Grace replied to the topic Onward to victory! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 6 months ago
I like the second idea as well; it’s a bit less of a plot to cram in 2,500 words. I would agree with Kate, though, that we don’t know whether or not the fire pixie is real, although we could probably hint at what Noah said, to make the audience think there might be some mental disorder going on, but leave all of them unsure.
(Apparently…[Read more]
Noah Litle replied to the topic Onward to victory! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 6 months ago
I’m with you, @kate, I like the second idea better. It would lend itself pretty easily to one scene. Where he and the pixie break into the palace and warn the king.
We could give him a sort of hallucinogenic schizophrenia, or whatever you call that, where you see and interact with people/things that aren’t real. Then we could make the fact that…[Read more]
Kate Lamb replied to the topic Onward to victory! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 6 months ago
@Literatureforthelight we have been unusually prolific with ideas, haven’t we? 😛 I suppose that’s a good problem to have though.
If my memory serves me, we have two main ideas on the table now.
Chimneysweep is sweeping chimneys with the aid of happy fire pixies whom all other chimneysweeps mistreat, when the pixies discover a plot to…[Read more]
Corissa replied to the topic Onward to victory! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 6 months ago
I tried replying twice a few hours ago, and neither one showed up, so let’s see if third time’s the charm. 😛 😉
@kate I absolutely love that idea!
What would we do with the ending then? Would he still go back to his chimney sweep life, and if so what would that make the theme? Or would we give it a warmer, happier ending, where he does get…[Read more]
Kate Lamb replied to the topic Onward to victory! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 6 months ago
@Julianne welcome! Thanks for jumping right in and contributing; great thoughts.
@Corissa I love the idea of him being kind to the fairies. Great way to spin it.
But guys, guys— before we go any further I had a thought. I’ve been trying to think how we can better fulfill the prompt, moving on from the story and developing an engaging voice…[Read more]
Noah Litle replied to the topic Onward to victory! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 6 months ago
I just got caught up with the conversation, let me recap what we have so far (disclaimer: as I understand it):
We have two story lines here.
The first (which I think we scrapped already, but just in case):
Kid, the chimney-sweep, 5, is happily sweeping chimneys for his chimney-sweep master, when he finds out about a plot to kill a…[Read more]
Kate Lamb replied to the topic Onward to victory! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 6 months ago
@R-M-archer we could use your fantasy smarts here.
I’m thinking we could do this not as a typical ‘London chimneysweep’ deal, but actually have it be a chimneysweep ring in a fantasy city. What difference does it make? At heart, none, but it could do two things. One, allow us to get really creative with the way chimneys are swept (do the boys…[Read more]
Kate Lamb replied to the topic Onward to victory! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 6 months ago
Okay guys. We need to get organized.
@literatureforthelight an unreliable narrator is when the narrator believes something untrue about the circumstances in the story and tells it from a skewed perspective, and this is obvious to the reader. For instance, if we had the story of a lazy, neglectful, abusive…[Read more]
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic Onward to victory! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 6 months ago
@raemarie @mcnoggin @cindy @kate @elizabeth @girlsetfree @theresa-play @r-m-archer @literatureforthelight @livgiordano @lady-iliara @m_cornnemusic @j-parkhurst @gabbyj @sierra @cassandria @chalice @noahlittle
Mariposa Aristeo replied to the topic FIRST SE FICTION STORY: RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARC in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 6 months ago
Anyone ready for RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARC PART 4? Here it is!
For those of you missed the first part, go to page 1 of this topic. For part 2, go to page 4. For part 3, go to page 6.
@josiah @daeus-lamb @hope-ann @gabriellepollack @brandon-miller @supermonkey42 @corrisa @cindy @naomijackson @christieaton @lady-iliara @anne-of-lothlorien
“A mug o…[Read more]
Daeus Lamb started the topic Well motivated antagonists in the forum 6 years, 6 months ago
I’m a little late, but today I’m going to try to answer @r-m-archer‘s question about how to create realistic antagonists, especially in the area of motivations.
I want to start by pointing out the difference between an antagonist and a villain. An antagonist is anyone who resists your character’s goals, while the villain is an evil antagonist…[Read more]
Gabrielle Pollack replied to the topic Writing Prompt Designs in the forum Art Critique 6 years, 6 months ago
Tagging some epic artists: @mariposa @lady-iliara @christieaton @kate @snapper @ethryndal @emma-starr @jenwriter17
Sarah Burns replied to the topic It will always be a work in progress 🙂 in the forum New Wessex Writing Discussions 6 years, 6 months ago
@lady-iliara WOOHOO for you, dear. I think this is one of the most important discoveries for artists and writers; to gain enough perspective that instead of wanting to throw everything out, you can say “I’M THREE WORDS CLOSER TO BECOMING A WORLD FAMOUS AUTHORESS. I’m awesome.”
*throws glitter*
Inkling-for-Christ replied to the topic Looking for laptop recommendations in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 6 months ago
I would TOTALY recommend a Mac book air. I got mine in 2014 and it still runs like new! I bought mine brand new[ ” want a Macintosh laptop, packaging so posh. Fits like a glove in that tiny little white box” (Toby Mac’s I want a mac daddy)] (with help from my parents) My brothers also have airs and got theirs recently but refurbished. I b…[Read more]
J. Dekreel started the topic Cartoon/Manga Improvements? in the forum Art Critique 6 years, 6 months ago
So I’m looking for ways to improve on my manga/cartoon drawings! Here is a sampling:
(Most of these are Aetherlight pictures.)
I have noticed that my heads tend to be too big, and I need to work on my three-quarter view and side view proportions. Any and all critiques and comments are welcome! Thanks! 😉
Tagging artists, and people…[Read more]
J. B. Stanhope replied to the topic What Genre do YOU Write? in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 6 months ago
@lady-iliara I’ve read that Steampunk is a subgenre of Speculative Fiction, specifically Science Fiction. Steampunk involves technology and alternative history which are science fiction concepts.
Inkling-for-Christ replied to the topic Eragon in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 6 months ago
@jane-maree, @everyone, I think we need to examine this deeper. While Paolini, was homeschooled he graduated at 15 and began working on his first novel (Eragon). It was heavily promoted through his parents publishing company. That may explain how he got away with so much. Also, he was 15 when he wrote it. According to Wikipedia, he was influenced…[Read more]
Daeus Lamb started the topic Character and Viewpoint – a short review in the forum 6 years, 7 months ago
Hi Saxon Scribes,
For this week in our annual theme discussion, I wanted to review a book I just read by Orson Scott Card called Characters & Viewpoint.
The short of it: this is a good solid book, not really brilliant or a game changer but still a worthy read for anyone but advanced professionals. Personally, I didn’t learn much new, but I re…[Read more]
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic Tragedy, ahoy! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 7 months ago
@kate Oh, I’ll do that. Don’t worry ’bout it.
Hey, everyone. @corissa @r-m-archer @literatureforthelight @lady-iliara @gabbyj What do you think about Kate having the copyright to this — and from now on whoever writes the first draft of a prompt officially holding the copyright to it?
Kate Lamb replied to the topic Tragedy, ahoy! in the forum Announcements 6 years, 7 months ago
Ugh, tags. @daeus-lamb @lady-iliara @gabbyj @literatureforthelight
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