Ellen Blanc replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 8 months ago
@dakota (I’m okay-ish, thanks for asking and for your prayers. How are you doing?)
(@everyone-in-the-rp Sorry about my long absence. I wish I could say it won’t happen again, but it probably will happen again during the fall.)
(@katthewriter I’m staying as safe as I can. You be sure to do the same 🙂 And I wanted to do NaNo camp, but I didn’t…[Read more]
Ellen Blanc replied to the topic (ROLE PLAY) Joe Bentwood in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 8 months ago
@dakota I’m here! College got to be a real pain and I had to drop things in order to keep up. I managed to pass my classes so now I’m just trying to get organized again XD
@katthewriter (Lol I’d like to think I already knew better than to jump on a spooked horse’s back, but thanks for making it clear that I should never do that XD. I did do some…[Read more]
Dakota replied to the topic (ROLE PLAY) Joe Bentwood in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi! Just wanting to check in with you and make sure you are okay. Hadn’t heard from you in a while. Praying for you.
Livi Ryddle replied to the topic Whats the title of your book and explain it in 3 sentances @Everyone in the forum Sci-fi Writers 4 years, 8 months ago
@katthewriter @everyoneelse
M’kay, so this is a WIP that isn’t even on paper/computer yet except for the basic outline, but it’s sci-fi, SO!
Title: Don’t have one yet lol. There’s lots of things it could be, so I’ll have to decide later on after I get the plot more developed.
Premise: Um, basically, people have been Pavloved to not feel emotion…[Read more]
Selah CJW started the topic Summoning Beta Readers! in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 9 months ago
Hello, all! It seems like ages since I’ve last been on here, and I’m sure I’m missing some tags for my former beta group…if so, I’m sorry. ::P I’m tagging what I hope is all of you who currently have access to my book even if you have not read it yet, and probably some of you who don’t. I know there’s gotta be a couple of you tagged who haven’t…[Read more]
ProfessorSJB replied to the topic Whats the title of your book and explain it in 3 sentances @Everyone in the forum Sci-fi Writers 4 years, 10 months ago
Am I late to the party? *hoping I’m not*
That sounds really interesting! I love high-stake suspense like that 🙂
Ooh, heist stories! I like the idea of your “shift”. My story has a concept called the System and Levels, which kind of reminds me of your “shifting”.
My current WIP used to be a trilogy, but…[Read more]
Sam M replied to the topic Whats the title of your book and explain it in 3 sentances @Everyone in the forum Sci-fi Writers 4 years, 10 months ago
@katthewriter So, mine is a short story and not a book (at least so far) and I’m still working out the details. It’s sort of science fiction meets horror and it kind of goes like this:
A group of college students stop at a hotel that is built on a time vortex. Objects and scenes from the past and from possible futures appear and disappear at the…[Read more]
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Whats the title of your book and explain it in 3 sentances @Everyone in the forum Sci-fi Writers 4 years, 10 months ago
I’m not exactly sure if my story is EXACTLY Sci-fi. . .
Dakota replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 10 months ago
@katthewriter @ellen-blanc @jessi-rae
(Hey guys! Hoping and praying byou guys are okay!!)
PenSword replied to the topic Hi =) in the forum Sci-fi Writers 4 years, 10 months ago
@katthewriter Maybe a couple. Depends on the definition of “cute” 😛
PenSword replied to the topic Hi 🙂 in the forum Contemporary Fiction Writers 4 years, 10 months ago
@katthewriter Thanks! It’s a complicated mess to write for a lot of reasons, but hopefully maybe by draft 25 it’ll make sense. 😛
Emberynus The Dragonslayer replied to the topic Jacoby from the Secret Plan collage in the forum Contemporary Fiction Writers 4 years, 10 months ago
Hi Kat!
It’s been awhile. I been kinda busy. 🙂
How have you been?
This collage is really really neat btw 🙂 🙂 🙂
Chelsea R.H. replied to the topic Great Article about teens and the Corona Virus by Brett Harris in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years, 10 months ago
Thanks for posting that Kat. It was a great reminder of the importance of focussing on wisdom and caution without getting caught up in fear.
Dakota replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 11 months ago
@katthewriter @ellen-blanc @jessi-rae( YIKES, Kat! Will be praying for you. I’m not ding the Camp. Sorry! 🙁 )
“We’re just helping to support you,” Storm said, also wrapping an arm around “Sarah.” When the wounded girl was supported between the two of them, Storm began leading the way to the bathroom.
Yuri’s legs were trembling. She flinched…[Read more]
Daeus Lamb replied to the topic Whats the title of your book and explain it in 3 sentances @Everyone in the forum Sci-fi Writers 4 years, 11 months ago
@katthewriter I do need to advertise them more.
Jessi Rae replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 11 months ago
@katthewriter @dakota (We’re praying too!)
“We’re just helping to support you,” Storm said, also wrapping an arm around “Sarah.” When the wounded girl was supported between the two of them, Storm began leading the way to the bathroom.
Dakota replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 11 months ago
@katthewriter @ellen-blanc @jessi-rae (We’re trying! Pray for everyone, especially the old, weak and sick. I’m praying for y’all too.)
“Y-you don’t have to carry me. …I’m not a baby. ..” ‘Sarah’ grit her teeth and forced her shaking limbs to sit up, and rise up to her knees. She used the wall to push and start to get up, her frame trembling…[Read more]
The Fledgling Artist replied to the topic Art in the forum Art Critique 4 years, 11 months ago
@katthewriter I’m sorry life feels rough right now. I hope things settle down for you soon, Kat.
Taylor Clogston replied to the topic Art in the forum Art Critique 4 years, 11 months ago
@deeprun Hey, I recognize that scene.
@katthewriter It’s fine. Everyone has life that gets in the way of creative stuff.
Dakota replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 11 months ago
@katthewriter Is everything on okay?? I’m praying.
Sorry guys I didn’t reply to the threads yesterday. I was outside, helping out with making some maple syrup. Yummy! ( but I can’t eat it)
@jessi-rae @ellen-blanc @e-b-raulands
“Okay.” Ignis sighed as she got up to leave. She headed towards the door, but paused, casting a glance back at the flo…[Read more]
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