Hobbitchild started the topic A Little Help with Free Marketing? in the forum Publishing and Marketing Nerds 4 years, 5 months ago
@zee @selah-chelyah @abigail-rebekah @beth20 @sarahfi @nancy-drew@writergirl101 @anne_the_noob14 @katthewriter @pensword
Hi, ya’ll! I have a question for anyone who has published and/or is currently publishing a book…what is the best place to market your book online for free? I’ve been signing up for forums and sharing it with people who might…[Read more]
Hobbitchild started the topic My Publishing Journey in the forum Publishing and Marketing Nerds 4 years, 5 months ago
@zee @selah-chelyah @abigail-rebekah @beth20 @sarahfi @nancy-drew @writergirl101 @anne_the_noob14 @katthewriter @pensword
Hi, everyone! I tagged a bunch of people I thought might be interested in this post.
So, tomorrow I am releasing an ebook on Amazon called “Memory Lane Was Moved”. I encourage you to visit the webpage it is listed on here. It…[Read more]
Dakota posted an update 4 years, 5 months ago
@ellen-blanc, @jessi-rae, @katthewriter @e-b-raulands
Yeah, ya’ll!
Just realizd today that now the Guild forms are officically closed (sorry if I am behind the times). If everyone is okay with continuing our guild story, I’ll create a Google doc and share the link with everyone. If anyone is too busy with more important things or wants to drop out…[Read more]-
I’m cool with whatever. 🙂
I’m cool with continuing it as a Google doc, but do we wanna continue or start over because there are a number of people no longer participating in the roleplay? (I personally am torn between starting over and continuing.)
Hmm . . . good point. I’d be okay with starting over worth, but let’s see what Kat thinks about it.
I’ll get on it today!
I’m okay with starting over :))
And in the Google doc so it doesn’t get confusing have everyone be a dif color. My dibs is on dark purple 😉
Okay, I’ll open a google doc and post the link here. I guess we can discuss what we are going to do in the doc.
Okay, here it is. And Kat, you can have dark purple.
Jessi Rae replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 6 months ago
@katthewriter @ellen-blanc @dakota
(Oof, I’m so sorry Kat. That’s really tough. I had someone I thought was a friend bully me in Google chats a few years ago. It was so hard, since in person he was practically the greatest guy and then online he, his girlfriend, and one of his other friends would just be so toxic to me. I’m thankful to say I…[Read more]
Dakota replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 6 months ago
@ellen-blanc @katthewriter @jessi-rae
“Sarah” glanced at Storm, giving a slight nod.
But when Megyn touched her, she jerked away and scooted away from her a bit.
Megyn withdrew her hand, her eyes softening yet more. But inside she flinched as she thought, You’re making her uncomfortable while trying to be comforting. She bit her lip.
A soaked…[Read more]
Ellen Blanc replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 6 months ago
@katthewriter @dakota @jessi-rae (Ehehehe… I did my disappearing act again. Sorry about that. I’m still here and it’s great to hear from ya Kat! I was getting worried. I’m sorry things aren’t going well for you. I’m praying for ya.)
A soaked Ignis burst into the bathroom, expertly balancing a tray of food on one hand and slamming the door…[Read more]
Dakota replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 6 months ago
@katthewriter I’m sorry to hear that. I’m praying for you.
Dakota replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 6 months ago
@katthewriter @jessi-rae @ellen-blanc
Yeah, I’m for the Google Doc idea, if everyone is okay with it. And Happy 4th of July late! Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday.
‘Sarah’ was shaking, fighting tears as they finished up.
Megyn rested a hand on her shoulder and gazed across the room. All those wounds and, burns and scars– Megyn…[Read more]
Jessi Rae replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 6 months ago
“Ignis should be here soon with some food.” Storm glanced behind her toward the bathroom door. Where was Ignis, anyway? She turned back to the wounded girl. “Let me know if you need anything, all right? And I do mean anything.” Lightning flashed in Storm’s eyes as she thought of the scars and burns she had seen while…[Read more]
Dakota replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 6 months ago
@ellen-blanc, @jessi-rae, @katthewriter @e-b-raulands
I know you saw the announcement about archiving the guilds Kat, but I just wanted to ask, do you two want to continue this roleplay in a new thread or what do you want to do?
Dakota replied to the topic (ROLE PLAY) Joe Bentwood in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 6 months ago
I know you saw the announcement about archiving the guilds Kat, but I just wanted to ask, do you two want to continue this roleplay in a new thread or what do you want to do?
Jessi Rae replied to the topic archiving the guilds in the forum Announcements 4 years, 6 months ago
@daeus-lamb It was fairly inactive for a month or two while COVID was a bigger deal, and we just picked up again a couple weeks ago (I think?). @katthewriter was going to post, but wasn’t feeling well so she didn’t. Is there a way you can keep this thread active while archiving everything else?
Daeus Lamb started the topic archiving the guilds in the forum Announcements 4 years, 6 months ago
Heads up. We’re moving the guilds to the archives. You’ll still be able to access old posts, but you won’t be able to make new ones.…[Read more]
Dakota replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 7 months ago
@katthewriter Been fine. And it’s okay if Yuri’s a little rough. Totally understand.
@jessi-rae I don’t mind. As long as nobody else is in favor.
As the bathroom door closed behind them with a soft whish, Megyn felt ‘Sarah’ flinch. She could feel the fear in ‘Sarah’, so strongly she could almost smell it.
Poor…[Read more]
Jessi Rae replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 7 months ago
@katthewriter @dakota @ellen-blanc
(I’m doing fairly well. Busy, but well. How about you, Kat?
Also, it’s all good! It’s been awhile since I’ve written Storm too, so I imagine I’ll also have rough spots. :))
“We’ve got you,” Storm murmured to “Sarah.” Then, to Megyn, “Let’s get her to the sink counter. Then we can clean and bandage her…[Read more]
Jessi Rae replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 7 months ago
@katthewriter Hey, Kat! Good to hear from you again! 😀 And yep, still here. 🙂
Dakota replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 7 months ago
@katthewriter I am! Good to hear from you.
Dakota replied to the topic (ROLE PLAY) Joe Bentwood in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 7 months ago
@katthewriter It’s okay. No problem.
I’m doing fine. Been keeping myself busy. How about you?
Dakota replied to the topic (ROLE PLAY) Joe Bentwood in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 7 months ago
(Guess I’ll go ahead and post a little bit with Megyn)
The herd thundered closer and closer. Megyn’s heart seemed in sync with the rumble of their hooves. She couldn’t move, just stood still and held her breath as they closed the distance.
Suddenly, they all stopped. Their hooves raked up a little dust as they came to…[Read more]
Jessi Rae replied to the topic [ROLE PLAY] The Prince Thief in the forum Character Development Corner 4 years, 7 months ago
@dakota @katthewriter @ellen-blanc
(Hey! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I’ve been busy too. Dakota, thanks for your prayers; and Kat, you stay safe too! I’d wanted to do NaNoWriMo, but didn’t have time. *sigh*)
“Here we are,” Storm muttered as they reached the bathroom. She awkwardly shoved the door open.
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