Karissa Chmil commented on the post, How to Craft Songs as Memorable as Tolkien's 1 year, 2 months ago
Mmm, this is awesome.
Karissa Chmil commented on the post, Question Marks 1 year, 7 months ago
This is beautiful. <3 Very thought-provoking.
Karissa Chmil changed their profile picture 1 year, 8 months ago
Karissa Chmil's profile was updated 1 year, 8 months ago
Karissa Chmil replied to the topic Why is Christian Sci-Fi Scarcer than Fantasy? in the forum Sci-fi Writers 1 year, 8 months ago
Seconding (thirding? Fourthing? Eh, who knows) the exposure argument, about how a lot of traditional Christian fiction (or, really, just fiction written by Christians) leans more towards fantasy than sci-fi. If Tolkien had created an inticrate alien society with a galaxy far away from ours and Lucy Pevensie had stumbled into a world populated by…[Read more]
Karissa Chmil commented on the post, Why Children’s Fiction Writers Need to Provide Readers with Good Role Models 1 year, 9 months ago
Oooh, this is spot on, Sarah. I feel like this is what I’ve been trying to say for a long time, but you articulated it far better than my attempts. XD
Karissa Chmil replied to the topic Hey Guys! in the forum Introduce Yourself 1 year, 10 months ago
Tasha! Welcome! <3 I have kind of forgotten about StoryEmbers for the last nine months, so I suppose we can re-enter together. xD
Karissa Chmil replied to the topic Greetings! ✨ in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 9 months ago
Ooh, that sounds awesome. Love that thematic question and how you worked in those three virtues.
Now for a slightly different question – why do you write?
Karissa Chmil replied to the topic Greetings! ✨ in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 9 months ago
Thank you very much! I’ve definitely been enjoying it so far, and I can’t wait to get to know the community here even more! <3
What genres do you write in?
Especially when half the plot runs off on it’s own sidequest and all the minor characters want to be MCs and then your MC keeps a ton of s…
Karissa Chmil replied to the topic Greetings! ✨ in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 9 months ago
Okay, okay, I’m actually extremely new to French, so go easy on me. I just started learning it over the past month. How long have you spoken it?
XD Whoops. Noted. I’ve spoken it for. . . three years? Four? Something along those lines.
The beginning is set in France. I love medieval history and have studied France and England quite e…
Karissa Chmil replied to the topic Greetings! ✨ in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 9 months ago
Pleased to meet you! <3 Ooh, lemon tea is delicious.
Yay for retellings! I can’t say exactly. . . I love all my characters. 😁 What about you?
Oui! Tu parles francais!
Oui! En faite, j’ai fait mes études de sixième et de cinqième en Savoie. 😀
It sounds like we are quite similar in this area. I love th…
Karissa Chmil replied to the topic Greetings! ✨ in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 9 months ago
XD No worries!
Weeeeell, it depends on your perspective XDDD. Some might say I’m on draft one billion, others might say I’m on chapter 20 something or other but I’d say…chapter 1. Again.
XD Re-writes just drag on forever sometimes. . .
Lol, I write really really nonlinear so it’s hard to say. Buuut I was planning to start…
Karissa Chmil's profile was updated 2 years, 9 months ago
Karissa Chmil replied to the topic Greetings! ✨ in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 9 months ago
@emily-waldorf Hello! And precisely – they fit together perfectly, too. 😉 Favorite tea. . . chai, spice, peppermint, apple cinnamon. . . really depends on my mood and the weather. As far as favorite books go, that’s an impossible question to answer – far too many good books.
Ooh, that sounds interesting. . . and nice! I haven’t technically read…[Read more]
Karissa Chmil joined the group Fantasy Writers 2 years, 9 months ago
Karissa Chmil replied to the topic Greetings! ✨ in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 9 months ago
Aw, I didn’t know you were here, Kimberly! <3
I do indeed like stars, very much.
Hm. . . chai tea is certainly towards the top. What about you?
Hey, Cathy! Pleased to meet you! Do you have a current WIP?
Karissa Chmil started the topic Greetings! ✨ in the forum Introduce Yourself 2 years, 9 months ago
A pleasure to meet you, writers! <3 My name is Karissa Chmil, a young writer, dreamer, and believer who’s enjoyed the wealth of knowledge in the articles here on StoryEmbers for some time now.
I’m the girl who spins fantastic tales of worlds beyond our own and connects them to my own by the scars I weave through my characters. A writer of four y…[Read more]
Karissa Chmil changed their profile picture 2 years, 9 months ago
Karissa Chmil's profile was updated 2 years, 9 months ago