the adaptation, but I hope to.
Here’s to good books. I whole heartedly agree. 🙂
I have also enjoyed other genres, including mystery and fantasy. J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth has got to be the most mind blowing fantasy world ever written. Just sayin. 🙂
Poetry is a…[Read more]
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi, in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
@kari-karast Ha! I never thought of Yoda as a tiny green version of Gandalf, but…YES!! So accurate! 😀
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi…new girl here. Hehe. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
Yay! So glad to meet a kindred spirit. 🙂
It took me four months to read War and Peace. There are some sections where it’s easy to get bogged down, but majority of the story is really amazing. I have read all but two of Jane Austen’s novels (Sense and Sensibility, and Northanger Abbey) and I’m hoping to get to them this year. Of…[Read more]
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi, in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
@kari-karast Favorite character? Hmmmmmm….that’s tough for me. In the older movies, I’d say Yoda or Luke. In the middle ones, Padme. And the newest ones…I think Rey is pretty cool. 🙂
@theinconceivable1 Hi! 🙂 Yes, I’m an ISFJ. And by the way, thank you for quoting lego Batman… 😀 I LOVE those movies; they’re hysterical!
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi, in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
Hi! Nice to meet you! 🙂
I caught some of the Star Wars conversation…I’m a fan, too. Mainly the older ones. 🙂
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi…new girl here. Hehe. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
Hi, nice to meet you as well! 🙂
Yes, it seems hard to find fellow historical fiction writers. 🙂 I’ve been writing on and off most of my life, but I first made a real attempt at writing a complete novel about 5 years ago. I met Nicole on wattpad around that time. We became fast friends. 🙂 I managed to finish a first draft…[Read more]
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi…new girl here. Hehe. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
Hi Ariel!
Glad to know you’re also a historical fiction writer! The American West in the mid 1800s is a very interesting time period. That’s a great setting! My current WIP is set in the post Civil War South, which has been a bit more challenging than I realized historically and emotionally. After the first draft, I realized it feels a…[Read more]
Moonlighting Novelist replied to the topic Hi…new girl here. Hehe. in the forum Introduce Yourself 5 years, 11 months ago
Thanks and hello, Eden!
I love meeting fellow history lovers! 🙂 I read both historical nonfiction and fiction. I love nonfiction because I’m so curious about how life has been for people in the past and I want to know what things were like at a given time.
Classics are my favorite, for sure. I’ve not read Les Mis, but it’s on…[Read more]
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